| Table of contents Nefrología (Madr.) vol.35 n.6 Cantabria 2015 Press Release | | | |
Review | | | | · Animal models of pediatric chronic kidney disease: is adenine intake an appropriate model? Claramunt, Débora; Gil-Peña, Helena; Fuente, Rocío; Hernández-Frías, Olaya; Santos, Fernando
| | | Originals | | | | · Drug-related acute renal failure in hospitalised patients Iavecchia, Lujan; Cereza García, Gloria; Sabaté Gallego, Mònica; Vidal Guitart, Xavier; Ramos Terrades, Natalia; Torre, Judith de la; Segarra Medrano, Alfons; Agustí Escasany, Antònia
| | | | · What is the optimum dialysate flow in post-dilution online haemodiafiltration? Albalate Ramón, Marta; Sequera Ortiz, Patricia de; Pérez-García, Rafael; Corchete Prats, Elena; Alcázar Arroyo, Roberto; Ortega Díaz, Mayra; Puerta Carretero, Marta
| | | | · Development of certified environmental management in hospital and outpatient haemodialysis units García Vicente, Sergio; Morales Suárez-Varela, María; Martí Monrós, Anna; Llopis González, Agustín
| | | | · Molecular analysis of the CTNS gene in Jordanian families with nephropathic cystinosis Jaradat, Saied; Al-Rababah, Bothina; Hazza, Issa; Akl, Kamal; Saca, Edward; Al-Younis, Doaa
| | | | · Beneficial long-term effect of aldosterone antagonist added to a traditional blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system among patients with obesity and proteinuria Morales, Enrique; Gutiérrez, Eduardo; Caro, Jara; Sevillano, Angel; Rojas-Rivera, Jorge; Praga, Manuel
| | | | · Survival for haemodialysis vs. peritoneal dialysis and technique transference: experience in Ourense, Spain, from 1976 to 2012 Otero González, Alfonso; Iglesias Forneiro, Alfonso; Camba Caride, María Jesús; Pérez Melón, Cristina; Borrajo Prol, María Paz; Novoa Fernández, Enrique; Arenas Moncaleano, Ivan Gilberto; Uribe Moya, Silvia; Lagoa Labrador, Fiz
| | | | · Comparative study of impact of hemodialysis and renal transplantation on cognitive functions in ESRD patients Anwar, Waleed; Ezzat, Haitham; Mohab, Amr
| | | | · Hyperbaric index in the primary prevention of hypertensive complications in high-risk pregnancy Otero González, Alfonso; Uribe Moya, Silvia; Arenas Moncaleano, Ivan Gilberto; Borrajo Prol, María Paz; García García, María Jesús; López Sánchez, Luis
| | | Clinical Case | | | | · Control of proteinuria with increased doses of agalsidase alfa in a patient with Fabry disease with atypical genotype-phenotype expression Paliouras, Christos; Aperis, Georgios; Lamprianou, Foteini; Ntetskas, Giorgos; Roufas, Konstantinos; Polichronis Alivanis
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · IgA nephropathy associated with acute interstitial nephritis after administering iodinated contrast media Valdenebro, María; Marques, María; Rubio, Esther; Palomino, Edwin; García, Estefanya; Fernández, Jeanette; Huerta, Ana; Bellas, Carmen; Portolés, José
| | | | · Mycobacterium fortuitum as a cause of peritoneal dialysis catheter port infection: a clinical case and a review of the literature Martínez López, Ana Belén; Álvarez Blanco, Olalla; Ruíz Serrano, María Jesús; Morales San-José, María Dolores; Luque de Pablos, Augusto
| | | | · Resistant anaemia and mixed cryoglobulinaemia in a patient on haemodialysis in the context of Q fever Allende Burgos, Natalia; Calls Ginesta, Jordi
| | | | · Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: a review of 3 cases Merino Bueno, Carmen; Rio García, Laura del; Bande Fernández, J. Joaquín; García, Raúl; Hidalgo Ordoñez, Carlos; Rodríguez-Suárez, Carmen; Sánchez-Álvarez, J. Emilio
| | | | · Renal transplant patient in emergency department Ruiz-Fuentes, Maria del Carmen; Vargas-Rivas, José; Gracia-Guindo, Carmen de; Ruiz-Fuentes, Nuria; Teresa-Alguacil, Javier de; Osorio-Moratalla, José Manuel; Osuna-Ortega, Antonio
| | | | · Spinal cord compression due to a brown bone tumour in a patient on haemodialysis Rodríguez-Gómez, Eva María; Ruiz-Escolano, Francisco Javier; Ramos-Font, Carlos; Calurano-Casero, Rocío; Cruz-Muñoz, Sonia; Bernáldez-Domínguez, María Pilar
| | | | · Valvular calcifications in CKD: mineral and bone disease or previous cardiovascular risk? Bocanegra-Jesús, Alejandra; Guinetti-Ortiz, Katia; Gómez de la Torre-del Carpio, Andrea
| | | | · Lots of steroids and vitamins, tons of complications: hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis as important complications of performance-enhancing drugs Bento, Claudia; Velho, Pedro; Carvalho, Maurício
| | | | · Valvular calcifications in chronic kidney disease: mineral and bone disease or previous cardiovascular risk? Response Sánchez Perales, Carmen; Vázquez Ruiz de Castroviejo, Eduardo
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