| Table of contents Actas Urol Esp vol.31 n.7 Jul./Aug. 2007 Press Release | | | |
Original | | | | · The biography of Maximilian Nitze (1848-1906) and its contribution to the urology Verger-Kuhnke, A.B.; Reuter, M.A.; Beccaría, M.L.
| | | Review | | | | · Gene therapy: is possible a vaccine for prostate cancer? Gómez Pérez, L.; Delgado Oliva, F.J.; Vera Donoso, C.D.; Jiménez Cruz, J.F.; Hernández Andreu, J.M.
| | | Original | | | | · Natural history of metastasic prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy and secondary hormonal therapy efficiency Rodríguez García, N.; Luján Galán, M.; Pascual Mateo, C.; García Tello, A.M.; Torres Zambrano, G.M.; Berenguer Sánchez, A.
| | | Review | | | | · Treatment of the dysfunction of the pelvic floor Pena Outeiriño, J.M.; Rodríguez Pérez, A.J.; Villodres Duarte, A.; Mármol Navarro, S.; Lozano Blasco, J.M.
| | | Original | | | | · Extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: First 50 cases in a middle size hospitaL. Evaluation of the learning curve Peña González, J.A.; González Sala, J.L.; Prera Vilaseca, A.; Abad Gairín, C.; Graells Batet, A.; Descalzo Abad, MªC.
| | | | · Characterization of urinary tract symptoms and quality of life in patients with double-pig-tailed ureteral stents Vega Vega, A.; García Alonso, D.; García Alonso, C.J.
| | | | · Transurethral treatment of massive hematuria post retropubic adenomectomy Gaya Sopena, J.Mª; Arce Gil, J.; Gausa Gascón, L.; Montlleó González, M.; Salvador Bayarri, J.; Villavicencio Mavrich, H.
| | | | · Influence of the delay in urinary NMP22 preanalytical processing Fatela-Cantillo, D.; Fernández-Suárez, A.; Menéndez-López, V.; Carro Rubias, C.; Galán, J.A.; García Serrado, D.
| | | | · FlowsecureTM" artificial urinary sphincter: a new adjustable artificial urinary sphincter concept with conditional occlusion for stress urinary incontinence García Montes, F.; Knight, S.L.; Greenwell, T.; Mundy, A.R.; Craggs, M.D.
| | | | · Long term follow-up of the tendinous urethral support: an anatomical approach for stress urinary incontinence Palma, P.; Riccetto, C.; Fraga, R.; Martins, M.; Reges, R.; de Oliveira, M.; Rodrigues Netto, N. Jr.
| | | | · Epidemiologic, clinical and microbiological characteristics of nosocomial urinary infection in the spinal cord lesioned patient Hernández González, E.; Zamora Pérez, F.; Martínez Arroyo, M.; Valdez Fernández, M.; Alberti Amador, E.
| | | | · Urodynamic studies about the use of the valsalva maneuver in the urination of men with inguinal hernias above the age of fifty Yuan Ting, H.; Tavares Pinheiro, R.; Dambros, M.; Palma, P.
| | | | · Maternal and perinatal data of hypospadic in a 25 year period Sánchez Zalabardo, J.M.; Bono Ariño, A.; Gracia Romero, J.; López López, J.A.
| | | Clinical Notes | | | | · Spontaneuos haematoma for paracavernoso Martínez-Rodríguez, R.H.; Gutiérrez-Ruiz, C.; Rodríguez-Escovar, F.; Angerri, O.; Sarquella Geli, J.; Villavicencio Mavrich, H.
| | | | · Miliary tuberculosis in a patient treated with BCG intravesical instillation Fernández Jiménez-Ortiz, H.; Gómez Marco, J.J.; Rojo Zamanillo, I.; Fernández Fernández, E.
| | | | · Endoscopic modified technique of ureteral resection during nephroureterectomy Aguirre Benites, F.; Blanco Carballo, O.; Pamplona Casamayor, M.; Díaz González, R.; Leiva Galvis, O.
| | | | · Soft tissue metastases by micropapillary bladder carcinoma San Miguel Fraile, P.; Antón Badiola, I.; Ortiz Rey, J.A.; Fernández Fernández, G.; Iglesias Rodríguez, B.; Zungri Telo, E.
| | | | · Unilocular cystic renal carcinoma Gómez-Ferrer Lozano, A.; Navarro Antón, J.A.; Sala Aznar, A.; Mola Arizo, MªJ.; Polo i Peris, A.C.
| | | | · Arteriovenous fistula of the renal stump after nephrectomy Arzoz Fàbregas, M.; Ibarz Servio, L.; Bayona Areñas, S.; Bernal Salguero, S.; Muchart Masaller, J.; Saladié Roig, J.M.
| | | Images in Urology | | | | · Genital traumatism Martín Martín, S.; Torrecilla García-Ripoll, J.R.; Sanz Ruiz, A.; Gonzalo Rodríguez, V.; Müller Arteaga, C.; Fernández del Busto, E.
| | | | · Recurrence of papilar bladder cancer in penile urethra Leivar Tamayo, A.; Herrero Polo, E.; Caballero Romeu, J.P.; Megías Garrigós, J.; Pelluch Auladell, A.; Lobato Encinas, J.J.
| | | | · Skin metastases as the first manifestation of the progress of urothelial vesical carcinoma Donate Moreno, M.J.; Pastor Navarro, H.; Carrión López, P.; Salinas Sánchez, A.S.; Lorenzo Romero, J.G.; Ruiz Mondéjar, R.; Virseda Rodríguez, J.A.
| | | | · Multiple lithiasis of great size in neobladder realized 15 years ago Ruiz Mondejar, R.; Donate Moreno, M.J.; Pastor Navarro, H.; Carrión López, P.; Gálvez Calderón, J.; Virseda Rodríguez, J.A.
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