Editorial |
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| · Electronic medical records and confidentiality Medrano, Juan; Pacheco, Luis
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Original Papers and Reviews |
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| · Program support to primary: a descriptive analysis and diagnostic concordance between primary care physician and psychologist Pérez-Ibáñez, Olga; García-Pedrajas, Cristina; Grases, Nuria; Marsó, Espe; Cots, Inés; Aparicio, Sonia; Ochoa, Susana; Ventura, Cristina
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| · The body as an object of desire in morbidly obese patients with a history of sexual abuse Mazagatos, Begoña; Ingles-Borda, Sandra; López-Picado, Amanda
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| · Formal changes in the psychiatric interview: what's the background? López-Santín, José Manuel; Álvaro Serón, Patricia; Molins Gálvez, Ferran
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| · Efficacy-effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) programme: an update Bertolín Guillén, José Manuel
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| · Teen and new addictions Hernanz Ruiz, Manuel
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| · Corticosteroid-induced mania: a case study and review Sánchez García, María Dolores; Pecino Esquerdo, Beatriz; Pérez Martínez, Enrique
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| · Bioethical strategy in the comprehensive mental health plan of Andalucía Pino López, Rafael del
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| · Dora according to Lacan Vucínovich, Nicolás; Otero Rodríguez, Juan
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| · Seasonal affective disorders, "winter blues" Gatón Moreno, Miren Aiala; González Torres, Miguel Ángel; Gaviria, Moisés
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Brief Reports |
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| · Group psychotherapy in a grief: experience of Clinical Psychology in Primary Health Care Espinosa Gil, Rosa María; Campillo Cascales, María José; Garriga Puerto, Ascensión; Martín García-Sancho, Julio César
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On the Verges of Psychiatry and Humanities |
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| · Reflections nerve and fills gaps Medrano, Juan
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Stories with History |
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| · Vicente Goyanes "Manual del Enfermero en los Manicomios" (1909): prelude to training in psychiatric nursing Villasante, Olga
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For Reading |
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| · Prácticas e ideas en el tratamiento de la locura: De la Revolución francesa al final del Nazismo Vázquez de la Torre Escalera, Paloma
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| · Documents on the web
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Official Actions |
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| · Formed the Management Board of the new Regional Association of Galicia AEA-PSM
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| · Statement from the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry of Mental Health-professionals regarding the reform of the Abortion Act
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Erratum |
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