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Revista ORL

versión On-line ISSN 2444-7986


PARDAL-PELAEZ, Beatriz. Comments on oral care in patients receiving radioiodine treatment for thyroid cancer. Rev. ORL [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.3, pp.251-257.  Epub 21-Nov-2022. ISSN 2444-7986.

Introduction and Objective:

The objective of this paper is to educate professionals who deal with the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid and parathyroid pathologies about the oral health problem related to treatment with radioiodine (I-131) and to provide a guide to oral care in these patients.


The management of patients undergoing radioiodine treatment is encompassed within a multidisciplinary context in which the role of the dentist is especially important to prevent and treat the oral side effects of I-131 as part of the oncology team. Their role is essential in examining the patient before starting treatment with I-131, developing a treatment plan for their oral pathologies, informing the patient of the risks and oral side effects of I-131, teaching oral hygiene techniques for alleviate the results of these side effects and prescribing fluoride treatments and antibacterial rinses.


The patient treated with radioiodine has a predisposition to the appearance of caries and periodontal disease. The patient should be evaluated before starting therapy, eliminating all possible sources of pain, infection and oral bleeding. Dental treatment of these patients should be avoided once therapy has begun, except for emergency treatment. The dentist is a fundamental pillar as part of the treatment team for patients with thyroid cancer who are undergoing radioiodine therapy.

Palabras clave : radiotherapy; iodine radioisotopes; health education, dental; preventive health services.

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