| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.18 n.2 Madrid Mar./Apr. 2003 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · La desnutrición hospitalaria Ulíbarri, J. I de
| | | Review | | | | · Pharmacological Nutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Campos, F. G.; Waitzberg, D. L.; Teixeira, M. G.; Mucerino, D. R.; Kiss, D. R.; Habr-Gama, A.
| | | Originals | | | | · Local reference intervals for the excretion of creatinine in urine for an adult population Barreto Penie, J.; Santana Porben, S.; Consuegra Silverio, Dania
| | | | · Interchangeability of the fat-to-fat-free mass ratios obtained by arm anthropometric measures, skinfold thickness and bioelectrical impedance Martín Moreno, V.; Benito Gómez Gandoy, J.; Oya Otero, M. de; Gómez de la Cámara, Agustín; Antoranz González, M.ª J.
| | | | · Daily intake of macronutrients in a group of institutionalized elderly people in León. Spain García-Arias, M. T.; Villarino Rodríguez, A.; García-Linares, M. C.; Rocandio, A. M.; García-Fernández, M. C.
| | | | · Nutritional status in head and neck cancer patients: the impact on the prognoses Martín Villares, C.; San Román Carbajo, J.; Fernández Pello, M. E.; Tapia Risueño, M.; Domínguez Calvo, J.
| | | | · Detection of malnutrition on admission to hospital Cereceda Fernández, C.; González González, I.; Antolín Juárez, F. M.; García Figueiras, P.; Tarrazo Espiñeira, R.; Suárez Cuesta, B.; Álvarez Huete, A.; Manso Deibe, R.
| | | Summary of Communications | | | | · IBERO-LATIN-AMERICAN SECTION XXVII ASPEN CONGRESS. American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. San Antonio, Texas, USA. Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
| | | Books Review | | | | · Dietética aplicada a la práctica clínica Luis, D. A. de; Aller, R.; Izaola, O.
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