| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.28 n.4 Madrid Jul./Aug. 2013 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · How to publish in The New England Journal of Medicine and not to die while trying it: the PREDIMED experience Arós, Fernando; Corella, Dolores; Covas, María-Isabel; Estruch, Ramón; Fiol, Miquel; Lapetra, José; Gómez-Gracia, Enrique; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa Maria; Martínez, Alfredo; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Pintó, Xavier; Portillo, María del Puy; Ros, Emilio; Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Valentina; Saez, Guillermo; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Serra-Majem, Lluís; Tur, Josep; PREDIMED
| | | Special Article | | | | · Quality of the diet "before and during" a weight loss treatment based on Mediterranean diet, behavioral therapy and nutritional education Morales-Falo, Eva María; Sánchez-Moreno, Carmen; Esteban, Alberto; Alburquerque, Juan José; Garaulet, Marta
| | | Reviews | | | | · Adherence to nutritional therapy in obese adolescents: a review Guimarães França, Silvana Lima; Sahade, Viviane; Nunes, Mônica; Adan, Luis F.
| | | | · Genetic variation of apolipoproteins, diet and other environmental interactions: an updated review Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Peñalvo, José Luis
| | | | · Energy availability, menstrual dysfunction and bone health in sports: an overwiew of the female athlete triad Márquez, Sara; Molinero, Olga
| | | | · It is enough to recommended to patients take a walk?: importance of the cadence Cristi-Montero, Carlos
| | | | · Endocrinometabolic disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Torres-Sánchez, Irene; Valenza, Marie Carmen; Carrasco, Fernando; Cabrera-Martos, Irene; Valenza-Demet, Gerald; Cano-Capellaci, Marcelo
| | | | · Alpha lipoic acid and its antioxidant against cancer and diseases of central sensitization Durand, Marisa; Mach, Núria
| | | | · Intestinal microbiota; relevance to obesity and modulation by prebiotics and probiotics Tavares da Silva, Sandra; Araújo dos Santos, Carolina; Bressan, Josefina
| | | Originals | | | | · Inter-methods agreement for the assessment of percentage of body fat between two laboratory methods in male adolescent cyclists González-Agüero, Alejandro; Olmedillas, Hugo; Gómez-Cabello, Alba; Guillén-Ballester, Alexander; Casajús, José A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán
| | | | · Sedentarism and physical fitness in postmenopausal women Morales, Silvia; Gómez-Cabello, Alba; González-Agüero, Alejandro; Casajús, José Antonio; Ara, Ignacio; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán
| | | | · Occupational physical activity and body composition in adult women: pilot study Fuentes Bravo, Manuel; Zúñiga Paredes, Francisca; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Fernando Javier; Cristi-Montero, Carlos
| | | | · Implementation of a nutrition education program in a handball team: consequences on nutritional status Molina-López, Jorge; Molina, José Manuel; Chirosa, Luis Javier; Florea, Daniela; Sáez, Laura; Jiménez, Jorge; Planells, Paloma; Pérez de la Cruz, Antonio; Planells, Elena
| | | | · Exercise and nutritional supplements: effects of combined use in people over 65 years; a systematic review Vásquez-Morales, Andrea; Wanden-Berghe, Carmina; Sanz-Valero, Javier
| | | | · Relationship of oxidative stress and weight loss achieved in morbid obese patients by means of bariatric surgery using the duodenal switch technique Tursi Ríspoli, Leonardo De; Vázquez Tarragón, Antonio; Vázquez Prado, Antonio; Sáez Tormo, Guillermo; Ismail Mahmoud, Ali; Bruna Esteban, Marcos; Mulas Fernandez, Claudia; Gumbau Puchol, Verónica
| | | | · Changes in body composition in relation to the stage of dementia in a group of institutionalized elderly Camina Martín, M.ª Alicia; Mateo Silleras, Beatriz de; Carreño Enciso, Laura; Cruz Marcos, Sandra de la; Miján de la Torre, Alberto; Redondo del Río, M.ª Paz
| | | | · Bariatric surgery decreases carotid intima-media thickness in obese subjects García, Gonzalo; Bunout, Daniel; Mella, Javiera; Quiroga, Erik; Maza, María Pía de la; Cavada, Gabriel; Hirsch, Sandra
| | | | · Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy on weight loss after two years of bariatric surgery in morbidity obese patients Abilés, V; Abilés, J; Rodríguez-Ruiz, S; Luna, V; Martín, F; Gándara, N; Fernández-Santaella, MC
| | | | · Body mass index, abdominal obesity, body fat and migraine features in women Rossoni de Oliveira, Vanessa; Camboim Rockett, Fernanda; Castro, Kamila; Silveira Perla, Alexandre da; Fagundes Chaves, Màrcia Lorena; Schweigert Perry, Ingrid D.
| | | | · Satisfaction with gastrostomy feeding in caregivers of children with home enteral nutrition: application of the SAGA-8 questionnaire and analysis of involved factors Martínez-Costa, Cecilia; Calderón, Caterina; Gómez-López, Lilianne; Borraz, Soraya; Pedrón-Giner, Consuelo
| | | | · Adherence to Mediterranean diet in rural urban adolescents of southern Spain, life satisfaction, anthropometry, and physical and sedentary activities Grao-Cruces, Alberto; Nuviala, Alberto; Fernández-Martínez, Antonio; Porcel-Gálvez, Ana-María; Moral-García, José-Enrique; Martínez-López, Emilio J.
| | | | · Do calcium and vitamin D intake influence the effect of cycling on bone mass through adolescence? Gómez-Bruton, A.; González-Agüero, A.; Olmedillas, H.; Gómez-Cabello, A.; Matute-Llorente, A.; Julián-Almárcegui, C.; Casajús, J. A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, G.
| | | | · Trans fatty acids in the nutrition of children with neurological disorders Cortés, E.; Aguilar, M. J.; Rizo, M. M.; Gil, V; Hidalgo, M. J.
| | | | · Planning of the school menu; results of a diet counseling system for the adequacy to the nutritional recommendations Moran Fagúndez, Luis; Rivera Torres, Alejandra; Irles Rocamora, José Antonio; Jiménez Licera, Estefanía; González Sánchez, María Eugenia; Esteban Gascón, Alberto; López López, Guadalupe; Almeida González, Carmen
| | | | · Physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents with Down syndrome Matute-Llorente, A.; González-Agüero, A.; Gómez-Cabello, A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, G.; Casajús, J. A.
| | | | · Evaluation of an education intervention for childhood obesity prevention in basic school in Chile Lobos Fernández, Luz Lorena; Leyton Dinamarca, Barbara; Kain Bercovich, Juliana; Vio del Río, Fernando
| | | | · High ratio of omega 6/omega 3 ratio children with neuropathies cause or effect Cortés, E.; Hidalgo, M. J.; Rizo-Baeza, M. M.; Aguilar, M. J.; Gil, V.
| | | | · Carotid intima-media thickness: normal values from 4 years Arriba Muñoz, Antonio de; Domínguez Cajal, María Mercedes; Labarta Aizpún, José Ignacio; Domínguez Cunchillos, Manuel; Mayayo Dehesa, Esteban; Ferrández Longás, Ángel
| | | | · Dried apples enriched with mandarin juice by vacuum impregnation improve antioxidant capacity and decrease inflammation in obese children Codoñer-Franch, Pilar; Betoret, Ester; Betoret, Noelia; López-Jaén, Ana B.; Valls-Belles, Victoria; Fito, Pedro
| | | | · The nutritional status in adolescent Spanish cyclists Julián-Almárcegui, C.; Gómez-Cabello, A.; González-Agüero, A.; Olmedillas, H.; Gómez-Bruton, A.; Matute-Llorente, A.; Casajús, J. A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, G.
| | | | · Metabolic syndrome and nutrition in a Granada's tropical coast population Millán, S.; Samaniego-Sánchez, C.; Romero, A.; Quesada-Granados, J. J.; López-García de la Serrana, H.
| | | | · Efficacy of social support on metabolic syndrome among low income rural women in Chiapas, México Bezares-Sarmiento, Vidalma del Rosario; Bacardí-Gascón, Montserrat; Márquez-Rosa, Sara; Molinero-González, Olga; Estrada-Grimaldo, Martha; Jiménez-Cruz, Arturo
| | | | · Do vitamins from foods fortified exceed the allowed limits?: study carried out in population young adolescent and young adult of the Metropolitan Region of Chile Freixas Sepúlveda, Alejandra; Díaz Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Gaete Verdugo, María Cristina
| | | | · Determination of folate content in ready-to-eat food products Fajardo Martín, Violeta; Alonso-Aperte, Elena; Varela-Moreiras, Gregorio
| | | | · Does the opinion of the therapeutic team match with psychometric measures during the course of eating disorders? Jáuregui-Lobera, I.; Garrido-Casals, O.; Santiago, M. J.; Bolaños-Ríos, P.; Ruiz-Prieto, I.
| | | | · Screening in a Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Collection to select a strain able to survive to the human intestinal tract Vázquez, Clotilde; Botella-Carretero, José I.; García-Albiach, Raimundo; Pozuelo, María J.; Rodríguez-Baños, Mercedes; Baquero, Fernando; Baltadjieva, María A.; Campo, Rosa del
| | | | · Prevalence and associated factors of hospital malnutrition in a general hospital: Perú, 2012 Veramendi-Espinoza, L. E.; Zafra-Tanaka, J. H.; Salazar-Saavedra, O.; Basilio-Flores, J. E.; Millones-Sánchez, E.; Pérez-Casquino, G. A.; Quispe-Moore, L. M.; Tapia-Vicente, M. E.; Ticona-Rebagliati, D. I.; B. Asato, N.; Quispe-Calderón, L.; Ruiz García, H. J.; Chia-Gil, A.; Rey-Rodríguez, D. E.; T. Surichaqui, B.; Whittembury, Á.
| | | | · Cytotoxicity of Agaricus sylvaticus in non-tumor cells (NTH/3T3) and tumor (OSCC-3) using tetrazolium (MTT) assay Costa Orsine, Joice Vinhal; Marques Brito, Luíssa; Carvalho Silva, Renata; Menezes Santos Almeida, Maria de Fátima; Carvalho Garbi Novaes, Maria Rita
| | | | · Effects of a short-term whole body vibration intervention on lean mass in elderly people Gómez-Cabello, Alba; González-Agüero, Alejandro; Ara, Ignacio; Casajús, José A.; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán
| | | | · Nutritional status in patients first hospital admissions Service Hematology National Cancer Institute Baltazar Luna, E.; Omaña Guzmán, L. I.; Ortiz Hernández, L.; Ñamendis-Silva, S. A.; De Nicola Delfin, L.
| | | | · Food-related lifestyles and eating habits inside and outside the home in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile Schnettler, Berta; Peña, Juan Pablo; Mora, Marcos; Miranda, Horacio; Sepúlveda, José; Denegri, Marianela; Lobos, Germán
| | | | · Study of death with secondary diagnosis of malnutrition in a third level hospital Fernández Valdivia, Antonia; Lobo Támer, Gabriela; Martínez Cirre, M.ª Carmen; Valero Aguilera, Beatriz; Peña Taveras, Manuel del Carmen; Rodríguez Rodríguez, José María; Martínez Tapias, Jesús; Pérez de la Cruz, Antonio Jesús
| | | | · Predicting survival of endoscopic gastrostomy candidates using the underlying disease, serum cholesterol, albumin and transferrin levels Fonseca, Jorge; Santos, Carla Adriana; Brito, José
| | | | · Validation of a method of dispensing nutritional supplements in a tertiary hospital Oliva García, José Gregorio; Pereyra-García Castro, Francisca; Benítez Brito, Néstor; Herrera Rodríguez, Eva María; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; García Bray, Bruno Francisco; Palacio Abizanda, José Enrique
| | | | · Nutritional analysis of breakfast on rising and mid-morning snack in a college population Durá Travé, T.
| | | | · Characterization and nutritional value of a food artisan: the meat pie of Murcia Ruiz-Cano, Domingo; Pérez-Llamas, Francisca; López-Jiménez, José Ángel; González-Silvera, Daniel; Frutos, María José; Zamora, Salvador
| | | | · Bone mineral density and adequacy of dietary pattern of patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodialysis Carrasco, Fernando; Cano, Marcelo; Camousseigt, Jean; Rojas, Pamela; Inostroza, Jorge; Torres, Rubén
| | | | · Nutritional status influences the length of stay and clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients in internal medicine wards Ordoñez, Ana Manuela; Madalozzo Schieferdecker, Maria Eliana; Cestonaro, Talita; Cardoso Neto, João; Ligocki Campos, Antônio Carlos
| | | | · Adiposity percentage relationship with hormone receptors immunoreactive score in breast cancer Mexican women Balderas-Peña, Luz Mª Adriana; Sat-Muñoz, Daniel; Castro Cervantes, Juan Manuel; Ramírez-Orozco, Ricardo-Ernesto; Ángeles-Bueno, Wenceslao-Guillermo; Flores-Márquez, María-Rosa; Macías-López, Griselda-Guadalupe; Ruiz-Quezada, Sandra-Luz; Salcedo-Rocha, Ana-Leticia; García de Alba-García, Javier-Eduardo; Solano-Murillo, Pedro
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Peroneal palsy after bariatric surgery: is nerve decompresion always necessary? Ramos-Leví, Ana M.; Matías-Guiu, Jordi A.; Guerrero, Antonio; Sánchez-Pernaute, Andrés; Rubio, Miguel A.
| | | | · Bariatric surgery in type 1 diabetes mellitus: long-term experience in two cases Fuertes-Zamorano, Nuria; Sánchez-Pernaute, Andrés; Torres García, Antonio J.; Rubio Herrera, Miguel A.
| | | | · Severe vitamin A deficiency after malabsortive bariatric surgery Ramos-Leví, Ana M.; Pérez-Ferre, Natalia; Sánchez-Pernaute, Andrés; Torres García, Antonio J.; Rubio Herrera, Miguel A.
| | | | · Surgical jejunostomy as digestive tube access in the long-term Fernández López, María Teresa; Rodríguez Vázquez, Ana
| | | | · Dermatitis and optic neuropathy due to zinc deficiency after malabsortive bariatric surgery Ramos-Leví, Ana M.; Sánchez-Pemaute, Andrés; Rubio Herrera, Miguel A.
| | | Brief Communication | | | | · Are poor physical fitness and obesity two features of the adolescent with Down syndrome? Izquierdo-Gomez, Rocío; Martínez-Gómez, David; Tejero-Gonzalez, Carlos María; Cabanas-Sánchez, Verónica; Ruiz Ruiz, Jonathan; Veiga, Óscar L.
| | | | · Anthropometric and biochemical parameters in adolescents and their relationship with eating habits and household food availability Cardoso Chaves, Otaviana; Carmo Castro Franceschini, Sylvia do; Machado Rocha Ribeiro, Sônia; Ferreira Rocha Sant Ana, Luciana; Garçon de Faria, Carlos; Eloiza Priore, Silvia
| | | | · Oral nutritional supplements intake and nutritional status among inpatients admitted in a tertiary hospital Lammel Ricardi, Juliana; Marcadenti, Aline; Perocchin de Souza, Simone; Siviero Ribeiro, Anelise
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