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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


PEGO-PEREZ, Emilio Rubén; FERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Isaac; DEL RIO-NIETO, María del Carmen  and  IGLESIAS-BARREIRA, Rebeca. Satisfaction of Nursing Academic staff in Spain with the convergence process of the European Higher Education Area. Ene. [online]. 2022, vol.16, n.3, 1321.  Epub Mar 13, 2023. ISSN 1988-348X.


The EHEA has done more work to facilitate the transition from vocational training in nursing to university training in some European countries. Nursing education is offered in 45 of the 47 member countries, the duration of the studies ranges from 2 to 4 years and the University degree are bachelor and diploma.


To determine the degree of satisfaction of nursing academic staff in Spain with the convergence process of the European Higher Education Area.


This is a descriptive study with a sample of 508 degree professors. The survey used is an online questionnaire that includes task-related questions, evaluation, and methodology among others.


Approximately half of the participants are satisfied with the new system. Some organizational and teaching aspects to be improved have been identified.


It is necessary to encourage the use of ICTs, mobility in the teaching staff, coordination among the members of the department and research projects aimed at nursing faculty should be encouraged and pedagogical trainings.

Keywords : Education; Nursing; Diploma Programs; Job satisfaction; Faculty.

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