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Anales de Psicología
On-line version ISSN 1695-2294Print version ISSN 0212-9728


Table of contents
Anal. Psicol. vol.29 n.1 Murcia Jan. 2013

 Clinical and Health Psychology
 ·  Experiences and obstacles of psychologists in the accompaniment of end-of-life processes
Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel; García-Caro, M. Paz; Pérez-Marfil, M. Nieves; Cruz-Quintana, Francisco

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Violence against woman: psychological and personality characteristics of men who abuse their female partner
Torres, Andrea; Lemos-Giráldez, Serafín; Herrero, Juan

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Efficacy of different treatment modalities in men convicted of intimate partner violence
Boira, Santiago; López del Hoyo, Yolanda; Tomás-Aragonés, Lucía; Gaspar, Ana R.

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Psychological treatment of adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse: long term results
Sarasua, Belén; Zubizarreta, Irene; Corral, Paz de; Echeburúa, Enrique

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Evaluation results and psychosocial profile of a rehabilitation program for people with drug abuse
Valero-Aguayo, Luis; Ortiz-Tallo, Margarita; Parra-García, María del Mar; Jiménez-Guerra, Marta

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Addicts vs mental health users with personality disorders: its relation to quality of life in Axis I psychopathology, psychological adjustment and family dynamics
Martínez-González, José Miguel; Munera-Ramos, Pilar; Becoña-Iglesias, Elisardo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Integration and interaction between pharmacological and psychological treatments of addiction: a review
Díaz-Morán, Sira; Fernández-Teruel, Alberto

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Diagnostic performance and factorial structure of the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II).
Sanz, Jesús; García-Vera, María Paz

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Self-efficacy in AIDS sexual prevention: influence of gender
Ballester, Rafael; Gil-Llario, María Dolores; Ruiz-Palomino, Estefanía; Giménez-García, Cristina

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Development of a new instrument to assess AIDS-related attitudes among Spanish youngsters
Espada, José P.; Ballester, Rafael; Huedo-Medina, Tania B.; Secades-Villa, Roberto; Orgilés, Mireia; Martínez-Lorca, Manuela

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Morningness-eveningness and anxiety trait among adolescents
Collado-Mateo, Mª. José; Díaz-Morales, Juan Francisco; Escribano, Cristina; Delgado, Pedro

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Factors that influence the prolongation of empirically supported psychological treatments
Ballesteros, Francisco; Fernández, Paola; Labrador, Francisco Javier

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Variables affecting the creativity of people unemployed
Izquierdo-Rus, Tomás; López-Martínez, Olivia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Developmental and Educational Psychology
 ·  Social support, social climate, and the perception of conflict in an intercultural educational context
Hombrados-Mendieta, Isabel; Castro-Travé, Margarita

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Validity analysis of the Irritation Scale in a sample of Elementary School teachers: an exploratory study
Merino-Tejedor, Enrique

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Evaluation of the depressive symptomatology and the related variables in the school context
Bernaras, Elena; Jaureguizar, Joana; Soroa, Marian; Ibabe, Izaskun; Cuevas, Carmen de las

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Physical self-concept, perceptions of health and life satisfaction in a sample of adolescents
Videra-García, Antonio; Reigal-Garrido, Rafael

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Adolescents' subjective well-being: a comparative study between two Autonomous Communities in Spain
Casas, Ferran; Fernández-Artamendi, Sergio; Montserrat, Carme; Bravo, Amaia; Bertrán, Irma; Valle, Jorge F. del

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Direct and indirect effects between thinking styles, metacognitive strategies and creativity in college students
Gutierrez-Braojos, Calixto; Salmeron-Vilchez, Purificación; Martín-Romera, Ana; Salmerón, Honorio

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Adaptation of Will-to-Work Questionnaire to a sample of Spanish undergraduate students
Andrés, Ana; Abal, Facundo; Lozzia, Gabriela; Gómez-Benito, Juana; Aguerrí, María E.; Galibert, María S.; Attorresi, Horacio

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Prevalence of potentially traumatic events in Spanish university students
Pereda, Noemí; Forns, Maria; Abad, Judit

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Social Psychology
 ·  The process of transition to adulthood for youth in the child care system
López, Mónica; Santos, Iriana; Bravo, Amaia; Valle, Jorge F. del

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Social and school adjustment of adolescent victims of child maltreatment in residential child care
Muela, Alexander; Balluerka, Nekane; Torres, Bárbara

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Cultural maintenance and adaptation of different immigrant groups: predictor variables
Navas, Marisol; López-Rodríguez, Lucía; Cuadrado, Isabel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Development, internal consistency, reliability and validity of a scale of occupational hazards in Spanish
Boada-Grau, Joan; Robert-Sentís, Lluís; Gil-Ripoll, Carme; Vigil-Colet, Andreu

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Is engagement different from satisfaction and organizational commitment?: relations with intention to remain, psychological well-being and perceived physical health in volunteers
Vecina, María L.; Chacón, Fernando

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Sport Psychology
 ·  Literature review on some relevant variables in goal setting in sport
Díaz-Ocejo, Jaime; Mora-Merida, Juan Antonio

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Coaches, peers and parents' autonomy support and its predictive capacity on young athletes' self-determined motivation
Ramis, Yago; Torregrosa, Miquel; Viladrich, Carme; Cruz, Jaume

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Exercise effects on mental health of preschool children
Tubić, Tatjana; Ðorđić, Visnja

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Relations of feed-back and teacher communication barriers with intrinsic motivation among adolescent students in physical education
Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio; Huéscar, Elisa; Peco, Noelia; Alarcón, Elena; Cervelló, Eduardo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  The 2D:4D ratio and its relationship with other androgenisation parameters in parents of individuals with autism spectrum disorders
Romero-Martínez, Ángel; Andrés-García, Sara de; Sariñana-González, Patricia; Sanchis-Calatayud, M.V.; Roa, Juan M.; González-Bono, Esperanza; Moya-Albiol, L.

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Psychology of Traffic and Road Safety
 ·  Visual search strategies in expert and novice drivers during the perception of driving scenes
Gómez-Valadés, Juan M.; Luis, Vicente; Reina, Raúl; Sabido, Rafael; Moreno, Francisco J.

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Cognitive Psychology
 ·  Numbers and prior knowledge in sentence comprehension
Macizo, Pedro; Herrera, Amparo

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Missing data and psychometric properties of personality tests
Cuesta, Marcelino; Fonseca-Pedrero, Eduardo; Vallejo, Guillermo; Muñiz, José

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 Psychology and Professional Practice
 ·  Frontal variant of Alzheimer's disease and typical Alzheimer's disease: a comparative study
Fernández-Calvo, Bernardino; Ramos, Francisco; Menezes de Lucena, Virginia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Bibliographical Information and Documentation
 ·  El mundo de la psicología
Caycho Rodríguez, Tomás

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Las raíces de la psicopatología moderna: La melancolía y la esquizofrenia
Pérez Méndez, José Luis

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Neurociencia y afectividad: La psicología de Juan Rof Carballo
López Gómez, Ernesto

        · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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