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Enfermería Nefrológica

On-line version ISSN 2255-3517Print version ISSN 2254-2884


RIVERA FERNANDEZ, Constantino; LAMELA RIVAS, Lucía  and  ORNOSA AGRA, Carmen. Comparative pilot study of two haemodialysis catheter lock solutions: 5% heparin sodium compared to fibrilin®. Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.2, pp.83-87. ISSN 2255-3517.

Catheter locks in haemodialysis are usually a source of controversy among the different professionals involved in haemodialysis. The aim of this study is to compare two haemodialysis catheter lock solutions: 5% heparin and fibrilin (heparin 20ui/ml + methyl and propyl paraben). We studied 8 patients (women) aged 69±12 years with tunnelled catheters of 17±7 months´ duration, whose condition was stable and who had given their consent to the study. Initially, the fibrilin lock solution was used with the catheters for one month (12 sessions) and then 5% heparin for the same length of time. Pump speed, effective flow, venous pressure, KT, the need to use fibrinolytics, infections, number of handlings, hypotension episodes, recirculation, KT/V, TP, TPTA were measured. The results were compared using student´s t-test. After two months of study, a greater effective flow 318±23 ml/m was observed in catheters with heparin lock compared to 307±17 ml/m with fibrilin (p= 0.008), lower venous pressure 147±12 mm Hg in heparin compared to 168±17 in fibrilin (p=0,006), higher KT in heparin 43±3 litres compared to 41±4 litres in fibrilin. Despite these better conditions, they did not represent clinical differences in dialysis efficacy, KT/V heparin 1.56±0.2 compared to 1.59 ±0.2 in fibrilin. A higher number of catheter handlings was observed in heparin 12±0.2 compared to 9.4±1.3 in fibrilin (p=0.001). There were no differences in the appearance of infections, recirculation, need for fibrinolytics or coagulation alterations. We conclude that the use of fibrilin lock solution for haemodialysis catheters is an effective alternative to 5% heparin. It is not accompanied by a higher degree of catheter dysfunction but does involve less handling, which could lead to fewer catheter-associated infections.

Keywords : Lock; Catheter; 5% Heparin; Fibrilin.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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