| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.27 n.3 Madrid May./Jun. 2012 Press Release | | | |
Special Article | | | | · Nutritional intervention in oncohematological patient Gómez-Candela, C.; Canales Albendea, M. A.; Palma Milla, S.; de Paz Arias, R.; Díaz Gómez, J.; Rodríguez-Durán, D.; Villarino-Sanz, M.; Arribas Hortigüela, L.; Burgos Peláez, R.
| | | Reviews | | | | · Immunoenhanced enteral nutrition formulas in head and neck cancer surgery: a systematic review Casas Rodera, P.; de Luis, D. A.; Gómez Candela, C.; Culebras, J. M.
| | | | · We and zinc Florea, D. I.; Molina López, J.; Millán, E.; Sáez, L.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Planells, P.; Salmerón, J. I.; Planells, E.
| | | Originals | | | | · Comparison of two nutritional screening tools for predicting the development of complications in hospitalized patients Ocón Bretón, M.ª J.; Altemir Trallero, J.; Mañas Martínez, A. B.; Sallán Díaz, L.; Aguillo Gutiérrez, E.; Gimeno Orna, J. A.
| | | | · Nutritional status, systemic inflammation and prognosis of patients with gastrointestinal cancer Gomes de Lima, K. V.; Maio, R.
| | | | · Food sources and average intake of calcium in a representative sample of Spanish schoolchildren Ortega, R. M.; López-Sobaler, A. M.; Jiménez Ortega, A. I.; Navia Lombán, B.; Ruiz-Roso Calvo de Mora, B.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E.; López Plaza, B.; Grupo de investigación nº 920030
| | | | · Gender-specific influence of health behaviors on academic performance in Spanish adolescents: the AFINOS study Martínez-Gómez, D.; Veiga, O. L.; Gómez-Martínez, S.; Zapatera, B.; Martínez-Hernández, D.; Calle, M.ª E.; Marcos, A.; AFINOS Study Group
| | | | · Five year trends on total and abdominal adiposity in Spanish adolescents Moreno, L. A.; Moliner-Urdiales, D.; Ruiz, J. R.; Mesana, M.ª I.; Vicente-Rodríguez, G.; Rodríguez, G.; Fleta, J.; León, J. F.; García-Fuentes, M.; Castillo, M. J.; González-Gross, M.; Marcos, A.; AVENA study group, HELENA study group
| | | | · Comparison between the quality of life and nutritional status of nutrition students and those of other university careers at the Santo Thomas University in Chile Durán Agüero, S.; Bazaez Díaz, G.; Figueroa Velásquez, K.; Berlanga Zúñiga, M.R.; Encina Vega, C.; Rodríguez Noel, M.P.
| | | | · Effect of an 8-week aerobic training program during physical education lessons on aerobic fitness in adolescents Ramírez Lechuga, J.; Muros Molina, J. J.; Morente Sánchez, J.; Sánchez Muñoz, C.; Femia Marzo, P.; Zabala Díaz, M.
| | | | · A six month randomized school intervention and an 18-month follow-up intervention to prevent childhood obesity in Mexican elementary schools Bacardí-Gascon, M.; Pérez-Morales, M.ª E.; Jiménez-Cruz, A.
| | | | · Training model for integral treatment of patients with eating disorders resistant to change Calvo Sagardoy, R.; Gallego Morales, L. T.; García de Lorenzo y Mateos, A.
| | | | · Nutritional assessment of hospitalized HIV-infected patients by the phase angle z-score measurement Araujo Antunes, A.; Alves Pereira Rodrigues, A. P.; Geraix, J.; Vaz de Arruda Silveira, L.; Câmara Marques Pereira, P.; Barros Leite Carvalhaes, M.ª A.
| | | | · Central venous catheters-related infections in patients with parenteral nutrition Seisdedos Elcuaz, R.; Conde García, M.ª C.; Castellanos Monedero, J. J.; García-Manzanares Vázquez-de Agredos, A.; Valenzuela Gámez, J. C.; Fraga Fuentes, M.ª D.
| | | | · Increasing leptin level in abstaining alcohol-dependent women Cardoso Fernandes Toffolo, M.; Aparecida Marliére, C.; Nascimento de Freitas, S.; Silva de Aguiar Nemer, A.
| | | | · Evidence-based nutritional recommendations for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults (FESNAD-SEEDO consensus document): Methodology and executive summary (I/III) Gargallo Fernández, M.; Basulto Marset, J.; Breton Lesmes, I.; Quiles Izquierdo, J.; Formiguera Sala, X.; Salas-Salvadó, J.; FESNAD-SEEDO consensus group
| | | | · Evidence-based nutritional recommendations for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults (FESNAD-SEEDO consensus document): The role of diet in obesity prevention (II/III) Gargallo Fernández, M.; Quiles Izquierdo, J.; Basulto Marset, J.; Breton Lesmes, I.; Formiguera Sala, X.; Salas-Salvadó, J.; FESNAD-SEEDO consensus group
| | | | · Evidence-based nutritional recommendations for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults (FESNAD-SEEDO consensus document): The role of diet in obesity treatment (III/III) Gargallo Fernández Manuel, M.; Breton Lesmes, I.; Basulto Marset, J.; Quiles Izquierdo, J.; Formiguera Sala, X.; Salas-Salvadó, J.; FESNAD-SEEDO consensus group
| | | | · Increased risk of obesity and central obesity in sedentary postmenopausal women Gómez-Cabello, A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, G.; Pindado, M.; Vila, S.; Casajús, J. A.; Pradas de la Fuente, F.; Ara, I.
| | | | · Impact of the creation of a nutritional support team on the quality, safety and effectiveness of total parenteral nutrition López-Martín, C.; Abilés, J.; Garrido Siles, M.; Faus Felipe, V.
| | | | · Evaluation of drug administration through enteral feeding tubes in hospitalized patients de Amuriza Chicharro, N.; Romero Jiménez, R. M.ª; Valero Zanuy, M.ª A.; Gomis Muñoz, P.; Herreros de Tejada, A.
| | | | · Incidence of catheter-related infection and associated risk factors in hospitalized patients with parenteral nutrition Aguilella Vizcaíno, M.ª J.; Valero Zanuy, M.ª Á.; Gastalver Martín, C.; Gomis Muñoz, P.; Moreno Villares, J. M.; León Sanz, M.
| | | | · Quality control an assessment system: Its location within a program for food, nutrition and metabolic intervention Santana Porbén, S.
| | | | · Lipid profile and cardiovascular risk in anorexia nervosa: the effect of nutritional treatment Jáuregui-Garrido, B.; Bolaños-Ríos, P.; Santiago-Fernández, M. J.; Jaúregui-Lobera, I.
| | | | · Assessment of food consumption, energy and protein intake in the meals offered in four Spanish nursing homes Milà Villarroel, R.; Abellana Sangrà, R.; Padró Massaguer, L.; Farran Codina, A.
| | | | · Pica diagnosis during pregnancy and micronutrient dificiency in Argentine women Poy, M. S.; Weisstaub, A.; Iglesias, C.; Fernández, S.; Portela, M.ª L.; López, L. B.
| | | | · Relationship between body mass index with dietary fiber intake and skinfolds: differences among bodybuilders who train during morning and nocturne period Monteiro, J. C. V.; Pimentel, G. D.; Sousa, M. V.
| | | Case Reports | | | | · Alcoholic ketoacidosis and reversible neurological complications due to hypophosphataemia Fernández López, M.ª T.; García Bargo, M.ª D.; Rivero Luis, M.ª T.; Álvarez Vázquez, P.; Sáenz Fernández, C. A.; Mato Mato, J. A.
| | | | · Persistent chylothorax in patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis Palmeiro, R.; Arosa, V.; Cuerda, C.; Bretón, I.; Camblor, M.; Rodríguez, M.ª C.; García Peris, P.
| | | Short Communications | | | | · Pilot study of intravenous fluid therapy management in adult patients at a tertiary care hospital Cordero Cruz, A. M.ª; Moreno Villares, J. M.; Gomis Muñoz, P.; Valero Zanuy, M.ª Á.; Calleja Hernández, M. Á.
| | | Scientific Letters | | | | · Efficacy and safety of adjuvant octreotide with parenteral nutrition for conservative treatment of chylothorax López López, M.ª V.; Luengo Pérez, L. M.; Rangel Mayoral, J. F.; Liso Rubio, F. J.
| | | | · Body composition analysis in adult women with systemic lupus erythematosus Bravo Ramírez, A.; Hurtado Torres, G. F.; Martínez Martínez, M.; Abud Mendoza, C.
| | | Books Review | | | | · Nutrition, health and society; Spain and Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries Ferragud Domingo, Carmel; Sanz-Valero, Javier
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