Editorial |
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| · Dynamis in Open Journal System
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Dossier |
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| · Female cancers: a perspective from the Latin South Eraso, Yolanda; Teixeira, Luiz Antonio
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| · Aristides Maltez Hospital and the control of cervical cancer in Brazil Lana, Vanessa
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| · Technology and disciplinary fields: cytotechnicians and implementation of the Pap test in Brazil Teixeira, Luiz Antonio; Pumar, Leticia
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| · Controlling female cancer in Argentina: divergent initiatives and the road to fragmentation Eraso, Yolanda
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| · Viva Mulher: constructing a cervical cancer control program in Brazil Porto, Marco Antonio; Arantes Botelho Briglia Habib, Paula
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Articles |
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| · Diego Alcorta and diffusion of medical knowledge in Buenos Aires, 1821-1842 Pasquale, Mariano Di
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| · An approach to the history of scientific documentation in Catalonia: the activity of María Serrallach Juliá (1905-1992) in the Seminary of Chemistry of the University of Barcelona (1937-1984) Olagüe de Ros, Guillermo
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Documents |
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| · Dietary prescriptions for the elites of the kingdom of Navarre in the 16th century: the cases of Juan Rena and Juan de Alarcón Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando
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Interview |
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| · Shaping biomedical objects across history and philosophy: a conversation with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger García-Sancho, Miguel; González-Silva, Matiana; Santesmases, María Jesús
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Reviews |
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