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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

On-line version ISSN 2014-9840Print version ISSN 2014-9832


MALDONADO-ROJAS, Mónica  and  TORO-OPAZO, Carla. Service-learning as methodological strategy in students of medical technology. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.5, pp.287-292.  Epub Nov 23, 2020. ISSN 2014-9840.


The service-learning methodology is presented as an educational tool that allows to respond integrally to three dimensions: an academic one, which enables greater and better learning in students; another to the real contribution to the solution a community problem; and finally, to generate a space for values training for students.


The objective of the service-learning methodological strategy was to strengthen the declared learning in the trajectories related to altruistic blood donation, along with establishing in students the social responsibility of becoming donors and promoters of donation as future health professionals, in coordination with a community partner.

Subjects and methods.

The activity was developed through talks to target communities. The students contacted the communities, prepared the material, and developed the activity. Evaluation was made through a survey of students, with statements that they had to answer according to a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest level of agreement.


The service-learning activity was evaluated by the students with a global average of 3.69. The best evaluated criterion was ‘the service-learning activity enhances the development of professional and social responsibility’, with a 3.86 grade point average.


This teaching methodology improves the acquisition of knowledge belonging to disciplinary modules, and strengthens social commitment in students.

Keywords : Methodological strategy; Service-learning; Social responsibility.

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