| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.27 n.2 Madrid Mar./Apr. 2012 Press Release | | | |
Special Article | | | | · Linked Data as a tool in the nutrition domain Míguez Pérez, R.; Santos Gago, J. M.; Alonso Rorís, V. M.; Álvarez Sabucedo, L. M.; Mikic Fonte, F. A.
| | | Reviews | | | | · Nutrition acute pancreatitis García-Alonso, F. J.; Garrido Gómez, E.; Botella-Carretero, J. I.; Pérez-Lasala, J.; Cano Ruiz, A.; Moreira Vicente, V.
| | | | · Enteral nutrition in neurological patients: is there enough vitamin D content in commonly used formulas? Botella Romero, F.; Alfaro Martínez, J. J.; Luna López, V.; Galicia Martín, I.; Grupo de Trabajo sobre Calcio y Vitamina D en Nutrición Enteral
| | | | · Micronutrients in bariatric surgery Amaya García, M.ª J.; Vilchez López, F. J.; Campos Martín, C.; Sánchez Vera, P.; Pereira Cunill, J. L.
| | | | · Multidisciplinary care in cystic fibrosis: a clinical-nutrition review Haack, A.; Carvalho Garbi Novaes, M.ª R.
| | | | · Importance of nutritional support in patients with hepatic encephalopathy Jurado García, J.; Costán Rodero, G.; Calañas-Continente, A.
| | | | · The influence of endotoxemia on the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance Boroni Moreira, A. P.; de Cássia Gonçalves Alfenas, R.
| | | | · Epidemiology and risk factors of eating disorder in adolescence: a review Portela de Santana, M. L.; da Costa Ribeiro Junior, H.; Mora Giral, M.; Raich, R. M.ª
| | | | · Poisonous mushrooms: a review of the most common intoxications Lima, A. D. L.; Costa Fortes, R.; Carvalho Garbi Novaes, M. R.; Percário, S.
| | | | · Adverse effects of parenteral nutrition in cancer patients: systematic review Wanden-Berghe, C.; Sanz-Valero, J.; García de Lorenzo, A.; Martín-Peña, G.; Cervera, M.; Luengo, L.; Martín-Folgueras, T.; Laborda, L.; Grupo CDC-Nut SENPE
| | | Originals | | | | · Informed consent in the intragastric balloon supported by SENPE, SEEDO, SEN and SECO: legal aspects Abilés, V.; Martínez Olmos, M. A.; Escartí, M. A.; Bretón, I.; Cáncer, E.; Pelaez, N.; Álvarez, V.; Culebras, J. M.; Mazure, R. A.; SENPE. Grupo de Trabajo OBESMINVA
| | | | · Hypoglycemic effect of Lupinus mutabilis in healthy volunteers and subjects with dysglycemia Fornasini, M.; Castro, J.; Villacrés, E.; Narváez, L.; Villamar, M.ª P.; Baldeón, M. E.
| | | | · Presence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in institutionalized elderly with dementia according to the type and deterioration stage Camina Martín, M.ª A.; Barrera Ortega, S.; Domínguez Rodríguez, L.; Couceiro Muiño, C.; de Mateo Silleras, B.; Redondo del Río, M.ª P.
| | | | · Nutritional orientation, knowledge and quality of diet in heart failure: randomized clinical trial Donner Alves, F.; Correa Souza, G.; Brunetto, S.; Schweigert Perry, I. D.; Biolo, A.
| | | | · Nutritional value of Agaricus sylvaticus: mushroom grown in Brazil Vinhal Costa Orsine, J.; Carvalho Garbi Novaes, M.ª R.; Ramírez Asquieri, E.
| | | | · Prevalence of diabetes in a cancer population in a Malaga hospital Sánchez Peralta, A. M.ª; Oliveras-López, M.ª J.; Pérez González, R.; Martínez Martínez, F.; López-García de la Serrana, H.
| | | | · Two methods to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in 8-9 year-old-children in Seville, Spain Cerrillo, I.; Fernández-Pachón, M.ª S.; Ortega, M.ª Á.; Valero, E.; Martín, F. M.; Jáuregui-Lobera, I.; Berná, G.
| | | | · Prevalence of malnutrition and its etiological factors in hospitals Burgos, R.; Sarto, B.; Elío, I.; Planas, M.; Forga, M.ª; Cantón, A.; Trallero, R.; Muñoz, M.ª J.; Pérez, D.; Bonada, A.; Saló, E.; Lecha, M.ª; Enrich, G.; Salas-Salvadó, J.; Group for the Study of Malnutrition in Hospitals in Catalonia
| | | | · EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire role as predictor for malnutrition risk in head and neck cancer Mexican patients Sat-Muñoz, D.; Morán Mendoza, A. J.; Solano-Murillo, P.; Balderas-Peña, L. M.ª A.; Rivera-Morales, D.; Iñíguez-Virgen, A.; Salcedo-Rocha, A. L.; García de Alba-García, J. E.
| | | | · Perceived migraine triggers: do dietary factors play a role? Camboim Rockett, F.; Castro, K.; Rossoni de Oliveira, V.; da Silveira Perla, A.; Fagundes Chaves, M. L.; Schweigert Perry, I. D.
| | | | · Measurement of the thickness of the adductor pollicis muscle as a predictor of outcome in critically ill patients Caporossi, F. S.; Caporossi, C.; Borges Dock-Nascimento, D.; de Aguilar-Nascimento, J. E.
| | | | · Nutritional status, dietary intake and serum levels of vitamin C upon diagnosis of cancer in children and adolescents Lima de Araújo, L.; Maciel Barbosa, J.; Gomes Ribeiro, A. P.; Oliveira dos Santos, A. C.; Pedrosa, F.
| | | | · Lactobacillus plantarum CECT7315 and CECT7316 stimulate immunoglobulin production after influenza vaccination in elderly Bosch, M.; Méndez, M.; Pérez, M.; Farran, A.; Fuentes, M. C.; Cuñé, J.
| | | | · Influence of the glycemic index and glycemic load of the diet in the glycemic control of diabetic children and teenagers Queiroz, K. C.; Novato Silva, I.; de Cássia Gonçalves Alfenas, R.
| | | | · Nutritional assessment for cancer patient Valenzuela-Landaeta, K.; Rojas, P.; Basfi-fer, K.
| | | | · Deficient selenium status of a healthy adult Spanish population Millán Adame, E.; Florea, D.; Sáez Pérez, L.; Molina López, J.; López-González, B.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Planells del Pozo, E.
| | | | · Organization and management of nutritional care process in hospitalized patients: the model implemented in the "Hospital Universitario de La Ribera" Llopis-Salvia, P.; Luna-Calatayud, P.; Avellana-Zaragoza, J. A.; Bou-Monterde, R.
| | | | · Nutritional trial to evaluate calcium intake in postmenopausic women on a diet of fermented milk enriched in calcium and vitamin D (Densia®) González Sánchez, M.ª E.; Rivera Torres, A.; Morán Fagúndez, L. J.
| | | | · Nutritional assessment associated with length of inpatients' hospital stay Valente da Silva, H. G.; Santos, S. O.; Silva, N. O.; Ribeiro, F. D.; Josua, L. L.; Moreira, A. S. B.
| | | | · Palm tree syrup: nutritional composition of a natural edulcorant Luis, G.; Rubio, C.; Gutiérrez, A. J.; Hernández, C.; González-Weller, D.; Revert, C.; Castilla, A.; Abreu, P.; Hardisson, A.
| | | | · Diagnostic and psychopathologic evaluation of binge eating disorder in gastric bypass patients García Díaz, E.; Martín Folgueras, T.; Morcillo Herrera, L.; Jiménez Sosa, A.
| | | | · Assessment of nutritional status of patients candidates for lung resection by 2 methods Carnero Gregorio, M.; Obeso Carillo, G. A.; Durán Toconas, J. C.; Villaverde Taboada, C.; García-Mayor, R. V.; Cañizares Carretero, M. A.; Pérez Méndez, L. F.
| | | | · Confirming the validity of the CONUT system for early detection and monitoring of clinical undernutrition: comparison with two logistic regression models developed using SGA as the gold standard González-Madroño, A.; Mancha, A.; Rodríguez, F. J.; Culebras, J.; de Ulibarri, J. I.
| | | | · Compliance with dietary and nutrient recommendations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Granada cohort at recruitment Molina-Montes, E.; Sánchez-Cantalejo, E.; Martínez, C.; Contreras, J. M.; Molina, E.; Sánchez, M. J.
| | | | · Cross-cultural adaptation of the Portuguese version of the patient-generated subjective global assessment Duarte Bonini Campos, J. A.; Dias do Prado, C.
| | | | · Assessing risk screening methods of malnutrition in geriatric patients: Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) versus Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) Durán Alert, P.; Milà Villarroel, R.; Formiga, F.; Virgili Casas, N.; Vilarasau Farré, C.
| | | | · Perinatal and parental determinants of childhood overweight in 6-12 years old children Santiago, S.; Zazpe, I.; Cuervo, M.; Martínez, J. A.
| | | | · Comparative study on the clinical-nutritional status of obese postmenopausal women on a weight loss programme based on prepared dishes Rodríguez-Navarrete, G.; Sánchez-Oliver, A.; López-González, B.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Manzano Romero, B.; Planells del Pozo, E.
| | | | · Analysis of bone microarchitecture related to anthropometry in climateric women Giolo De Carvalho, F.; de Souza Santos, R.; Iannetta, R.; Marques Miguel Suen, V.; Marliere Navarro, A.; Nonino-Borges, C.B.; Marchini, J. S.; Iannetta, O.
| | | | · Plasma fatty acids profile in paediatric cancer patients de la Torre Aguilar, M.ª J.; Cox Belmonte, A.; Mesa-García, M.ª D.; Pérez Navero, J. L.; Gil-Campos, M.ª M.
| | | | · Resolution of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome in normal weight 24-29 BMI patients with one anastomosis gastric bypass García-Caballero, M.; Valle, M.; Martínez-Moreno, J. M.; Miralles, F.; Toval, J. A.; Mata, J. M.; Osorio, D.; Mínguez, A.
| | | | · Knowledge, interest, predisposition and evaluation of functional foods in Spanish dietitians-nutritionists and experts in human nutrition and dietetics Basulto Marset, J.; Casas-Agustench, P.; Babio Sánchez, N.; Salas-Salvadó, J.
| | | | · Validation of a questionnaire on emotional eating for use in cases of obesity: the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) Garaulet, M.; Canteras, M.; Morales, E.; López-Guimera, G.; Sánchez-Carracedo, D.; Corbalán-Tutau, M. D.
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Malnutrition and associated factors in elderly hospitalized Lara-Pulido, A.; Guevara-Cruz, M.
| | | | · Tetany secondary to deficiency rickets Fernández Martínez, M.ª M.; Gómez Llorente, J. L.; Martín González, M.; Momblan de Cabo, J.; Bonillo Perales, A.
| | | Short Communications | | | | · Patterns of food avoidance in chronic fatigue syndrome: is there a case for dietary recommendations? Trabal, J.; Leyes, P.; Fernández-Solá, J.; Forga, M.ª; Fernández-Huerta, J.
| | | | · Perception about the importance of feeding in a group of hematologic cancer patients Rodríguez-Durán, D.; Palma, S.; Loria-Kohen, V.; Villarino, M.; Bermejo, L. M.; Gómez-Candela, C.
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