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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


CONTRERAS VELASQUEZ, Zaida Rocío  and  RAMIREZ LEAL, Pastor. Comparative study of methods for the valoration of biological risk. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.2, pp.91-108.  Epub Oct 14, 2019. ISSN 3020-1160.


to compare the evaluation of the biological risk level of the Biogaval and GTC 45 methods.


an observational cross-sectional descriptive study applied to a sample of 24 laboratories. Correlation analysis of typical scores was applied.


95% (n = 23) of the laboratories in Biological Action Limit and 4.2% (n = 1) in the Biological Action Level, according to Biogaval; and 41.6% (n = 10) in a critical situation and 58.3% (n = 14) of the laboratories must adopt immediate control measures, according to GTC-45. We found a perfect positive correlation (Rho = 1.00) in the variables compliance with hygienic measures / level of deficiency, as well as level of exposure / frequency of completion of tasks; On the contrary, the determination of the level of incidence / level of probability did not show a significant correlation (Rho = 0.103). There is no significant correlation (Rho = 0.468) between the Biogaval method and the GTC 45 method.


it is necessary to propose a method aimed at microorganisms at risk and in accordance with Colombian regulations.

Keywords : biological risk; biosecurity; occupational health.

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