| Table of contents Nutr. Hosp. vol.29 n.6 Madrid Jun. 2014 Press Release | | | |
Special Articles | | | | · Functional meat products: development and evaluation of their health-promoting properties Olmedilla-Alonso, Begoña; Jiménez-Colmenero, Francisco
| | | | · INFORNUT® Process: improves accessibility to diagnosis and nutritional support for the malnourished hospitalized patient; impact on management indicators; two-year assessment Villalobos Gámez, Juan Luis; González Pérez, Cristina; García-Almeida, José Manuel; Martínez Reina, Alfonso; Río Mata, José del; Márquez Fernández, Efrén; Rioja Vázquez, Rosalía; Barranco Pérez, Joaquín; Enguix Armada, Alfredo; Rodríguez García, Luis Miguel; Bernal Losada, Olga; Osorio Fernández, Diego; Mínguez Mañanes, Alfredo; Lara Ramos, Carlos; Dani, Laila; Vallejo Báez, Antonio; Martínez Martín, Jesús; Fernández Ovies, José Manuel; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Crehuet Navajas, Joaquín
| | | | · Physical activity, hydration and health Marcos, Ascensión; Manonelles, Pedro; Palacios, Nieves; Warnberg, Julia; Casajús, José A.; Pérez, Margarita; Aznar, Susana; Benito, Pedro J.; Martínez-Gomez, David; Ortega, Francisco B.; Ortega, Eduardo; Urrialde, Rafael
| | | Reviews | | | | · Iron deficiency anemia in adolescents: a literature review Castro de Andrade Cairo, Romilda; Rodrigues Silva, Luciana; Carneiro Bustani, Nadya; Ferreira Marques, Cibele Dantas
| | | | · Accelerometer description as a method to assess physical activity in different periods of life: systematic review Aguilar Cordero, M. J.; Sánchez López, A. M.; Barrilao, Guisado; Rodriguez Blanque, R.; Noack Segovia, J.; Pozo Cano, M. D.
| | | | · Energy expenditure prediction equations in burn patients: bibliographic review Núñez-Vinaveirán, Teresa; Sánchez, Manuel; Millán, Pablo; Martínez-Méndez, José Ramón; Iglesias, Carmen; Casado-Pérez, César; García-de-Lorenzo, Abelardo
| | | | · Soya isoflavones and evidences on cardiovascular protection González Cañete, Natalia; Durán Agüero, Samuel
| | | Originals | | | | · Sodium intake may promote weight gain: results of the FANPE study in a representative sample of the adult Spanish population Navia, Beatriz; Aparicio, Aránzazu; Perea, José Miguel; Pérez-Farinós, Napoleon; Villar-VilMba, Carmen; Labrado, Estefania; Ortega, Rosa María
| | | | · Cardiovascular fitness in youth: association with obesity and metabolic abnormalities Guixeres, Jaime; Redon, Pau; Saiz, Javier; Álvarez, Julio; Torró, María Isabel; Cantero, Laura; Lurbe, Empar
| | | | · Impact of a nutrition education intervention in teachers, preschool and basic school-age children in Valparaiso Region in Chile Vio, Fernando; Salinas, Judith; Montenegro, Edith; González, Carmen Gloria; Lera, Lydia
| | | | · Nutritional graph for Argentina's bariatric population Fantelli Pateiro, Laura; Pampillón, N.; Coqueugniot, M.; Rosa, P. De; Pagano, C.; Reynoso, C.; Pizzol, C. De; Iturralde, C.; Podestà, S.; Penutto, C.
| | | | · Nutritional analysis of dietary patterns in students of primary education with normal nutritional status Durá-Gúrpide, Beatriz; Durá-Travé, Teodoro
| | | | · Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity in children under five in Alagoas, Northeast of Brazil: a population-based study Arruda Moreira, Marcella de; Coelho Cabral, Poliana; Silva Ferreira, Haroldo da; Cabral de Lira, Pedro Israel
| | | | · Association of β1 and β3 adrenergic receptors gene polymorphisms with insulin resistance and high lipid profiles related to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome Burguete-García, Ana I.; Martínez-Nava, Gabriela A.; Valladares-Salgado, Adán; Bermúdez, V. H.; Estrada-Velasco, Bárbara; Wacher, Niels; Peralta-Romero, Jesús; Garcia-Mena, Jaime; Parra, Esteban; Cruz, Miguel
| | | | · Effect of age on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Spain between 2001 and 2012 Jiménez Mejías, Eladio; Olvera Porcel, María C.; Amezcua Prieto, Carmen; Olmedo-Requena, Rocío; Martínez Ruiz, Virginia; Jiménez Moleón, José Juan
| | | | · Home enteral nutrition in Spain: NADYA registry 2011-2012 Wanden-Berghe, Carmina; Matía Martín, P.; Luengo Pérez, L. M.; Cuerda Compes, C.; Burgos Peláez, R.; Álvarez Hernández, J.; Calleja Fernández, A.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Gómez Candela, C.; Leyes García, P.; Laborda González, L.; Martínez Olmos, M. A.; Campos Martín, C.; Suárez Llanos, J. P.; Penacho Lázaro, M. A.; Gonzalo Marín, M.; Salas Salvadó, J.; Irles Rocamora, J. A.; Cánovas Gaillemin, B.; Carrero Caballero, M. C.; Moreno Villares, J. M.; Garde Orbaiz, C.; Miserachs Aranda, N.; Olmo García, M. D. Del; Apezetxea Celaya, A.; Mauri, S.; Grupo NADYA-SENPE
| | | | · The metoclopramide effect on enteral nutrition tolerance and mechanical ventilation associated pneumonia in neuro critically ill patients Acosta-Escribano, Jose; Almanza López, Susana; Plumed Martín, Lidia; García Martinez, Miguel Angel; Tajadura Manjarín, Nuria
| | | | · Evaluation of the subchronic toxicity of kefir by oral administration in Wistar rats Diniz Rosa, Damiana; Gouveia Peluzio, Maria do Carmo; Pérez Bueno, Tania; Vega Cañizares, Ernesto; Sánchez Miranda, Lilian; Mancebo Dorbignyi, Betty; Chong Dubí, Dainé; Espinosa Castaño, Ivette; Marcin Grześkowiak, Łukasz; Fortes Ferreira, Célia Lucia de Luces
| | | | · Home Parenteral Nutrition in Spain 2011 and 2012: a report of the home and ambulatory artificial nutrition group NADYA Wanden-Berghe, Carmina; Moreno Villarés, J. M.; Cuerda Compés, C.; Carrero, C.; Burgos, R.; Gómez Candela, C.; Virgili Casas, N.; Martínez Faedo, C.; Alvarez, J.; Sánchez Martos, E. A.; Matía Martín, P.; Zugasti, A.; Olveira, G.; Luengo, L. M.; Campos Martín, C.; Martín Folgueras, T.; Penacho Lázaro, M. A.; Pereira, J. L.; Garde Orbaiz, C.; Pérez de la Cruz, A.; Apezetxea, A.; Sánchez-Vilar, O.; Gil Martínez, M. C.; Martínez Costa, C.; Luis, D. De; Laborda, L.; Joaquin Ortiz, C.; Suárez Llanos, J. P.; Leyes García, P.; Ponce González, M. A.
| | | | · Betaine: a potential agent for the treatment of hepatopathy associated with short bowel syndrome Teixeira Araújo, Guilherme; Domenici, Fernanda; Elias Jr., Jorge; Vannucchi, Hélio
| | | | · Practice of Compounding Parenteral Nutrition in Portugal: comparison with the spanish guidelines Neves, Andrea; Pereira-da-Silva, Luís; Femandez-Llimos, Fernando
| | | | · Aluminum content in individual components, used to prepare adult total parenteral nutrition mixtures in Argentine, and in comparison with international regulation Menéndez, A. M.; Farías, S. S.; Servant, R.; Morisio, Y.; Misischia, Y.; Simon, S.; Weisstaub, A. R.; Pita Martín de Portela, M. L.
| | | | · Assessment of cytotoxicity and biosafety of polyphenolic extracts from olive pits Veciana Galindo, C.; Cortés Castell, E.; Torro Montell, L.; Sirvent Segura, E.; Rizo Baeza, M. M.; Gil Guillén, V.
| | | | · Vitamin B12 deficiency associated with high doses of metformin in older people diabetic Sánchez, Hugo; Masferrer, Dominique; Lera, Lydia; Arancibia, Estrella; Ángel, Bárbara; Albala, Cecilia
| | | | · Discriminatory power of indicators predictors of visceral adiposity evaluated by computed tomography in adults and elderly individuals Cameiro Roriz, Anna Karla; Santana Passos, Luiz Carlos; Cunha de Oliveira, Carolina; Eickemberg, Michaela; Almeida Moreira, Pricilia de; Ramos Sampaio, Lilian
| | | | · Benefits of Decumanum Phlebodium intake on the muscle damage in the response to intense physical exercise in sedentary subjects Vargas Corzo, M. C.; Aguilar Cordero, M. J.; Galván, C. de Teresa; Segura Millán, D.; Miranda León, M. T.; Castillo Rueda, G.; Guisado Barrilao, R.
| | | | · The relationship of nutritional status, body and mandibular bone mineral density, tooth loss and fracture risk (FRAX) in pre-and postmenopausal women with periodontitis Aguilera-Barreiro, M.ª de los Angeles; Dávalos-Vázquez, Karla Fabiola; Jiménez-Méndez, Carolina; Jiménez-Mendoza, Daniel; Olivarez-Padrón, Luis Ángel; Rodríguez-García, Mario Enrique
| | | | · Antibiotic treatments in zootechnology and effects induced on the food chain of domestic species and, comparatively, the human specie Beniamino Palmieri, M. D.; Di Cerbo, Alessandro; Laurino, Carmen
| | | | · Effects of Undaria pinnatifida, Himanthalia elongata and Porphyra umbilicalis extracts on in vitro α-glucosidase activity and glucose diffusion Schultz Moreira, Adriana R.; Garcimartín, Alba; Bastida, Sara; Jiménez-Escrig, Antonio; Rupérez, Pilar; Green, Brian D.; Rafferty, Eamon; Sánchez-Muniz, Francisco J.; Benedí, Juana
| | | Clinical Cases | | | | · Paraplegia patient and morbid obesity: new challenge in bariatric surgery Gros Herguido, Noelia; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; Barranco Moreno, Antonio; Socas Macias, María; Morales-Conde, Salvador; García- Luna, Pedro Pablo
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