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On-line version ISSN 1886-144XPrint version ISSN 0214-9915

Psicothema vol.35 n.1 Oviedo Feb. 2023  Epub Feb 12, 2024



Welcome to an honorary editor

Laura E Gómez


The number 33 is sometimes said to be a master number, associated with wisdom, education, honesty, illumination, and leadership. Some 33 years ago, the first issue of Psicothema was published by a group of notable masters of Spanish psychology. During those 33 years, José Muñiz, as Editor in Chief, has successfully captained the journal through the complex, changing waters of academic publishing. Under his watch, this ship has remained on course, the course of contributing to psychology's scientific progress, flying the flag bearing a version of Terence's motto “nothing in psychology is alien to us”. The reliable needle of his compass has always pointed towards principles related to sensitivity, creativity, flexibility, responsibility, rigorousness, and critical reflection. Among his achievements in those 33 years, it is worth highlighting the far from negligible three thousand published articles, and the fact that Psicothema was the first Spanish psychology journal to achieve an impact factor in Journal Citation Reports. Since then, with almost forty thousand citations in that prestigious database, it is risen quartile by quartile from the last to the first in the category “psychology, multidisciplinary”. José Muñiz's role as Editor in Chief went hand in hand with his role as a researcher, as he was also the co-author of some of Psicothema's articles with the greatest impact, such as the International Test Commission Guidelines for test translation and adaptation and Ten steps for test development.

Leaving the course firmly set, and the equipment properly maintained and lubricated, José Muñiz expressed his desire to retire from the bridge and to continue his voyage on the lower decks. Fortunately, this was not a real goodbye; his restless curiosity and excitement are unwavering, such that Psicothema will continue to benefit from his expertise and wisdom in the future, as Honorary Editor, as a grand master, author, reviewer, colleague and friend. So, to our hence forth Honorary Editor, José Muñiz, we would like to express all our admiration, affection and gratitude.

José Muñiz's decision leaves big shoes to fill, and also brings along with it the inevitable revision of various responsibilities of the editorial board. It is my great honor to have been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of Psicothema after six years as Associate Editor and two years as Deputy Editor. But I am not alone in feeling this deep sense of responsibility. I share the responsibility to do our utmost to continue this legacy, to keep to the course we are on, to deal with the new times and challenges that will arise on the way, in order to bring Psicothema to the best of ports. I can count on a wonderful professional team, made up of those who have been or are editors of Psicothema, and to whom I am sincerely grateful: Susana Al-Halabí, Jorge L. Arias, Isabel Benítez, Rebeca Cerezo, Jorge F. del Valle, José Ramón F. Hermida, Eduardo Fonseca, Olaya García, Gloria García, Serafín Lemos, José Muñiz, José Carlos Núñez, Marino Pérez, Roberto Secades, Paz Suárez, and Guillermo Vallejo. I would also like to express my profound gratitude to Pedro Rafael Altungy, Leticia García and Mª Ángeles Gómez, who are essential members of the team and fundamental to the journal functioning well. During these years, I have learned a great deal from each of you and I have felt like a member of one big family. Thank you for putting your faith and trust in me to lead Psicothema.

Helping at the helm of the journal, as the new Deputy Editor, I have the good fortune to have Rebeca Cerezo, who has up to now performed sterling service as the Managing Editor. Thank you for your service, dedication and kindness over the past eight years. Rebeca makes it even more difficult to distinguish between the captain and the first mate on the boat. In Rebeca's place, Gloria García will take over as Managing Editor. She has been an Associate Editor for some years now, and has always been a source of security and calm in the storm.

Although these changes to the editorial team should not mean any change to the journal's editorial philosophy or policies, we do not intend to furl the sails and let the boat drift on the current. We intend to keep the flag flying and to keep to the course that has been set, with renewed vigor, sharpening our instruments and keeping our navigational systems up to date. As in the previous 33 years, we will continue to do our best to contribute to the progress of the journal and of psychology. We will continue to make small, but continual changes in order to adapt to new times and to face the challenges that will arise on our route. This commitment has already meant a full update of both our web site and the layout of articles published in Psicothema, which are now structured and formatted in the same way as journals backed by the Spanish General Council of Psychology.

As an editorial team, we are fully aware of the significant tasks that lay ahead: ensuring that Psicothema continues to be a benchmark, not only for Spanish psychology, but also internationally. To that end, we will continue to push for the internationalization of the journal, and to improve its visibility, reach, and impact.

I would like to thank the authors for submitting your work to Psicothema and the reviewers for assisting in the publishing process. Thank you both for many contributions to the journal and to advancing our field. New submissions and new reviewers are very welcome in order to ensure the that journal works well and has a bright future. Given that we receive (and we hope to continue receiving) many interesting submissions, we have to apply an ever-more restrictive editorial policy, and we continue to strive to reduce publication times as much as possible. In order to do that, we have to decrease the number of articles in each issue. We are aware of the increase of predatory journals and the pressure of “publish or perish”, but we are proud of our editorial independence and altruism. We will never lower the quality to increase publication volume or profits. We will certainly make mistakes, but we will do our best to serve you well and seek the best, most significant articles to improve psychology research.

We sail towards an uncertain future, in the somewhat choppy and turbulent waters of a fluid, tremendously competitive world. We are in the midst of an exciting, challenging revolution in the scientific publishing market. We still find ourselves carefully navigating an evolving landscape with regard to open access research, as well as to preprints, online-early, ahead of print, and in-press articles. But we are confident that Psicothema will continue to reinforce its path of excellence and maintain its position as a flagship publication in our discipline. We are enormously fortunate to have the wisdom and support of the best masters, as well as the fine work and co-operation of our associate editors, scientific committee, authors members, reviewers, and readers, who share our passion for psychology and for science. With all of you, we have the feeling that we are truly standing on the shoulders of giants.

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