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Archivos Españoles de Urología (Ed. impresa)

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0614

Arch. Esp. Urol. vol.62 no.4  may. 2009




Atypical lipomatous tumor of the paratesticular structures

Tumor lipomatoso atípico paratesticular



Francisco Javier Torres Gómez, Pilar Fernández Machín and Juan Manuel Poyato Galán.

Pathologic Anatomy and Urology Unit1. Hospital de Alta Resolución de Utrera. Sevilla. Spain.




Soft tissue tumors are relatively uncommon in the testis and paratestis. Lipomas and leiomyomas are the most frequently reported tumors but cases of most of the soft tissue tumors have been described in this locatization.

Diagnosis of atypical lipomatous tumor / well differentiated liposarcoma is infrequent and shows the neoplastic nature of the lesion against theories that consider them regional adipose tissue hyperplasias. Diagnosis of atypical lipomatous tumors is simple from an histological point of view using the same criteria that are used in other locations.




Clinical, surgical and radiological diagnoses are inespecific. We consider showing images of atypical lipomatous tumor of paratestis is of interest. Terms like atypical lipomatous tumor and well differentiated liposarcoma are used indistincly but both of them are sometimes associated to specific locations. Well differentiated liposarcoma is the term used in the literature for this localization.

It is a lipomatous tumor with atipical cells and/or lipoblasts. According the morphology atypical lipomatous tumors are divides in: lipoma-like, sclerosing and inflamatory.

The case we report has a mixed morphology between the lipoma-like and sclerosing types. There were no lipoblasts (a common feature in paratesticular structures).




Francisco Javier Torres Gómez
Unidad de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital de Alta Resolución de Utrera
Sevilla. (Spain).

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