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Escritos de Psicología (Internet)

On-line version ISSN 1989-3809Print version ISSN 1138-2635


MOYANO, Manuel; BERMUDEZ, Manuel I.  and  RAMIREZ, Antonia. A positive psychology to cope with radicalisation and terrorism?: a case study of the speech by Barack Obama at Cairo. Escritos de Psicología [online]. 2016, vol.9, n.3, pp.53-59. ISSN 1989-3809.

Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, coping with radicalisation and jihadist terrorism has been at the forefront of the domestic and foreign policy agendas in Western societies. During this time, the influence that political leaders can exert in their interaction with institutions, citizens, and terrorist organizations has been demonstrated. We present a case study of the speech by Barak Obama on June 4, 2009 at the University of Cairo ("A New Beginning"). Its content and internal structure is analysed using the classification of virtues and strengths defined by Peterson and Seligman (2004) as a theoretical and conceptual reference within the framework of positive psychology. This speech marked a turning point in the relationship between the USA and the Arab-Muslim world and could be considered to be a genuine exercise in positive communication. Its implications are yet to be determined, because it continues to exert an influence on the Obama administration's domestic and foreign policy. In a globalized and networking world in which risks and adversities require innovative responses, more than ever we suggest that social communication capable of promoting virtues and strengths associated with optimism, hope, confidence, strength, or vitality is needed more than ever.

Keywords : Positive Psychology; speech; Obama; radicalisation; terrorism.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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