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Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

On-line version ISSN 3020-1160Print version ISSN 1132-6255


MOLLOV, Asan et al. Surgical smoke, evaluable occupational risk - exploratory systematic review of the available literature. Rev Asoc Esp Espec Med Trab [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.2, pp.208-222.  Epub Aug 22, 2022. ISSN 3020-1160.


Exploratory systematic review to describe the existing knowledge of the relationship between exposure to surgical smoke and negative effects on the health of exposed workers. Specify the toxins and/or biological agents that can be found in surgical smoke. A bibliographic search of scientific articles was carried out in the following databases: MEDLINE (through Pubmed), LILACS, IBECS, Red SCIELO, LIBRARY COCHRANE. A total of 312 articles were retrieved. After applying the inclusion criteria, a collection of 15 remained. Surgery smoke contains toxic volatiles, carcinogenic, mutagenic compounds and microorganisms, and its inhalation constitutes a potential chemical and biological risk to the health of workers involved in surgeries. New deeper research hypotheses could be generated in some areas of chronic exposure.

Keywords : exploratory systematic review; occupational exposure; surgical smoke.

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