| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.26 n.2 Madrid Mar./Apr. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Investigation in nutrition: from the clinical grounds to the best scientific evidence Miján de la Torre, A.; de Mateo Silleras, B.
| | | Special Article | | | | · The Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) and its relation with healthcare authorities García de Lorenzo, A.; Álvarez, J.; Celaya, S.; García Cofrades, M.; García Luna, P. P.; García Peris, P.; León-Sanz, M.; Jiménez, C. P.; Olveira, G.; Smeets, M.
| | | Reviews | | | | · Hospital hyponutrition Waitzberg, D. L.; Ravacci, G. R.; Raslan, M.
| | | | · Intervention programs to promote physical activity in school children: systematic review Medina-Blanco, R. I.; Jiménez-Cruz, A.; Pérez-Morales, M. E.; Armendáriz-Anguiano, A. L.; Bacardí-Gascón, M.
| | | | · Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor: effects on nutritional homeostasis, obesity and diabetes mellitus Viana Abranches, M.; Esteves de Oliveira, F. C.; Bressan, J.
| | | | · Retinol, β-carotene, α-tocopherol and vitamin D status in European adolescents; regional differences an variability: A review Valtueña, J.; Breidenassel, C.; Folle, J.; González-Gross, M.
| | | | · Beneficial effects of chocolate on cardiovascular health Gómez-Juaristi, M.; González-Torres, L.; Bravo, L.; Vaquero, M. P.; Bastida, S.; Sánchez-Muniz, F. J.
| | | Originals | | | | · Analysis of plasma and erythrocyte zinc levels in premenopausal women with breast cancer Tinoco-Veras, C. M.; Bezerra Sousa, M. S.; Borges da Silva, B.; Franciscato Cozzolino, S. M.ª; Viana Pires, L.; Coelho Pimentel, J. A.; do Nascimento-Nogueira, N.; do Nascimento-Marreiro, D.
| | | | · Association of uricemia with biochemical and dietary factors in human adults with metabolic syndrome genotyped to C677T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene Kimi Uehara, S.; Rosa, G.
| | | | · Association between dyslipidemia and anthropometric indicators in adolescents Vieira Cunha Lima, S. C.; Oliveira Lyra, C.; Galvão Bacurau Pinheiro, L.; Medeiros de Azevedo, P. R.; Arrais, R. F.; Campos Pedrosa, L. F.
| | | | · Cell activation state influences the modulation of HLA-DR surface expression on human monocytes/macrophages by parenteral fish oil lipid emulsion Torrinhas, R. S.; Jacintho, T.; Goto, H.; Gidlund, M.; Sales, M. M.; Oliveira, P. A.; Waitzberg, D. L.
| | | | · Roles of G1359A polymorphism of the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) on weight loss and adipocytokines after a hypocaloric diet De Luis, D. A.; González Sagrado, M.; Aller, R.; Conde, R.; Izaola, O.; de la Fuente, B.; Primo, D.
| | | | · Importance of a balanced omega 6/omega 3 ratio for the maintenance of health: Nutritional recommendations Gómez Candela, C.; Bermejo López, L. M.ª; Loria Kohen, V.
| | | | · Spanish diet quality according to the healthy eating index Norte Navarro, A. I.; Ortiz Moncada, R.
| | | | · Prevalence of food habits and nutritional status in adult population served in primary care González-Solanellas, M.; Romagosa Pérez-Portabella, A.; Zabaleta-del-Olmo, E.; Grau-Carod, M.; Casellas-Montagut, C.; Lancho-Lancho, S.; Moreno-Feliu, R.; Pérez-Portabella, M.ª C.
| | | | · Study of the nutritional status of elders in Cantabria Jiménez Sanz, M.; Sola Villafranca, J. M.; Pérez Ruiz, C.; Turienzo Llata, M. J.; Larrañaga Lavin, G.; Mancebo Santamaría, M. A.; Hernández Barranco, M. C.; García Iglesias, A.; Palacio Pellón, J. L.; Pelillo García, T.; Fernández del Moral Pinilla, S.; Sañudo Pedrero, R. A.; Gutiérrez García, L.; Castro Ugalde, P.; García Calderón, M. I.; Cagigas Villoslada, M. J.; Río Pelaz, M. R. Del; Besoy González, A. I.; Canduela Fontaneda, B.; Castañeda García, E.; Cos Iglesia, A. De; Cos Seco, M. J. De; Domínguez Salas, R.; García Mata, M. A.; González Gutiérrez, T.; Alonso Diez, P.; Barriga Gómez, P.; Biurrun Ruiz, I.; Blanco Martínez, O.; Cadaya Gabas, N.; Carbajo Martínez, M. A.; Cobo Martínez, N.; Correas Gutiérrez, M. J.; García Diez, R.; González Expósito, J.; Gualdrón Romero, M. A.; Higuera Cobo, E.; Higuera Ruiz, E.; Lozano Barcena, R.; Ortiz García, N.; Ruiz Bolado, S.; Somonte Pérez, G.
| | | | · Overweight and obesity among Spanish adults Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E.; López-Plaza, B.; López-Sobaler, A. M.ª; Ortega, R. M.ª
| | | | · The reality of home-based parenteral nutrition in Spain Juana-Roa, J.; Wanden-Berghe, C.; Sanz-Valero, J.
| | | | · Prevalence and factors associated to malnutrition in patients admited to a medium-long stay hospital Pardo Cabello, A. J.; Bermudo Conde, S.; Manzano Gamero, M.ª V.
| | | | · Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancy following bariatric surgery González Navarro, I.; Pereira Cunill, J. L.; Serrano Aguayo, P.; Morales Conde, S.; Martos Martínez, J. M.; García Luna, P. P.
| | | | · Selecting the best anthropometric variables to characterize a population of healthy elderly persons Tesedo Nieto, J.; Barrado Esteban, E.; Velasco Martin, A.
| | | | · Dietary supplements for the lactating adolescent mother: influence on plasma micronutrients Correia-Santos, A. M.; Bolognini Pereira, K.; Erthal Santelli, R.; Teles Boaventura, G.; Blondet de Azeredo, V.
| | | | · Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: A 7 years experience long-term tube feeding. Follow-up Rodríguez Ortega, P.; Calañas Continente, A.; Molina Puertas, M. J.; Gutiérrez Alcántara, C.; Benito López, P.; Lavado Hernández, R.
| | | | · Substance abuse and health self-perception in Spanish children and adolescents Molinero, O.; Salguero, A.; Castro-Piñero, J.; Mora, J.; Márquez, S.
| | | | · Are calcium and fiber beneficial for poorly controlled diabetic patients? Matos, D. A. R.; Filizzola, R. G.; Costa, M. J. C.; Diniz, A. S.; Faintuch, J.
| | | | · Flaxseed and its contribution to body growth and brain of Wistar rats during chidhood and adolescence Ferreira Costa Leite, C. D.; Calvi Lenzi de Almeida, K.; Guzmán-Silva, M.ª A.; Azevedo de Meneses, J; Teles Boaventura, G.
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Phrynoderma secondary to vitamin A deficiency in a patient with biliopancreatic diversion Ocón Bretón, J.; Cabrejas Gómez, M. C.; Altermir Trallero, J.
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