| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.21 n.1 Madrid Jan./Feb. 2006 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Spanish Language in Science El Consejo Editorial Iberoamericano
| | | The Declaration of Montevideo | | | | · Commitment of the scientific Associations and journals that conform the Latin-American Federation of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (FELANPE) and Latin-American Society of Nutrition (SLAN) Culebras, J. M.; Gil, A.; García de Lorenzo, A.; Angarita, C.; Atalah, E.; Carrasco, F.; Falcao, M. C.; Crivelli, A.; Faintuch, J.; Klaasen, J.; Kliger, G.; Mendoza, L.; Sotomayor, J.; Vannucchi, H.; Velázquez Alva, C.; Waitzberg, D.
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Dietary behavior disorders: Opinions and expectancies on prevention and treatment strategies from the perspective of the several social actors March, J.C.; Suess, A.; Prieto, M.A.; Escudero, M.J.; Nebot, M.; Cabeza, E.; Pallicer, A.
| | | | · Effects of parenteral glutamine in patients submitted to bone marrow transplantation Gómez Candela, C.; Castillo, R.; Cos, A. I. de; Iglesias, C.; Martín, M. C.; Aguado, M. J.; Ojeda, E.
| | | | · Malnutrition of home-based Hospital Patients Wanden-Berghe, C.; Sanz-Valero, J.; Jimenez, M.; Hernandez, M.; FEHAD. Grupo de Nutrición
| | | | · Situation and adequacyanalysis of dysphagia diets at a regional hospital Moreno, C.; García, M. J.; Martinez, C.; Grupo GEAM
| | | | · Comparative analysis of nutritional status, food intake and lenght of hospitalization considering two hospitals: public versus private Leandro-Merhi, AV. A.; Diez Garcia, R. W.; Mônaco, D. V.; Marques de Oliveira, M. R.
| | | | · Characteristics of glucose transport across the microvillous membranes of human term placenta Kaur Anand, Ravinderjit; Kanwar, Usha; Nath Sanyal, Sankar
| | | | · Assessment of protein quality in foods by calculating the amino acids score corrected by digestibility Suárez López, M. M.; Kizlansky, A.; López, L. B.
| | | | · Influence of the -866G/A polymorphism of the UCP2 gene on an obese pediatric population Zurbano, R.; Ochoa, M. C.; Moreno-Aliaga, M. J.; Martínez, J. A.; Marti, A.; GENOI
| | | | · Assessment of activity of care of a nutritional support multidiciplinary team in the follow-up of total parenteral nutrition Martínez Olmos, M. A.; Martínez Vázquez, M. J.; Montero Hernández, M.; Siquier Homar, P.; Valdueza Beneitez, J.; Morales Gorría, M. J.; Arbones Fernández-Vega, M. J.; Pena González, E.; Inaraja Bobo, M. T.
| | | | · Use of Ready-To-Use (RTU) products in home-based parenteral nutrition Planas, M.; Puiggrós, C.; Sánchez, J.R.; Cots, I.; Tutusaus, M.; Rodríguez, T.; Pérez-Portabella, C.; Gómez, R.
| | | | · National registry of home enteral nutrition in 2003 Planas, M.; Lecha, M.; García Luna, P. P.; Parés, R. M.; Chamorro, J.; Martí, E.; Bonada, A.; Irles, J. A.; Boris, M. A.; Cardona, D.; Zamarrón, I.; Calañas, A. J.; Rodríguez, A.; Camarero, E.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Mancha, A.; Luis Román, D. de; Cos, A.; Luengo, L. M.; Jiménez, M.; Bayo, P.; Goenaga, M. A.; Grupo de Trabajo NADYA-SENPE
| | | | · Effects of pork vs veal consumption on serum lipids in healthy subjects Rubio, J. A.; Rubio, M. A.; Cabrerizo, L.; Burdaspal, P.; Carretero, R.; Gómez-Gerique, J. A.; Montoya, M. T.; Maestro, M. L.; Sanz, M. T.; Fernández, C
| | | Functional Food | | | | · Contribution to the intake of macro and micro nutrients exerted by moderate beer consumption Romeo, J.; Díaz, L.; González-Gross, M.; Wärnberg, J.; Marcos, A.
| | | | · Soybean oligosaccharides: Potential as new ingredients in functional food Espinosa-Martos, I.; Rupérez, P.
| | | | · Quality of data on folic acid content in vegetables included in several spanish food composition tables and new data on their folate content Olivares, A. B.; Bernal, M. J.; Ros, G.; Martínez, C.; Periago, M. J.
| | | Clinical Case | | | | · A vascular necrosis of both hips and knees in a patient with ulcerative colitis treated for a long term with high-dose corticosteroids Vidal Casariego, A.; Cuerda Compés, C. de la; Bretón Lesmes, I.; Camblor Álvarez, M.; Velasco Gimeno, C.; García Peris, P.
| | | Therapeutic Recommendations | | | | · Management, prevention and control of megaloblastic anemia, secondary to folic acid deficiency Paz, R. de; Hernández-Navarro, F.
| | | Letter to the Editor | | | | · Home parenteral nutrition in pediatrics: Some answers Moreno Villares, J. M.; Gomis Muñoz, P.; León-Sanz, M.
| | | Books Review | | | | | | |