| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.28 n.5 Madrid Sep./Oct. 2013 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Another year the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria increases its contents, visibility and impact Culebras, Jesús M.; Franco-López, Ángeles; García de Lorenzo, Abelardo
| | | Reviews | | | | · Whole-body vibration training as complement to programs aimed at weight loss Cristi-Montero, Carlos; Cuevas, María J.; Collado, Pilar S.
| | | | · Systematic review about dental caries in children and adolescents with obesity and/or overweight González Muñoz, María; Adobes Martín, Milagros; González de Dios, Javier
| | | | · Dairy products consumption versus type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment: a review of recent findings from human studies Silva Ton, Tadeu; Cássia Gonçalves Alfenas, Rita de
| | | | · Selenium and health: reference values and current status of Spanish population López-Bellido Garrido, Francisco Javier; López Bellido, Luis
| | | Originals | | | | · Green juice as a protector against reactive species in rats Oliveira, Pathise S.; Saccon, Tatiana D.; da Silva, Tatiane M.; Costa, Marcelo Z.; Dutra, Filipe S. P.; Vasconcelos, Alana de; Lencina, Claiton L.; Stefanello, Francieli M.; Barschak, Alethéa G.
| | | | · Multiple emulsions: bioactive compounds and functional foods Jiménez-Colmenero, Francisco
| | | | · Nori- and Sea Spaghetti- but not Wakame-restructured pork decrease the hypercholesterolemic and liver proapototic short-term effects of high-dietary cholesterol consumption Schultz Moreira, Adriana R.; Benedi, Juana; Bastida, Sara; Sánchez-Reus, Isabel; Sánchez-Muniz, Francisco J.
| | | | · Food insecurity among elderly people in 15 districts of the Great Santiago area: an unresolved issue Vargas Puello, Vianny; Alvarado Orellana, Sergio; Atalah Samur, Eduardo
| | | | · Study on the nutritional risk of autonomous non-institutionalized adult elder people Montejano Lozoya, Raimunda; Ferrer Diego, Rosa M.ª; Clemente Marín, Gonzalo; Martínez-Alzamora, Nieves
| | | | · Algorithm for the early diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency in elderly people Palacios, Gonzalo; Sola, Ricardo; Barrios, Laura; Pietrzik, Klaus; Castillo, Manuel J.; González-Gross, Marcela
| | | | · Influence of the social context on the body image perception of women undergoing breast cancer surgery Aguilar Cordero, M. J.; Neri Sánchez, M.; Mur Villar, N.; Gómez Valverde, E.
| | | | · Nutritional status of patients with cancer of oral cavity Pérez Camargo, Dana Aline; Nicola Delfín, Luigina De; Ñamendys-Silva, Silvio A.; Copca Mendoza, Erika Thalia; Hernández Méndez, Margarita; Herrera Gómez, Ángel; Meneses García, Abelardo
| | | | · Clinical effects of a w3 enhanced powdered nutritional formula in postsurgical ambulatory head and neck cancer patients Luis, D. A. de; Izaola, O.; Cuellar, L.; Terroba, M. C.; Ventosa, M.; Martin, T.; Aller, R.
| | | | · Excessive adiposity and sedentary lifestyles are prevalent in cancer patients: a pilot study Almeida, Ana Isabel; João, Dina Raquel; Rolão, Andreia; Monteiro-Grillo, Isabel; Camilo, Maria; Ravasco, Paula
| | | | · The influence of body composition on quality of life of patients with breast cancer Porciúncula Frenzel, Aline; Aberici Pastore, Carla; González, María Cristina
| | | | · Nutritional risk factors in patients with head and neck cancer in Oncology Care Center Michoacan State García Rojas Vázquez, L. E.; Trujano-Ramos, L. A.; Pérez-Rivera, E.
| | | | · Acute physiological response to indoor cycling with and without hydration: case and self-control study Ramos-Jiménez, A.; Hernández-Torres, R. P.; Wall-Medrano, A.; Torres-Durán, P. V.; Juárez-Oropeza, M. A.; Solís Ceballos, J. A.
| | | | · Validation of aseptic technique of parenteral nutrition compounding in a pharmacy service according to USP chapter 797 Romero Jiménez, Rosa M.ª; Pernía López, M.ª Sagrario; Sánchez Fresneda, M.ª Norberta; Sanjurjo Sáez, María
| | | | · Management of parenteral nutrition in intensive care units in Spain Vaquerizo Alonso, Clara; Mesejo, Alfonso; Acosta Escribano, José; Ruiz Santana, Sergio; grupo de trabajo PARENTTE
| | | | · Impact of an intervention on diet and physical activity on obesity prevalence in schoolchildren Rinat Ratner, G.; Samuel Durán, A.; Garrido L., María Jesús; Sebastián Balmaceda, H.; Liliana Jadue, H.; Atalah S., Eduardo
| | | | · The association between dietary macronutrients intake and obesity among children and adolescents: a case-control study Martín-Calvo, Nerea; Ochoa, María Carmen; Marti, Amelia; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; GENOI
| | | | · Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in morbidity obese candidates for bariatric surgery with and without binge eating disorder Abilés, V.; Rodríguez-Ruiz, S.; Abilés, J.; Obispo, A.; Gandara, N.; Luna, V.; Femández-Santaella, M. C.
| | | | · Predictor variables for low adherence to a lifestyle modification program of overweight treatment in primary health care Arrebola Vivas, Emilia; López Plaza, Bricia; Koester Weber, Thabata; Bermejo López, Laura; Palma Milla, Samara; Lisbona Catalán, Arturo; Gómez-Candela, Carmen
| | | | · Maternal age as risk factor of prematurity in Spain: Mediterranean area Cortés Castell, E.; Rizo-Baeza, M. M.; Aguilar Cordero, M. J.; Rizo-Baeza, J.; Gil Guillén, V.
| | | | · Correspondence between the fatty acids in healthy children serum and in membrane phospholipids Cortés Castell, E.; Rizo-Baeza, M. M.; Aguilar, M. J.; Hidalgo, M. J.; Gil Guillén, V.
| | | | · Lifestyle, quality of life, nutritional status and headache in school-aged children Castro, Kamila; Rockett, Fernanda C.; Billo, Maira; Oliveira, Gabriela T.; Klein, Luciana S.; Parizotti, Cristiane S; Perla, Alexandre S.; Perry, Ingrid D. S.
| | | | · Somatotype and intellectual ability (Raven progressive matrices test) in Chilean school-age children Tapia, Liliana U.; Lizana, Pablo A.; Orellana, Yasna Z.; Villagrán, Francisca S.; Arias, Vanessa F.; Almagià, Atilio F.; Burrows, Raquel A.; Ivanovic, Daniza M.
| | | | · Students of dietetics & nutrition; a high risk group for eating disorders? Mealha, Vanessa; Ferreira, Catarina; Guerra, Inés; Ravasco, Paula
| | | | · Impact of a brief educational intervention about nutrition and healthy lifestyles to school students given by a healthcare provider Oliva Rodríguez, Rosario; Tous Romero, María; Gil Barcenilla, Begoña; Longo Abril, Guadalupe; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; García Luna, Pedro Pablo
| | | | · Efficacy of zinc on lineal growth on Latin American children younger than 5 y: systematic review Jiménez-Morán, Elsa; Bacardí-Gascón, Montserrat; Jiménez-Cruz, Arturo
| | | | · Metabolic syndrome components can predict C reactive protein concentration in adolescents Leandro da Cruz, Larissa; Cardoso, Luciane Daniele; Pala, Daniela; Paula, Heberth de; Alves Lamounier, Joel; Mariano Silva, Camilo Adalton; Pinheiro Volp, Ana Carolina; Nascimento de Freitas, Renata
| | | | · Subclinical atheroesclerosis and metabolic sindrome in children Arnaiz, Pilar; Barja, Salesa; Villarroel, Luis; Domínguez, Angélica; Godoy, Iván; Castillo, Oscar; Farías, Marcelo; Mardones, Francisco
| | | | · Variability of formulas to assess insulin sensitivity and their association with the Matsuda index Henríquez, Sandra; Jara, Natalia; Bunout, Daniel; Hirsch, Sandra; Maza, María Pía de la; Leiva, Laura; Barrera, Gladys
| | | | · C-peptide levels predict type 2 diabetes remission after bariatric surgery Ramos-Leví, Ana M.; Matía, Pilar; Cabrerizo, Lucio; Barabash, Ana; Torrejón, María José; Sánchez-Pernaute, Andrés; Torres, Antonio J.; Rubio, Miguel A.
| | | | · A short-term training program reduced acute phase proteins in premenopausal women with metabolic syndrome Rosety-Rodríguez, Manuel; Fornieles, Gabriel; Camacho-Molina, Alejandra; Rosety, Ignacio; Díaz, Antonio J.; Rosety, Miguel A.; Rodríguez-Pareja, Antonia; Ordonez, Francisco J.
| | | | · Associated factors to insulin values in a population-based study in adolescents Galera Martínez, Rafael; García García, Emilio; Vázquez López, M.ª Ángeles; Ortiz Pérez, María; López Ruzafa, Encarnación; Martín González, Manuel; Garrido Fernández, Pablo; Bonillo Perales, Antonio
| | | | · Nutritional assessment in hepatic cirrhosis; clinical, anthropometric, biochemical and hematological parameters Vieira, Patricia M.; De-Souza, Daurea A.; Oliveira, Luiz Carlos M.
| | | | · Software for performing a global phenotypic and genotypic nutritional assessment García de Diego, L.; Cuervo, M.; Martínez, J. A.
| | | | · Validation of self-reported weight and height university population and factors associated with differences between self reported and measured antropometrics Savane, Fatoumauta Rosita; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva M.ª; García de la Hera, Manuela; Gimenez-Monzo, Daniel; Gonzalez-Palacios, Sandra; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Sempere-Orts, María; Vioque, Jesús
| | | | · Predictive ability of the anthropometric and body composition indicators for detecting changes in inflammatory biomarkers Carvalho Vidigal, Fernanda de; Frandsen Paez de Lima Rosado, Lina Enriqueta; Paixão Rosado, Gilberto; Lanes Ribeiro, Rita de Cassia; Castro Franceschini, Sylvia do Carmo; Eloiza Priore, Silvia; Gomes de Souza, Eliana Carla
| | | | · Preliminary nutritional assessment of the Ecuadorian diet based on a 24-h food recall survey in Ecuador Sánchez-Llaguno, S. N.; Neira-Mosquera, J. A.; Pérez-Rodríguez, F.; Moreno Rojas, R.
| | | | · Vitamin D intake in a representative sample of Spanish population aged 7-16 years: differences in the contribution and in the food sources of the vitamin according to age Aparicio Vizuete, Aránzazu; López-Sobaler, Ana María; López Plaza, Bricia; Perea Sánchez, José Miguel; Ortega Anta, Rosa M.
| | | | · Effects of supplementation of antioxidant vitamins and lipid peroxidation in critically ill patients Nogueira, Carla R.; Borges, Fernanda; Lameu, Edson; Franca, Carlos; Ramalho, Andréa
| | | | · Eating habits and attitudes towards change in spanish university students and workers Zazpe, Itziar; Marqués, María; Sánchez-Tainta, Ana; Rodríguez-Mourille, Ana; Beunza, Juan-José; Santiago, Susana; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro
| | | | · Comprehensive quality evaluation of Chishao by HPLC Zaiyou, Jian; Wenquan, Wang; Guifang, Xu; Li, Meng; Junling, Hou
| | | | · Conicity index as a contributor marker of inflammation in haemodialysis patients Ruperto, Mar; Barril, Guillermina; Sánchez-Muniz, Francisco J.
| | | | · Integration of a software for hospital nutritional support prescription and the electronic medical record Alfaro Martínez, José Joaquín; López Díaz, Mariano; Hernández López, Antonio; Gonzalvo Díaz, César; Botella Romero, Francisco
| | | | · Validity and reliability of the Dietary Sodium Restriction Questionnaire (DSRQ) d'Almeida, Karina S. M.; Souza, Gabriela C.; Rabelo-Silva, Eneida Rejane
| | | | · Prolonged fasting with fluid therapy is related to poorer outcomes in medical patients Kyriakos, Georgios; Calleja-Fernández, Alicia; Ávila-Turcios, Dalia; Cano-Rodríguez, Isidoro; Ballesteros Pomar, María D.; Vidal-Casariego, Alfonso
| | | | · Effect of refeeding on the body composition of females with restrictive anorexia nervosa: anthropometry versus bioelectrical impedance Mateo Silleras, Beatriz de; Redondo del Río, Paz; Camina Martín, Alicia; Soto Célix, María; Alonso Torre, Sara R.; Miján de la Torre, Alberto
| | | | · Diet choice in weight-restored patients with eating disorders: progressive autonomy process by nutritional education Ruiz-Prieto, Inmaculada; Bolaños-Ríos, Patricia; Jáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio
| | | | · Study on the mortality in Ecuador related to dietary factors Neira-Mosquera, Juan Alejandro; Pérez-Rodríguez, Fernando; Sánchez-Llaguno, Sungey; Moreno Rojas, Rafael
| | | | · Mediterranean and western dietary patterns in adult population of a mediterranean area: a cluster analysis Ciprián, Daniel; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva M.ª; García de la Hera, Manuela; Giménez-Monzo, Daniel; González-Palacios, Sandra; Quiles, Joan; Vioque, Jesús
| | | | · Association of consumption of carbonated beverages and decalcification in woman on reproductive and non-reproductive age of Mexico city Sámano, Reyna; Rodríguez Ventura, Ana Lilia; Godínez Martínez, Estela Ytelina; Rivera, Bertha; Medina Flores, Mayra; Sánchez, Bernarda; Martínez Rojano, Hugo; Ramírez, Cristina
| | | Brief Communication | | | | · The intake effects of Cyssus sicyoides drink on body mass, glycemia and femur parameters in male rats Alves da Silva, Paula Cristina; Silva Leal, Adriana da; Correia dos Santos, André Manoel; Soares da Costa, Carlos Alberto; Teles Boaventura, Gilson; Ubirajara Oliveira Sabaa Srur, Armando
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Utility of Nutrición Hospitalaria in Latinamerica Valdez, Valeria
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