| Table of contents Actas Urol Esp vol.32 n.5 May. 2008 Press Release | | | |
Original-Prostate Cancer | | | | · Insignificant prostate cancer: Analysis our series Romero Selas, E.; Gómez Veiga, F.; Ponce Díaz-Reixa, J.L.; Pertega Díaz, S.; González Martín, M.
| | | | · Value of transrectal FNA in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in elderly patients Planelles Gómez, J.; Beltrán Armada, J.M.; Alonso Hernández, S.; Tarín Planes, M.; Beamud Cortés, M.; Gil Salom, M.
| | | | · Effectiveness and tolerability of zoledronic acid in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer Cózar Olmo, J.M.; Carballido Rodríguez, J.; Luque Galvez, P.; Tabernero Gómez, A.G.; Barreiro Mouro, A.; Sánchez Sánchez, E.; González Enguita, C.; Alcover García, J.; García-Galisteo, E.; Abascal García, J.M.; Sánchez Chapado, M.; Gómez Veiga, F.; Minguez Martínez, R.J.; Rodríguez Antolín, A.; Medina López, R.A.; Rico Morales, M.; Regadera Sejas, F.J.; Búcar Terrades, S.; Jamardo González, D.; Gálvez, R.
| | | Original-Bladder Cáncer | | | | · Clinical-pathology relationship in bladder cancer Navarro Medina, P.; Blanco Diez, A.; Artiles Hernández, J.L.; Chesa Ponce, N.
| | | Original-Renal Cancer | | | | · The cystic component in the renal cancer: conceptual overview Sánchez-Martín, F.M.; Pascual Queralt, M.; Martínez-Rodríguez, R.H.; Algaba Arrea, F.; Millán Rodríguez, F.; Palou Redorta, J.; Villavicencio Mavrich, H.
| | | Original-Urethroplasty | | | | · Buccal mucosa urethroplasty in anterior urethral structures Roca Edreira, A.; Aguilera Tubet, C.; García-Montesinos Perea, B.M.; García Montesinos, M.; Hernández Rodríguez, R.
| | | Original-Incontinence | | | | · Stress urinary incontinence surgical correction with third generation sub-mid-urethra sling: TVT-Secur Solà Dalenz, V.; Ricci Arriola, P.; Pardo Schanz, J.
| | | Original-General Urology | | | | · Intrauterine device migration to the bladder: four cases report Ebel, L.; Foneron, A.; Troncoso, L.; Cañoles, R.; Hornig, A.; Corti, D.
| | | | · Epididymis trombosed hemangioma in old patient: Presentation of 1 case with conceptual review and of the literature Ruiz Liso, J.M.; Ruiz García, J.; Pardo López, MªL.; Vaillo Vinagre, A.; Gutiérrez Martín, A.; Bermúdez Villaverde, R.
| | | | · Experience in superselective embolization of bladder arteries in the treatment of intractable hematuria Palma Ceppi, C.; Reyes Osorio, D.; Palma Ceppi, R.; Palavecino, P.
| | | Original-Lithiasis | | | | · Single center experience with Siemens Lithostar Modularis for treatment of 1500 solitiary urinary stones Vega Vega, A.; de Blas Gómez, V.; Guerreiro González, R.; Gallo Rolanía, F.J.
| | | Clinical Notes | | | | · Micropapillary urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: case report and review of the literature Astigueta Pérez, J.; Abad Licham, M.; Morante Deza, C.; Pow-Sang Godoy, M.; Meza Montoya, L.; Destéfano Urrutia, V.
| | | | · Pseudotumor testicular: a case report Sánchez Bernal, C.; Muñoz Arias, G.; Jiménez Romero, M.E.; Navas Martínez, C.; Rodríguez-Rubio, F.I.
| | | | · Low-grade collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney in a patient treated by dialysis Martín Martín, S.; De Castro Olmedo, C.; Torrecilla García-Ripoll, J.R.; García Lagarto, E.; Alonso Menéndez, S.; Fernández del Busto, E.
| | | | · Leukemic infiltration of the urinary bladder: A new case and literature review Martín Hernández, M.; Alonso y Gregorio, S.; Cansino Alcaide, R.; Pérez-Utrilla, M.; Aguilera Bazán, A.; Regojo Zapata, R.; De la Peña Barthel, J.J.
| | | | · Retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma in the infancy Arce Gil, J.; Arce Terroba, Y.; Angerri Feu, O.; Caffaratti Sfulcini, J.; Garat Barredo, J.Mª; Villavicencio Mavrich, H.
| | | Images in Urology | | | | · Preputial falp with sexual objetive López Luque, A.; Horques Pérez, J.A.; Verdú Martínez, M.
| | | | · Testicular evisceration Lorente Pérez, F.J.
| | | | · Early recurrence of a renal carcinoma osteosarcomatoid Álvarez-Múgica, M.; Bulnes Vázquez, V.; Jalón Monzón, A.; González Álvarez, R.C.; Fernández Gómez, J.M.; Martín Benito, J.L.
| | | | · Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis in the adult Arce Gil, J.; Acaso Til, H.; Angerri Feu, O.; Caffaratti Sfulcini, J.; Garat Barredo, J.M.; Villavicencio Mavrich, H.
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