Editorial |
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Original Papers and Reviews |
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| · Denial and limits: About the so called borderline disorders Pereña, Francisco
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| · Basis for an early attention team to psychotic patients Tizón, Jorge L.
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| · An experience of group approach on labour conflicts from mental health services Sanz Rodríguez, Luis Javier; Almendro Marín, M.ª Teresa; Gómez García de La Pedrosa, María; Díaz-Caneja Fernández, Sara
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| · Group psychotherapy in an acute psychiatric admission ward Martín Cabrero, Beatriz; Martínez Rodríguez, José Manuel
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Psychiatry Borders |
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| · The clinic of letters SEGALEN, Victor
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History of Psychiatry |
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| · Los delirios de negación según Cotard y Séglas Álvarez, José María; Colina, Fernando; Esteban, Ramón
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| · Delusion of denial Séglas, Jules
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| · Marguerite Séchehaye, a pioneer in the psychoanalytic research into schizophrenia Balbuena Rivera, Francisco
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Mental Health and Culture |
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| · Interview with Michel Foucault
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| · The other interpretations of Freud Rey, Carlos
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| · Erotomania, love and falling in love: Contradictions Martín López-Andrade, Laura
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| · The adolescents' writings during the process of psychotherapy Fernández de la Vega González, Susana
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Discussions and Reports |
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| · A comparative cost/efficiency study in a residential unit for patients with severe mental disorder Lascorz, David; Serrats, Eva; Pérez, Víctor; Fábregas, Josep; Vegué, Joan
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| · Anger, fibromyalgia and anxiety: therapeutic approach from a mental health centre Camino Vallhonrat, Agustín; Jiménez Rico, Beatriz; Castro-Palomino i Serra, Margarita de; Fábregas, Montse
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| · From categories to dimensions: a critical review of the evolution of psychiatric nosography Mellor Marsá, Blanca; Aragona, Massimiliano
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| · Meeting about models and strategies in mental health Alonso Suárez, M.; Levav, I.; Desviat, M.; Saraceno, B.
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Books |
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