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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


MEDINA-CRUZ, Erik et al. Nonverbal expressions and language of oncological patients. Ene. [online]. 2023, vol.17, n.3, 3429.  Epub Mar 19, 2024. ISSN 1988-348X.

Cancer is a disease that demands a large number of resources, demanding not only the effectiveness but also the efficiency of the interventions carried out throughout the oncological process. Its diagnosis can be considered a stressful life event that will affect both the individual and their family and social environment. Starting from this approach, the physical, psychological and social aspects of the oncological phenomenon must be considered and, consequently, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary management. The general objective of this study is based on observing the expressions of oncological patients with diagnoses of metastatic solid tumors (stage III - IV), who are being treated with chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy on the island of Tenerife, at the University Hospital of Canarias and the Nuestra Señora de Candelaria University Hospital, during the interviews to detect alterations not expressed verbally. For this, a qualitative and phenomenological investigation has been carried out, of a multicenter nature from November 2022 to May 2023.The sample was made up of 362 patients with prior informed consent from the study subjects. The semi-structured interview processed through content analysis was used. The criteria of scientific rigor and the principles of personalist bioethics were taken into account. In relation to the results, three categories were obtained where the perception of Quality of Life was analyzed; satisfaction with health professionals and concerns about the prognosis of the disease. In conclusion, the patients who participated in the study perceived the quality of life as a changing state depending on the time of the disease and the treatment, they highlighted the communication skills of the nurses and demanded a multidisciplinary team made up not only of oncologists and nurses, but also by psychologists, nutritionists and speech therapists, they also expressed the anxiety caused by the uncertainty of the prognosis of their illness and the fear of receiving bad news.

Keywords : Neoplasms; antineoplastics; patient; quality of life; psychosocial approach.

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