| Table of contents Arch. Esp. Urol. vol.62 n.9 Nov. 2009 Press Release | | | |
Artículo Especial | | | | · Intermittent androgen deprivation (IAD) for advance prostate cancer: Why not the standard of therapy? Prapotnich, Dominique; Sánchez-Salas, Rafael; Cathelineau, Xavier; Stakhovsky, Oleksandr; Rocha Jr, José E.A.; Vallancien, Guy
| | | Historia de la Urología | | | | · William Cheselden (1688-1752) and Gerard van der Gucht (1695-1776): Surgical technique, the art of printed images and controversy in the urology book of the XVIII century Gómiz León, Juan José
| | | Urología Oncológica | | | | · Molecular markers associated with prostate cáncer: 3-nitrotyrosine and genetic and proteic expression of Mn-superoxide dismutasa (Mn-SOD) Floriano-Sánchez, Esaú; Castro-Marín, Melchor; Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Noemí
| | | | · Biochemical-histo-morphometric findings of the residual prostate (II): long-term PSA behavior after retropubic adenomectomy for BPH. Relationship with prostate volume, histology and its implications in the diagnosis of subsequent adenocarcinoma Ballesteros Sampol, Juan José; Lloreta Trull, Josep; Fumadó Ciutat, Lluís
| | | Urología Neurología y Urodinámica | | | | · Contasure needleless: a single incision TOT for the surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence Navazo, Rafael; Moreno, Jesús; Hidalgo, Cristina; Herraiz, Miguel Ángel; Vidart, José Antonio; Salinas, Jesús; Silmi, Angel
| | | Urología Infantil | | | | · Feminizing genitoplasty in adrenal congenital hiperplasia: one or two surgical steps? Escala Aguirre, José Manuel; Cadena, Yair; López, Pedro-José; Ángel, Lorena; Retamal, María G.; Letelier, Nelly; Zubieta, Ricardo
| | | | · Comentario editorial Miguélez Lago, Carlos
| | | Andrología | | | | · Does circumcision affect males perception of sexual satisfaction? Cortés-González, Jeff R.; Arratia-Maqueo, Jorge A.; Martínez-Montelongo, Rafael; Gómez-Guerra, Lauro S.
| | | Robótica y Laparoscopia | | | | · Laparoscopic radical cystectomy. The new gold standard for bladder carcinoma? Castillo, Octavio A.; Vitagliano, Gonzalo; Vidal-Mora, Ivar
| | | | · Comentario editorial Sánchez de Badajoz, Eduardo
| | | Casos Clínicos | | | | · Mature cystic teratoma of the testis (dermoid cyst): Case report and literature review Garrido Abad, P.; Herranz Fernández, L.M.; Jiménez Gálvez, M.; Suárez Fonseca, C.; Santos Arrontes, D.; Nieto Llanos, S.; Fernández Arjona, M.
| | | | · Giant dedifferenciated liposarcoma of the spermatic cord Fernández, Fernando; García, Herney Andrés
| | | | · Inguinal ureteral hernia: a clinical case Zarraonandia Andraca, Antón; Ríos Reboledo, Ángel; Casas Nebra, Javier; Ponce Díaz-Reixa, José; Martínez Breijo, Sara; González Dacal, Juan; Sánchez R. Losada, Javier; Chantada Abal, Venancio
| | | | · Eosinophilic cystopathy in association with infiltrative transitional cell carcinoma Cruz Guerra, Nicolás Alberto; Chimeno Viñas, María Montserrat; Ursúa Sarmiento, Inmaculada; Martínez Velado, Emilia; Valle Manteca, Alberto del
| | | Urología en Imágenes | | | | · Massive steinstrasse Pastor Navarro, H.; Carrión López, P.; Martínez Ruíz, J.; Martínez Sanchiz, C.; Martínez Martín, M.; Sánchez Pedrosa, M. C.; Pastor Guzmán, J. M.; Virseda Rodríguez, J. A.
| | | | · Cystic ureteritis associated to lithiasis Ballestero Diego, R.; Correas Gómez, M. A.; Gutiérrez Baños, J. L.; Portillo Martín, J. A.; Valle Schaan, J. I. Del; Roca Edreira, A.; Villanueva Peña, A.; Aguilera Tubet, C.; Zubillaga Guerrero, S.; Ramos Barseló, E.; Campos Sañudo, J.A.; Hidalgo Zabala, E.
| | | | · Pyeloplasty in a horseshoe kidney Monge Mirallas, José María; Asensio Lahoz, Luis Alberto; Martínez Bretones, Fernando; Ruiz Izquierdo, Francisco; Ovejero Gómez, Víctor
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