Clinical and Health Psychology |
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| · Personality and panic disorder: a review Osma, Jorge; García-Palacios, Azucena; Botella, Cristina
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| · Functional impairment associated with symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in preschool and early school boys and girls from the general population Ezpeleta, Lourdes; Osa, Nuria de la; Granero, Roser; Trepat, Esther
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| · The use of relaxation techniques in a psychology clinic practice Blanco, Carmen; Estupiñá, Francisco J.; Labrador, Francisco J.; Fernández-Arias, Ignacio; Bernaldo-de-Quirós, Mónica; Gómez, Laura
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| · Analysis of the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group treatment in subjects with somatization Sánchez-García, Manuel
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| · The treatment of the body image disturbances in eating disorders and clinically significant change Marco, José H.; Perpiñá, Conxa; Botella, Cristina
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| · Validation of the Spanish version of the inventory of Gambrill and Richey assertiveness in people diagnosed with schizophrenia Casas-Anguera, Emma; Prat, Gemma; Vilamala, Sonia; Escandell, Maria J.; Garcia-Franco, Mar; Martin, José R.; López, Ester; Ochoa, Susana
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| · Items analysis and reliability evidences of ERCE scale Santos-Roig, Macarena De los; Pérez-Meléndez, Cristino
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Developmental and Educational Psychology |
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| · How do students self-regulate?: review of Zimmerman's cyclical model of self-regulated learning Panadero, Ernesto; Alonso-Tapia, Jesús
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| · Executive functions development, from childhood to youthhood Flores-Lázaro, Julio C.; Castillo-Preciado, Rosa E.; Jiménez-Miramonte, Norma A.
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| · Dose-effect on the mothers and babies attending the Programa de Apoyo Psicológico P/Materno-Infantil© Pons-Salvador, Gemma; Cerezo, Mª Ángeles; Trenado, Rosa M.
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| · Prosocial behavior and academic self-attributions in Secondary Education Redondo, Jesús; Ingles, Cándido J.; García-Fernández, Jose M.
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| · Perceived emotional intelligence, general intelligence and early professional success: predictive and incremental validity de Haro, José-Manuel; Castejón, Juan-Luis
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| · Rejection and victimization among first graders primary school with education support needs Monjas, Mª Inés; Martín-Antón, Luis J.; García-Bacete, Francisco-Juan; Sanchiz, Mª Luisa
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| · Temporal stability of IQ and learning potential in gifted children: diagnostic implications Calero, Mª Dolores; García-Martin, Mª Belén
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| · A new questionnaire to assess positive emotions in children Beatriz Oros, Laura
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Social Psychology |
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| · Assesment and prediction of work engagement in a health volunteers sample: the role of sense of coherence and cognitive reappraisal Carrosa, Eva; Blanco-Donoso, Luis M.; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; González, Ana; Fraca, Mónica; Meniz, María J.
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| · Analysis of psychological well-being in groups at risk of social exclusion Escarbajal-Frutos, Andrés; Izquierdo-Rus, Tomás; López-Martínez, Olivia
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| · The effect of conservation of resources on the entrepreneurial intention in the context of economic crisis: the moderating role of the self-efficacy and creativity Salazar-Carvajal, Pedro F.; Herrera-Sánchez, Isabel M.; Rueda-Méndez, Samuel; León-Rubio, José M.
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| · The role of social categorization and sociodemographic differences in self-esteem, psychological adjustment and well-being of a sample of immigrants Peña-Pinzón, José Andrés; Gómez-Berrocal, Carmen; Fernández-Parra, Antonio
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| · The moderating role of professional self-efficacy in situations of workplace bullying and self-perceived health Meseguer, Mariano; Soler, María I.; García-Izquierdo, Mariano
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| · Predictors of distress in hospital physicians: protective and vulnerability factors Martínez-Zaragoza, Fermín; Benavides-Gil, Gemma; Ato-García, Manuel; Solanes-Puchol, Ángel; Martín-del-Río, Beatriz; Fernández-Castro, Jordi; Pastor-Ruiz, Yolanda
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| · Factor structure of the De Jong Gierveld loneliness scale in Spanish elderly adults Buz, José; Urchaga, David; Polo, María E.
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| · Development and validation of the Spanish version of the Team Climate Inventory: a measurement invariance test Antino, Mirko; Gil Rodriguez, Francisco; Martí Ripoll, Margarita; Barrasa, Angel; Borzillo, Stefano
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Psychology and Adolescence |
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| · Resilience, subjective well-being and adolescents' attitudes toward drug use in Angola Gutiérrez, Melchor; Romero, Isabel
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| · Perfectionism and risk factors for the development of eating disorders in Spanish adolescents of both genders Pamies, Lidia; Quiles, Yolanda
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| · Life values structure in a Spanish sample of adolescents Tejerina-Arreal, María; García-Gómez, Pilar; García-Guardia, María L.
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| · Data mining classification techniques: an application to tobacco consumption in teenagers Montaño-Moreno, Juan J.; Gervilla-García, Elena; Cajal-Blasco, Berta; Palmer, Alfonso
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| · Attitudes, perceptions and Internet and social networks use among Galician (Spain) teens Rial, Antonio; Gómez, Patricia; Braña, Teresa; Varela, Jesús
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| · Parents, teachers and peers: contributions to self-esteem and coping in adolescents Pinheiro Mota, Catarina; Mena Matos, Paula
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Psychobiology |
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| · Changes in preference for male faces during the menstrual cycle in a Spanish population Muñoz-Reyes, José A.; Iglesias-Julios, Marta; Martín-Elola, Cristina; Losada-Pérez, María; Monedero, Ignacio; Pita, Miguel; Turiégano, Enrique
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| · Neuropsychological characterization of memory complaints in the general population: relationship to prefrontal symptoms and perceived stress Ruiz-Sánchez de León, José M.; Pedrero-Pérez, Eduardo J.; Lozoya-Delgado, Paz
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| · Differences between oral and written calculation: evidence from cognitive neuropsychology from six brain-damaged patients Salguero-Alcañiz, María P.; Alameda-Bailén, José R.
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| · Short polymorphism of the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) gene and its association with the cortisol stress response: a meta-analysis Agüero-Tejado, Emiliano
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Cognitive Psychology |
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| · Consonants, vowels and levels of specification in the phonological representations of the first lexicon: a review Ramon-Casas, Marta; Bosch, Laura
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| · Temporal processing in speech perception of children with dyslexia Ortiz, Rosario; Estévez, Adelina; Muñetón, Mercedes
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Sport Psychology |
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| · Perceptual-motor expertise and cognition in sport: from ecological and dynamic approach to enaction Avilés, Carlos; Ruiz-Pérez, Luis M.; Navia, José A.; Rioja, Natalia; Sanz-Rivas, David
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| · Theory of Planned Action and perceived rate of exercise: a predictive model for adolescent students in physical education Huéscar, Elisa; Rodríguez-Marín, Jesús; Cervelló, Eduardo; Moreno-Murcia, Juan A.
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| · Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Achievement Goals Questionnaire Ruiz-Juan, Francisco
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Methodology |
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| · Structured Validity for a quasi-experimental research of quality: they are fulfilled 50 years of the presentation in company of the quasi-experimental designs Fernández-García, Paula; Vallejo-Seco, Guillermo; Livacic-Rojas, Pablo E.; Tuero-Herrero, Ellián
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Psychology and Professional Practice |
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| · Emotional awareness, mood and individual and social adjustment outcomes in children aged 8-12 years old Villanueva, Lidón; Prado-Gascó, Vicente; González, Remedios; Montoya, Inmaculada
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