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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


HOSSAIN LOPEZ, Sheima  and  ORBANANOS PEIRO, Luis. Repercusión de los Factores Condicionantes Básicos en la vulnerabilidad de la población militar en despliegues internacionales. Ene. [online]. 2017, vol.11, n.3, 745.  Epub Nov 23, 2017. ISSN 1988-348X.

The present study evaluates the influence of the basic conditioning factors, proposed in the Self-Care Deficit Theory by Orem, on the vulnerability of the military personnel during international deployments.

Across a deductive exposition, it relates the theses of the North American authoress to the concept of vulnerability, as risk of self-care deficit.

In conclusion, the determining basic factors that can be related to the participation in an international deployment are, mainly, the environmental factors, the model of life and the sociocultural orientation. Likewise, ways of reducing the vulnerability are proposed, for example, training in simulated environments.

Keywords : International deployments; Self-care; Basic conditioning factors; Vulnerability.

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