Editorial |
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| · Cooperate to innovate Retolaza Balsategui, Ander
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Original Papers and Reviews |
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| · The relationship between self-reported cognitive functioning and self-stigma with the subjective recovery process in people with serious mental illness Garay Arostegui, Mariasun; Pousa Rodríguez, Verónica; Pérez Cabeza, Lucia
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| · "arRISKu MUGAN Project": materials aimed for reducing risks associated with drug use Insúa Cerretani, Patricia; Lledó Saínz de Rozas, Marimar
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| · The shared decision-making process in the treatment of psychiatric patient: empirical studies and capacity assessment Villagrán, José M.; Lara Ruiz-Granados, Ignacio; González-Saiz, Francisco
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| · Thinker's Group: narratives and subjectivities around mental health Serrano Miguel, Mercedes
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| · The residences for persons with Several Mental Disorder as a Therapeutic-Rehabilitation resource Lascorz Fierro, David; Serrats Alabau, Eva; Ruiz, Bibiana; Córdoba, Mª Jesús; Vegué Grilló, Joan
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| · Clinical Neuropsychiatry of epilepsy: transient epileptic amnesia. A case report Lázaro Perlado, Fernando; Marín Díaz-Guardamino, Elena; Conde Rivas, Manuel
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| · Thought and limit in psychoanalysis Gordo Sánchez, Jaime
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Clinical Case Records |
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| · Evaluation and outpatient treatment of compulsive hoarding in a patient with psychotic spectrum disorder Frías Ibáñez, Álvaro; Palma, Carolina; Borrás, Mireia; Bonet, Judit; Becerra, Carolina; Aluco, Elena
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| · Therapeutic accompainment: practice and clinic in a psychiatric hospital Rosique, María Teresa; González de Vega, Carmen; Sanz, Teresa
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| · Upon waking, hysteria was still there: globus hystericus in hypermodernity and a psychotherapy case report Ramos García, Javier
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Boticarium |
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| · Boticarium Medrano, Juan
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On the Verges of Psychiatry and Humanities |
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| · Historias de Algerión
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For Reading |
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| · Books
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| · Documents on the Web Medrano, Juan
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Official Actions |
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| · Manifiesto frente a la propuesta del gobierno de reforma del Código Penal: la enfermedad mental no es delito
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