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vol.16 número3Estudio comparativo en pacientes en Hemodiafiltración en línea postdilucional de alta eficacia con diferentes flujos de líquido dializante, tiempo programado y tiempo real índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Enfermería Nefrológica

versão On-line ISSN 2255-3517versão impressa ISSN 2254-2884


FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, Ana Vanessa et al. Comparative study of two types of needles in high-efficiency online haemodiafiltration. Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.3, pp.150-154. ISSN 2255-3517.

Post-dilution online haemodiafiltration is the most efficacious in removing molecules of different weights. The convective volume and the dialysis dose may be related to patient survival. Both parameters are influenced by blood flow, and the use of different needle calibres has been debated with regard to results in efficiency and pain assessment. Objective: To compare the efficacy, safety, convenience and pain perception between fistula catheter and conventional needles in patients undergoing high-efficiency online haemodiafiltration. Prospective cross-sectional study of prevalent population on post-dilution online haemodiafiltration. The variables analysed were demographic, vascular access haemodynamic, safety, pain scale and prepost convenience for the nurse, over 1584 sessions. Statistical analysis SPSS 13.0. Significance p<0.05. No differences in arterial pressure, venous pressure and recirculation. Differences were found in blood flow, which was higher with supercath. In efficiency, there were significant differences in Kt (p=0.04), VTR (p=0.00) and litres of dialysed blood (p=0.01), supercath (63.1), (27.4), (113.1) compared to conventional (60.9), (25.3), (108.5) respectively. The nursing assessment of convenience was significantly (p=0.00) better with conventional needles, both in connection and disconnection. Pain perception in patients is higher with supercath.

Palavras-chave : Dialysis efficacy; Pain and nursing assessment.

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