| Table of contents Arch. zootec. vol.63 n.241 Córdoba Mar. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Frequency of the supply of food on the performance of cows and heifers in feedlot Pazdiora, R.D.; Pacheco, R.F.; Brondani, I.B.; Alves Filho, D.C.; Menezes, L.F.G.; Callegaro, A.M.; Pizzuti, L.A.D.; Weise, M.S.; Mayer, A.; Borchate, D.
| | | | · Socioeconomic analysis of smallholder producing goats and sheeps in the semiarid cearense, Brazil Farias, J.L. de S.; Araújo, M.R.A. de; Lima, A.R.; Alves, F.S.F.; Oliveira, L.S.; Souza, H.A. de
| | | | · Carcass characteristics of sheep fed with guava by-product Silva, N.V. da; Costa, R.G.; Medeiros, G.R. de; Medeiros, A.N. de; Gonzaga Neto, S.; Cezar, M.F.; Cavalcan, M.C.A.
| | | | · Inbreeding and estimation of genetic parameters for morphology characters in the Lusitano horse breed of Mexico Domínguez-Viveros, J.; Rodríguez-Almeida, F.A.; Ortega-Gutiérrez, J.Á.
| | | | · Using pedigree analysis to monitor the local Piau pig breed conservation program Veroneze, R.; Lopes, P.S.; Guimarães, S.E.F.; Guimarães, J.D.; Costa, E.V.; Faria, V.R.; Costa, K.A.
| | | | · Ingestive behavior of lambs Texel and Ideal fed soybean hulls Carvalho, S.; Dias, F.D.; Pires, C.C.; Brutti, D.D.; Lopes, J.F.; Santos, D.; Barcelos, R.D.; Macari, S.; Wommer, T.P.; Griebler, L.
| | | | · Replacement of molasses by coffee (Coffea arabica L.) mucilage in nutritional blocks for ruminants Pinto, R.R.; Medina, J.A.; Medina, F.J.; Guevara, F.; Gómez, H.; Ley, A.; Carmona, J.
| | | | · Evaluation of panel SNP in metabolic pathways candidate genes for meat in Hereford Branda Sica, A.; Ravagnolo, O.; Brito, G.; Baldi, F.; LaManna, A.; Banchero, G.; Navajas, E.A.; Rincón, G.; Medrano, J.F.
| | | | · Fatty acids intake and deposition in the Longissimus of Nellore steers supplemented at pasture Oliveira, A.P.; Silva, R.R.; Souza, S.O.; Carvalho, G.G.P.; Silva, F.F.; Lisboa, M.M.; Pereira, M.M.S.; Carvalho, V.M.; Mendes, F.B.L.; Oliveira, A.C.
| | | | · Heliciculture activity in Argentina from the soft systems approach Gelabert, C.; de Bargas, S.; Rositano, F.; González, O.
| | | | · Morphogenesis of Trachypogon plumosus under liming, fertilization and regrowth ages Costa, N. de L.; Moraes, A.; Carvalho, P.C.F.; Monteiro, A.L.G.; Motta, A.C.V.; Silva, A.L.P.; Oliveira, R.A.
| | | | · Computational analysis of punctual mutations in bovine PRKAG3 gene associated to meat quality Leal-Gutiérrez, J.; Jiménez-Robayo, L.
| | | | · Protein solubility, myoglobin content, color and pH in chicken, hen and quail meat Cori, M.E.; Michelangeli, C.; De Basilio, V.; Figueroa, R.; Rivas, N.
| | | | · Study of microsatellite markers in stingless bees Melipona colimana and M. beecheii from Mesoamerica Hurtado-Burillo, M.; Martínez, J.; May-Itzá, W. de J.; Quezada-Euán, J.J.G.; De la Rúa, P.
| | | | · Chemical composition of meat from kids slaughtered at different ages Kessler, J.D.; Osório, M.T.M.; Nörnberg, J.L.; Osório, J.C.S.; Esteves, R.M.G.; Souza, A.P.B.; Arnoni, R.K.; Borba, M.S.; Oliveira, R.M.; Ferreira, O.G.L.
| | | | · Carcass and meat characteristics from Corriedale lambs grazing two weights of pearl millet Lemes, J.S.; Osório, M.T.M.; Osório, J.C.S.; Gonzaga, S.S.; Martins, L.S.; Esteves, R.M.G.; Lehmen, R.I.
| | | | · In situ degradability of sugarcane varieties ensiled with additives Silva, G.W.V.; Rocha Júnior, V.R.; Rocha, W.J.B.; Reis, S.T.; Pires, D.A.A.; Antunes, A.P.S.; Almeida Filho, S.H.C.; Oliveira, L.M.; Caldeira, L.A.; Souza, V.M. de
| | | | · Inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala and Clitoria ternatea leaf hays into laying hen diet Lopes, I.R.V.; Freitas, E.R.; Nascimento, G.A.J.; Viana Neto, J.L.; Cruz, C.E.B.; Braz, N.M.
| | | | · Applicability of technical-economical simulation in beef cattle production in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Pini, T.R.M.; Alencar, S.A.S.; Lucas, L.S.; Franco, G.L.; Mourão, G.B.; Silva, S.L.; Brumatti, R.C.
| | | Notas Breves | | | | · Effect of homeopathy on performance of feedlot steers feed with diets containing 100 % or 48 % concentrate Marafon, F.; Neumann, M.; Ueno, R.K.; Martins de Souza, R.A.; Reinehr, L.L.; Poczynek, M.
| | | | · Method of sampling and chemical characterization of Marandu grass intake by cattle Goes, R.H.T.B.; Antunes, L.E.; Lima, H.L.; Cardoso, T.J.L.; Gressler, M.G.M.; Oliveira, E.R.; Gabriel, A.M.A.; Brabes, K.C.S.
| | | | · Soybean oil and residual soybean oil in diets for feedlot sheep: blood parameters Scarpino, F.B.O.; Ezequiel, J.M.B.; Silva, D.A.V.; van Cleef, E.H.C.B.
| | | | · Productive characterization of Sobrarbe hen Cajal, J.R.; Franceschi, A.
| | | | · Microsatellite characterization of the Momil, Cordoba (Colombia) domestic pig Pardo, E.; Cavadía, T.; Meléndez, I.
| | | | · Recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) in estrus synchronization and prolificacy in Pelibuey ewes Sosa-Pérez, G; Pérez-Hernández, P.; Vaquera-Huerta, H.; Salazar-Ortiz, J.; Sánchez-del-Real, C.; Cadena-Villegas, S.; Gallegos-Sánchez, J.
| | | | · Genotype by environment interaction on productive and reproductive traits of females of the Nellore breed Silveira, M.V.; Souza, J.C.; Silva, L.O.C.; Freitas, J.A.; Gondo, A.; Ferraz Filho, P.B.
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