| Disfunción miccional e incontinencia urinaria en el cáncer de próstata
Table of contents Arch. Esp. Urol. vol.62 n.10 Dec. 2009 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Voiding dysfunction in prostate cancer Prieto Chaparro, Luis
| | | Originales | | | | · Voiding dysfunction in prostate cancer Prieto Chaparro, Luis
| | | | · Epidemiology of urinary incontinence in prostate cancer: Incidence, quality of life and farmacoeconomic features Orsola, Anna; Moróte, Juan
| | | | · Urodynamic evaluation in prostate cancer patients with urinary incontinence Méndez Rubio, Santiago; Salinas Casado, Jesús; Virseda Chamorro, Miguel; Chiarelli, Leandro; Silmi Moyano, Ángel
| | | | · Urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: Surgical technique historic evolution and present functional outcomes Delgado Oliva, Francisco José; Caballero Romeo, Juan Pablo; García Serrado, Diego; Prieto Chaparro, Luis; Carro Rubias, Carlos; Chillón Sempere, Silvia; Paz Cruz, Lucas De; Nova Sánchez, Ernesto De
| | | | · Urinary incontinence, prostate cáncer and external beam radiotherapy Celada Álvarez, Francisco Javier
| | | | · Coiding dysfunction after brachytherapy in patients with prostate cancer Arlaríais Guzmán, Salvador; Bonillo García, Miguel Ángel; Broseta Rico, Enrique
| | | | · Urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: Urinary artificial sphinter Rodríguez Escobar, Fernando; Arañó Bertrán, Pedro
| | | | · FlowSecureTM artificial urinary sphincter for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy García-Montes, Fernando
| | | | · Which parients with stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy benefit from the indication of an invance®? Collado, Argimiro; Gómez-Ferrer, Álvaro; Rubio-Briones, José; Bonillo, Miguel Ángel; Iborra, Inmaculada; Solsona, Eduardo
| | | | · The treatment of prostatectomy incontinence with retroluminal transobturator repositioning sling advancer: Lessons learnt from accumulative experience Rehder, Peter; Freiin von Gleissenthall, Gabriele; Pichler, Renate; Glodny, Berhard
| | | | · Paraurethral adjustable continence therapy device (Pro-ACT) in the treatment of urinary incontinence after prostatic surgery García Matres, María Justa; Cansino Alcaide, José Ramón; Monasterio, Sara; Rodríguez de Bethencourt, Fermín; Hidalgo Togores, Luis; Peña Barthel, Jesús de la
| | | | · Pharmacological treatment for stress urinary incontinence in prostate cancer Miguel, Puyol; Collado, Argimiro
| | | | · Phisiotherapy and palliative management of urinary incontinence in prostate cancer: Start point and end of the road Gómez Lanza, Esther; Granda Contijoch, Mercé; Batista Miranda, José Emilio
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