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Sanidad Militar

versão impressa ISSN 1887-8571


NAVARRO SUAY, R. et al. Surgical Team onboard, experience from L-51 "Galicia" Landing Plataform Helicopter warship during "Atalanta Operation" from July to October 2015. Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2016, vol.72, n.3, pp.216-226. ISSN 1887-8571.

Introduction: Support medical capability in a maritime deployment would be according to naval forces, operation area, mission characteristics and type of damage. The objective is to describe personnel, material and drugs in the second naval echelon onboard in "Galicia" warship during "Atalanta Operation" from July to October 2015. Material and methods: Description about personnel, material and drugs. Results: Surgical Team onboard is composed by one general surgeon, one orthopedic surgeon, one anesthesiologist and critical care physician, one laboratory analyst, four nurses. This team helps to Role 1 (general physician, 1 dentist, 2 nurses and 2 medical assistances). The hospital zone in the warship has 1 triage room, 1 presurgical area, 2 operation rooms, 1 intensive care unit with 8 beds, 1 radiology area, 1 laboratory area, 1 sterilization area, 1 medical care room, 1 dental room, infectious area and 2 medicaments stores. Surgical team has material and medical devices. During the period of analysis 27 members were hospitalized, 2 surgical interventions and 8 anesthesia techniques were done. Conclusion: Medical mission can be accomplished with personnel and material onboard.

Palavras-chave : Naval medical corps; Operation "Atalanta"; Role 2.

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