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Archivos de Zootecnia
versión On-line ISSN 1885-4494versión impresa ISSN 0004-0592
Arch. zootec. vol.63 no.242 Córdoba jun. 2014
Buffalo meat from animals fed with agro industrial in Eastern Amazon
Carne bubalina de animais alimentados com resíduos agrodindustriais no Amazônia Oriental
Peixoto Joele, M.R.S.1*; Lourenço Júnior, J.B.2; Lourenço, L.F.H.3; Amaral Ribeiro, S.C.1 and Meller, L.H.3
1Instituto Federal de Educação do Pará-IFPA. Castanhal. Pará State. Brazil. *reginajoele@hotmail.com
2Universidade do Estado do Pará. Belém do Pará. Brazil
3Universidade Federal do Pará. Belem do Pará. Brazil
Authors thank to Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology - IFPA, Embrapa Eastern Amazon (Animal Biotec Network; code, Federal Rural University of Amazônia-UFRA, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; process 481837/2007-8), CAPES/FAPESPA, for financial support.
The quality of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) meat, finished in a silvopastoral system with feed supplementation in the Amazon, was evaluated. Five crossbred buffaloes were used in each treatment with supplements of two different feeds, elaborated with agroindustrial by-products of coconut or palm oil extraction and a traditional one based on corn and soy. Physical, physical-chemical, microbiological, and sensorial analyses were performed on the Longissimus dorsi muscle, and the results were analyzed through the analysis of variance and averages, compared by t-test. The coconut and palm treatments had the largest percentage of saturated fatty acids. On the other hand, the ω6/ω3 ratio were within the healthy dietary standards. According to the results of pH, color, and shear force analyses, the meat was classified into RFN (Red, Firm and Normal) or ideal standards. Through subjective and objective analyses, the meat of the treatments was considered tender. The quality of the meat produced is due to the farming system used. Moreover, the use of agro-industrial waste minimizes environmental impact and the cost of animal feed, thus increasing the revenue of the rural worker.
Key words: Coconut cake. Fatty acids profile. Nutritional quality. Palm cake.
Foi avaliada a qualidade da carne de búfalo (Bubalus bubalis), terminados em um sistema silvopastoril com suplementação alimentar na Amazônia. Cinco búfalos mestiços foram utilizados em cada tratamento alimentados com dois diferentes suplementos, elaborados com subprodutos agroindustriais, coco e dendê após extração do óleo e um tradicional à base de milho e soja. Análises físicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas no músculo Longissimus dorsi, e os resultados foram analisados através da análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste t. Os tratamentos de coco e dendê tiveram o maior percentual de ácidos graxos saturados. No entanto, a razão ω6/ω3 estavam dentro dos padrões alimentares saudáveis. De acordo com os resultados das análises de pH, cor e força de cisalhamento, a carne foi classificada em RFN (Red, Firm e Normal) ou padrões ideais. Através de análises subjetivas e objetivas, a carne dos tratamentos foi considerada macia. A qualidade da carne produzida é devido ao sistema de exploração utilizado. Além disso, a utilização de resíduos agro-industrial minimiza o impacto ambiental e os custos de alimentação animal, aumentando assim o rendimento do trabalhador rural.
Palavras chave: Perfil de ácidos graxos. Qualidade nutricional. Torta de coco. Torta de dendê.
The buffalo herds in the state of Pará, Brazilian Amazon, and Brazil, in the period from 1970 to 2006, grew by, respectively, 87.73, 89.33 and 84.15 %, and in 2008 represented 62.81 % of the nation's cattle according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. In face of such evolution, it is important for Amazon cattle breeding to become competitive without damaging the environment, while the silvopastoral systems may partially contribute to the ecological gain in order to reduce the problems derived from deforestation and degradation of the Amazon ecosystems. These gains may occur, for instance, by cycling nutrients and water, and they also pose advantages compared to monocultures regarding carbon sequestration and the reduction of greenhouse effect (Carvalho, 1998).
However, it is seen that, in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon, there is a high production of palm tree oils that generates large amounts of agro-industrial by-products that may be used in animal feeding as they are a source of carbohydrates and proteins. The bran from coconut and the palm or palm kernel cake represent an alternative source of animal feed given their cost and availability (EMBRAPA, 2004).
In Brazil, some 90 % of the Brazilian buffalo meat originated from pasture ecosystems were commercialized as cattle meat and treated, in most parts of the country, without a defined standard of identification of its characteristics, mainly regarding quality (Correa and Tramoso, 2004; Jorge, 2004; Andrighetto et al., 2008). Thus, the aim of this paper was to evaluate the quality of the meat from buffaloes finished in a silvopastoral system with food supplements of concentrates elaborated from agro-industrial by-products and to compare them to the traditional feed based on corn and soy.
Materials and methods
The experiment was performed in a silvopastoral system, in the Animal Research Unit Senador Álvaro Adolpho (1o28' S and 48o27' W), at Embrapa Eastern Amazon, Belem, state of Para, Brazil, in an area of 5.4 ha divided into five plots, with a central zootechnical facility composed of a covered corral with drinking and mineral supplement troughs. The system used mombaça grass (Panicum maximum 'Mombaça'), managed in intensive rotation, in a pasture cycle of thirty days with six days of occupation and twenty-four days of rest, in initial and final capacity rates, respectively, of 3.0 AU (animal unit) and 4.5 AU (Oliveira et al., 2010). African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis) and Indian nim trees (Azadirachta indica) were planted 4 m apart, which, in the experimental period, shaded some 20 % of the area.
Fifteen whole male buffaloes of similar conformation, crossbred from Murrah and Mediterranean breeds, with average initial weight of 400 kg and approximately 27 month of age, were used. The animals were evaluated for the period of eight months with thirty initial days for adaptation and feeding, with mineralization ad libitum and regimen of supplement feeding in the proportion of 1 % of their body weight in three experimental treatments (corn, coconut and palm). The centesimal composition of the feeds is shown in table I. The animals were fed every morning in individual stalls to assess their consumptions by weighing the food offered and the leftovers. During the supplementation phase, the animals had an average daily weight gain of 1.0 kg.d-1 (± 0.3), with no statistical difference among the treatments.
The animals were kept in a hydro diet for fourteen hours and transported in the early morning to the refrigerated slaughterhouse, in a thirty-minute journey and once again kept in a hydro diet for sixteen hours. Later, they were weighed (live animal weight -LAW) and followed the slaughterhouse's regular line of slaughtering, according to the rules of the Regulation for Industrial and Sanitary Inspection of Animal Products -RIISPOA (Brazil, 1997). The carcasses were sent to cooling for 24 hours in a cold room at a temperature of 2-4 oC.
The right half-carcass was cut and the Longissimus dorsimuscle was removed for meat analyses and characterization. After cleaning and removal of the superficial fat, sample preparation was initiated. The portion between the 12th and 10th ribs was cut into 2.5 cm-thick steaks, vacuum-packaged, kept under refrigeration, and maturated for seven days at a temperature of 2 oC for the physical and sensorial analyses. pH was determined for the minced muscle in a benchtop pH meter (HANNA, model HI 3222-01, Philadelphia, PA USA). The meat was then packed in polyethylene bags and frozen at -18 oC, for microbiological and physical-chemical analyses.
The samples were thawed under refrigeration for 24 hours. They were then submitted to thermal treatment in an electric oven (Brastemp, model BOG40AR, São Paulo, Brazil) at a temperature of 180 oC until the internal temperature reached 70 oC so that the analyses were carried out.
For the evaluation of the shear force, eight 1.27 cm-wide cylinders were removed from each steak, parallel to the muscle fibers, and analyzed in a texture meter (Texture Analyzer TA-XT2i, Croydon, Greater London, UK) coupled to a Warner-Bratzler blade, as proposed by Wheeler et al. (1996). The water holding capacity was obtained from the difference between the weights of the meat samples before and after being submitted to the pressure of 10 kg for five minutes, while the weight loss due to cooking temperature was calculated from the difference of the weights before and after thermal treatment, expressed as a percentage (Hamm, 1977).
The objective color was established through the L* (light), a* (red/green intensity) and b* (yellow/blue intensity) parameters of the CIELAB System using D65 illumination, 8o viewing angle, and 10o standard observer, as specified by the Comission Internacionale d'le Ecleraige-CIE, with the use of a portable colorimeter (Hunter Lab/MiniScan EZ, Reston, VA, USA). The measurements were performed 30 minutes after the opening of the bags and exposition of the samples to oxygen under refrigeration. The final value was the average of six readings obtained in different pre-defined positions in the same steak. With those averages, chroma C* [C*= (a*2 + b*2)1/2] and hue angle [h*= tan-1(b*/a*)] were calculated, as well as the total difference of color (DE), between corn, coconut and palm treatments, according to Ramos and Gomide (2009):
Analysis for Salmonella spp. was performed in a 25 g sample, in an indicative form, according to the current Brazilian Legislation for in natura meat (Brazil, 2001), a methodology described in Downes and Ito (2001).
In order to determine the centesimal composition of the Longisssimus dorsi muscle, the analyses of moisture, ash, total proteins, and ether extract followed the methodology of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 1990 a, b). The carbohydrates were obtained from the difference and the caloric value determined according to the energetic value of the proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
For the analysis of the fatty acids profiles, the samples were lyophilized for later cold fat extraction and acid etheri-fication, performed according to the methodology from AOCS (2002). The reading of the ethers was performed in a gas chromatograph (VARIAN model CP 3380, Snoqualmie, WA, USA), equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica capillary column model CP-Sil 88 (60 m x 0,25 mm). of the sample was injected with a split system at a ratio of 1:50, using helium as a carrier gas at a flow of 1 mL/minute. The temperature of the injector was 245 oC and the detector's was 280 oC, with 45 minutes total time for the analyses. As a standard, a 68D solution (NU CHECK- Elysian, MN, USA) was used, which has a certified value for 20 fatty acids in order to establish the correction factors in each one of the certified fatty acids. The fatty acids were quantified as a relative percentage of the area of peaks found and the calculations were performed according to Equation 1:
The sensory profiles of the samples were determined according to Stone et al. (1974). The team of thirty trained tasters evaluated the samples in a monadic way in triplicate in a non-structured scale of 9 cm. The following attributes were analyzed: characteristic meat aroma, characteristic meat taste, liver taste, fat taste, tenderness, juiceness, and liver texture. The tests were performed in individual computerized booths using as a tool the Fizz Sensory Analysis Software (version 2.4 H - Biosystemes, Dijon, France).
The thermal treatment of the samples was performed as previously described and they were later cut into 4 cm2 pieces, wrapped in aluminum paper, and kept hot in bain marie at a temperature of 60 oC until they were served to the tasters.
A completely randomized experimental design was used where each animal represented one experimental unit. Initially, the normality of data distribution was tested and all variables met the normality fit without the need for data transformation. In order to evaluate the effect of supplement feeding on the Silvopastoral System (corn, coconut, and palm), the data were submitted to the analysis of variance and the averages were compared through t-test, at 5 % of significance, with the software Statistica 5.0.
Results and discussion
The diets had little influence on the analyzed physical variables (table II), with significant effect just for the parameter of color (b*) and weight loss due to cooking temperature (p<0.05).
The values of pH are similar to the ones reported by Jorge et al. (2006) and Spanghero et al. (2004), when evaluating different buffalo muscles (5.43; 5.46, and 5.47, respectively, for each treatment). The values found were considered low, a fact attributed to the docile attitude of the buffaloes that suffer less stress at slaughter and muscular glycogen exhaustion, which diminishes the possibility of DFD (dark, firm, dry) meat. According to Roça (1997), the final pH of 6.0 is the limit between the normal cut and the typical darkness of DFD meat.
No significant differences were found for shear force (table II) due to feeding, with values that are similar to the ones described by Andrighetto et al. (2008) when analyzing Mediterranean buffaloes, and to the ones found by Jorge et al. (2005), when evaluating animals with different weights at slaughter. They may be classified as tender meat, with shear force values below 5.0 kgf established by Felício (1997) as the limit for the meat to have appropriate tenderness.
The value for b* was higher in the samples from the palm treatment. The raise in red intensity is associated to the yellow one which may be due to the sensitivity of the heme pigments to oxidation and/or to the carotenoids pigments being antioxidants (Mancini and Hunt, 2005). The average values of luminosity are within the variation considered ideal (from 34 to 39) for the Longissimus dorsi muscle of oxen (Purchas et al., 2002), however, the intensity of red color (a*) is below the one indicated by these authors (from 18 to 22). This may be due to the low marbling of buffaloes as well as the concentration of myoglobine related to a larger metabolic function of oxygen in the animal's development. Jorge et al. (2006) found similar values for the objective color in Mediterranean breed buffaloes with different weights at slaughtering.
The sample from the palm treatment had a higher total color difference and, according to Prãndl et al. (1994), this difference is of a very clear perception (DE* between 3.0 and 6.0), whilst the sample of the coconut treatment had a total color difference considered clear (DE* between 1.5 and 3.0). It was also verified that the hue angle (h*) for all samples ranged from 0.62o to 0.73o, that is, within the band of red color. According to Ramos and Gomide (2009), the interpretation of the hue differences, in the solid as a whole, may be done as follows: red (330 to 25o), orange (25 to 70o), yellow (70 to 100o), green (100 to 200o), blue (200 to 295o), and violet (295 to 330o).
The C* and h* values for the palm treatment were higher when compared to the other ones. These parameters are functions of a* and b* and allow to determine the intensity of the color, its saturation, or to estimate the real meat darkening and, normally, the meat's discoloration process and is followed by a raise in the C* and h* values over time (Lee et al., 2005).
The samples of the coconut treatment had higher weight loss due to cooking temperature (p<0.05) in the Longissimus dorsi muscle when compared to the other treatments. Similar results were found by Vaz et al. (2003) and Spanghero et al. (2004) with Mediterranean breed buffaloes.
The samples of the Longissimus dorsi muscle indicate absence of Salmonella spp., being considered appropriate for human consumption according to the Brazilian legislation (Brazil, 2001).
Significant differences were found in the contents of lipids, ashes, and caloric value in the Longissimus dorsi muscle of the experimental animals due to supplementation feeding (table III).
There was no influence (p>0.05) of animal feeding on moisture and on the contents of proteins and carbohydrates of the Longissimus dorsi muscle. The lipid content was higher in the coconut and palm treatments (p<0.05) due to the high contents of ethereal extract and neutral detergent fiber of the feed (table I), which is reflected on its caloric value.
The values found for moisture and proteins are in accordance to the ones obtained by Menegucci et al. (2006), in Murrah buffaloes, while the values of lipids and ashes, in all three treatments, are higher to the ones described by these authors. The caloric value found in this paper is lower than the one described by Menegucci et al. (2006) for buffaloes, and than the ones mentioned in the tables of food composition consumed in Brazil, developed by the Center for Studies and Research in Food (NEPA, 2004).
The samples of the Longissimus dorsi muscle analyzed (table IV) had a percentage of fatty acids similar to the ones determined by Luccia et al. (2003), Lira et al. (2005), and Oliveira et al. (2008) for buffalo meat, as well as French et al. (2000), Noci et al. (2005), and Garcia et al. (2008) for beef from oxen supplemented with oleaginous plants.
Most of the fatty acids in mammals are saturated, mainly palmitic and estearic acids (Price and Schweigert, 1994; Pardi et al., 2001). Banskalieva et al. (2000) showed that palmitic acid (C16:0) raises blood cholesterol and estearic acid (C18:0) has no effect on the LDL fraction and human diets with elevated levels of lauric, miristic, and palmitic acids are hypercholesterolemic.
The muscle from the animals in the corn treatment had a lower percentage of saturated fatty acids on average when compared to the other treatments (p<0.05), probably influenced by feeding, as the feed has a low content of these acids when compared to the other ones (p<0.05). The saturated fatty acids which were found at a higher concentration in all treatments were palmitic (C16:0) and estearic (C18:0), with significant differences among the treatments. The corn treatment had a lower palmitic acid content when compared to the other ones, a desirable fact for meat. In the case of estearic acid, considered a neutral fatty acid, a significant difference was found in the meat of the palm treatment, which had a lower percentage compared to a higher one in the corn treatment, which reflects on the deposition of such acid as the feed has a high content of this component.
The values for oleic acid, the main monounsaturated fatty acid, were higher (p<0.05) in the corn treatment (38.84 %). These levels were similar to the ones reported by Rodrigues et al. (2004), Fonseca et al. (2005), and Oliveira et al. (2008), but higher than the one reported by Lira et al. (2005). The content of eicosanoic acid (C20:1), another monounsaturated acid of great importance to human health due to its long chain in spite of its quantitatively low percentage, was higher in the coconut treatment (p<0.05). It is important to highlight that this important acid, rarely detected in ruminant meat and much more common in fish, regulate the polyunsaturated: saturated ratio and, therefore, is responsible for beneficial effects for preventing cardiovascular disorders.
The polyunsaturated fatty acid found in highest concentrations in all treatments was the linoleic acid, with the highest percentage in the meat of the coconut treatment (p<0.05), higher than the ones observed by Rodrigues et al. (2004) and Oliveira et al. (2008), and similar to the ones found by Sinclair et al. (1982) and Lira et al. (2005). According to Funck et al. (2006), linoleic acid may be converted into C18:2 trans-10/cis-12 and C18:2 cis-9/trans-11 isomers through the action of the Propionibacter bacterium, while Bauman and Griinari (2001) report that the C18:2 cis-9/trans-11 isomer predominates in ruminant meat as it is an intermediate actor of ruminant biohydrogenation of the linoleic acid, besides having a higher anticarcinogenic potential. In that case, it is seen that the percentage of linoleic acid in the feed was not directly absorbed by the animal, as the corn feed had a high content of this component.
The amount of linoleic acid detected in the samples ranged from 4.98 to 7.98 % and, considering that in ruminants 57 to 85 % of these are cis-9/trans-11 isomers, it is possible to infer that the buffalo meat from the experimental treatments had a value of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) between 3.29 to 4.81 %, which is considered very good since, in order to obtain beneficial biological effects, an average human being (70 kg) would need to consume approximately 5 g of CLA a day, that is, a meat portion of 200 g (Simopoulos, 1991).
The ω6:ω3 ratio found in the meat of animals from the three experimental treatments did not have any significant difference. According to the literature (NRC, 1996; Schaefer, 2002) the ideal ratio is 2:1, however, the recommendation from the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA, 2005) is from 5 to 10:1. Thus, the results are still within the healthy dietary standards. The polyunsaturated fatty acids from ù6 and ù3 series may be effective in cholesterol reduction when compared to the saturated ones, while the ω3 ones reduce the LDL cholesterol and may raise the HDL fraction as well as lower the triglycerides levels in the blood.
No significant differences were found in the saturated:unsaturated fatty acids ratio, a result similar to the one obtained by Oliveira et al. (2008), with the inclusion of soy oil in the diet of Murrah buffaloes. However, the unsaturated:saturated acids ratio must be improved in the corn, coconut, and palm treatments as they are below the minimum recommended for the total diet (0.45) by the British Department of Health. Studies have reported that supplementation with sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in ruminant feeding have been efficiently incorporated into the meat (Palmiquist, 1991; Enser et al.,1999; Moloney et al., 2001).
No significant differences were found (p>0.05) among the treatments regarding the sensory standards evaluated in the panel (table V). Andrighetto et al. (2008), when evaluating taste, smell, tenderness, and juiceness of Murrah buffalo meat, also did not find any significant differences among these characteristics.
The values obtained for subjective tenderness and shear force of the samples indicated that the meat is tender. The evaluation of juiceness received grades little above the average, being considered little juicy. Such result may have been impaired due to the low content of intramuscular fat (table III), as the higher the fat content, the better the sensation of juiceness of the meat (Cross, 1994; Roça, 1997).
The evaluation of the meat from animals supplemented with different types of feed did not have a large variation in its physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics. All samples, according to the results of the analyses of pH, color, and shear force, are within the parameters for ideal meat or RFN, with good sensory evaluation and microbiologically appropriate for human consumption. However, the evaluation of the fatty acids profiles shows that the meats from coconut and palm treatments had a higher percentage of miristic (C14:0) and palmitic (C16:0) acids, considered hyper-cholesterolemic, as well as a higher percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA). The meats from the coconut treatment had a higher percentage of estearic acid, which is a neutral fatty acid, and linoleic acid (C18:2), and have beneficial effects to human health. The meats from coconut, corn, and palm treatments were considered tender according to the shear force and subjective tenderness.
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Recibido: 11-12-13
Aceptado: 20-3-14