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Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética
versão On-line ISSN 2174-5145versão impressa ISSN 2173-1292
GONZALEZ-NEIRA, María et al. Nutritional and body composition assessment and its relationship with athletic performance in a women's soccer team. Rev Esp Nutr Hum Diet [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.1, pp.36-48. ISSN 2174-5145.
Introduction: In women's soccer, meeting the nutritional requirements could have a positive impact on athletic performance. The aim of this study was to analyze dietary intake and body composition (CC), proving their relationship with athletic performance. Material and Methods: Observational, descriptive, prospective, and correlational study performed on 17 players from Torrelodones C.F., a semi-professional team in Madrid. Weight and height were measured and the body mass index (IMC) was calculated. The CC was determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Dietary intake was analyzed through a weekly food registry (assessed with the program DIAL) and the KIDMED test. The maximum volume of oxygen (VO2 max) was determined by the Course-Navette test and the rating of perceived effort test (PSE) was also taken. Results: IMC was 22.80±2.9kg/m2, fat mass was 24.51±5.5% and lean mass 43.6±2.9kg. Energy intake was 1901±388 kcal. The contribution of carbohydrates accounted for 40.3±5.6%, protein 15.9±3.29%, and fat 41.8±4.1% of total kcal. There was an inverse relationship between IMC and weight, and VO2 max values. There was a significant weight loss after training (p=0.003) and after the match (p=0.008). Conclusions: Player's diet was inadequate, not corresponding nutrient intake with their requirements, despite training in a semi-professional team. Because of the importance that nutrition plays in competition and athletic performance, investigations should continue working on an appropriate recommendation for this collective.
Palavras-chave : Soccer; Athletic Performance; Sports Nutritional Science.