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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


JURADO-GALVAN, Italo B; ARMADA, Jose  and  MEJIA, Christian R. Perception and factors associated with the possibility of getting vaccines against Covid-19 in workers in the rural zone of Chupaca-Peru, 2021. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.2, pp.135-145.  Epub Aug 22, 2022. ISSN 3020-1160.


The perception of being vaccinated against COVID-19 has been determined in multiple working populations, but this has not been measured in the rural population, which often has important differences from the urban one.


To determine the sociolaboral factors associated with the refusal of vaccination against COVID-19 in rural workers of the central Peruvian highlands.

Material and Methods:

Analytical cross-sectional study, the VAC-COVID-19 Scale was used to measure the perception about vaccination, this was crossed with sociolaboral variables and descriptive and analytical statistics were obtained.


In the multivariate analysis, those who did not want to be vaccinated belonged to the agricultural sector (PRa: 1.88; p-value=0.003), those who had not yet had the disease (PRa: 1.61; p-value=0.045) or who did not know if they had had it (PRa: 1.85; p-value=0.017). Those who most wanted to be vaccinated were those in the health sector (RPa: 0.12; p-value=0.031).


The highest percentage of refusal to vaccination was in those who belonged to the agricultural sector, those who had not yet had the disease or did not know if they had had it, and the highest percentage of acceptance was in the health sector.

Keywords : vaccination; occupational health; rural workers; COVID-19; Peru.

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