Clinical and Health Psychology |
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| · Obsessive-compulsive disorder in the perinatal period: epidemiology, phenomenology, pathogenesis, and treatment Frías, Álvaro; Palma, Carolina; Barón, Francisco; Varela, Paloma; Álvarez, Ana; Salvador, Ana
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| · Group cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia: a meta-analysis Navarro-Bravo, Beatriz; Párraga-Martínez, Ignacio; López-Torres Hidalgo, Jesús; Andrés-Pretel, Fernando; Rabanales-Sotos, Joseba
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| · Resilience in caregivers of elderly dependent relatives Crespo, María; Fernández-Lansac, Violeta
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| · Differential effectiveness of two anxiety induction procedures in youth and older adult populations Montorio, Ignacio; Nuevo, Roberto; Cabrera, Isabel; Márquez, María; Izal, María
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| · The influence of personality dimensions on material and frugal values Puente-Díaz, Rogelio; Cavazos Arroyo, Judith
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| · Positive Psychological Functioning: evidence for a new construct and its measurement Merino, Mª Dolores; Privado, Jesús
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| · Is flourishing good for the heart?: relationships between positive psychology characteristics and cardiorespiratory health Konkoly Thege, Barna; Tarnoki, Adam D.; Tarnoki, David L.; Garami, Zsolt; Berczi, Viktor; Horvath, Ildiko; Veress, Gabor
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| · Psychometric properties of the Modified Tonic Immobility Scale Bados, Arturo; Peró, Maribel
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| · Convergent validity of the measures of attention and impulsivity in the Trees: simple Visual Discrimination Test (DiViSA-UAM) Lozano, José H.; Capote, Elena; Fernández, María P.
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| · Confirmatory factor analysis of the valencia scale of attitudes and beliefs toward hypnosis (revised client version), with a spanish sample Capafons, Antonio; Suárez-Rodríguez, Jesús M.; Selma, Mª Luisa
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Developmental and Educational Psychology |
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| · The orchestration of processes in relation to the product, and the role of psychological variables in written composition Álvarez-Fernández, María-Lourdes; García-Sánchez, Jesús-Nicasio
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| · A Self-report of reading disabilities for adults: ATLAS Giménez, Almudena; Luque, Juan L.; López-Zamora, Miguel; Fernández-Navas, Marina
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| · Psychological and psychobiological stress in the relationship between basic cognitive function and school performance Fernández-Martín, Eugenia; Trianes-Torres, Mª-Victoria; Maldonado-Montero, Enrique-F.; Miranda-Páez, Jesús; Ortíz, Carmen; Engüix, Alfredo
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| · Development of a tool for assessing the perceived quality in Early Intervention Centres Romero-Galisteo, Rita-Pilar; Morales-Sánchez, Verónica; Hernández-Mendo, Antonio
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| · Development of a support needs assessment scale for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities Guillén, Verónica-Marina; Verdugo, Miguel-Ángel; Arias, Benito; Vicente, Eva
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| · Supporting people with Autism Spectrum Disorders in leisure time: impact of an University Volunteer Program, and related factors Nieto, Carmen; Murillo, Eva; Belinchón, Mercedes; Giménez, Almudena; Saldaña, David; Martínez, Mª-Angeles; Frontera, María
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| · Future teachers and their attitude towards inclusion of people with disabilities: a gender perspective Novo-Corti, Isabel; Muñoz-Cantero, Jesús-Miguel; Calvo-Babío, Nuria
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| · A psychometric analysis of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI) and a proposal for a Spanish version (S-ATI-20) Monroy, Fuensanta; González-Geraldo, José L.; Hernández-Pina, Fuensanta
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Social Psychology |
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| · Forewarning of the Persuasive Attempt in Advertising Contexts Briñol, Pablo; Cárdaba, Miguel-Ángel; Gallardo, Ismael; Horcajo, Javier
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| · Emotional impact of workplace incivility and verbal abuse at work: daily recovery protective role Garrosa, Eva; Carmona-Cobo, Isabel; Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; Sanz-Vergel, Ana
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| · Cross-cultural differences in subjective well-being: Mexico and Spain Carballeira, Mónica; González, José-Ángel; Marrero, Rosario J.
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| · Attitudinal and intentional characterisation of juvenile group violence in the Madrid Area Martín, María-Jesús; Scandroglio, Barbara; Martínez, José-Manuel; López, Jorge
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Psychology and Adolescence |
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| · Prevalence and predictors of alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescence: the role of weight status, clinical status and psychosocial dimensions Freitas-Rosa, Marta; Gonçalves, Sónia; Antunes, Henedina
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| · Coping strategies and styles and their relationship to personal well-being in a sample of adolescents Viñas Poch, Ferran; González Carrasco, Mónica; García Moreno, Yolanda; Malo Cerrato, Sara; Casas Aznar, Ferran
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| · Therapist Effects in the Treatment of Adolescents with Generalized Social Phobia Olivares-Olivares, Pablo J.; Montesinos, Luis; Rosa-Alcázar, Ana I.; Maciá, Diego; Amorós, Maravillas
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Psychology and Learning in College Students |
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| · A social cognitive model of entrepreneurial intentions in university students Lanero, Ana; Vázquez, José-Luis; Muñoz-Adánez, Alfredo
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| · Spanish university students' uses of the social network Tuenti and their addiction levels: the protective role of the positive attitude toward mothers' presence as contact Durán, Mercedes; Guerra, José M.
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| · Career choice in engineering students: its relationship with motivation, satisfaction and the development of professional plans Pablo-Lerchundi, Iciar; Núñez-del-Río, María-Cristina; González-Tirados, Rosa-María
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| · Psychometric properties of the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire for the assessment of first-year university students' expectations Deaño, Manuel; Diniz, Antonio M.; Almeida, Leandro S.; Alfonso, Sonia; Costa, Alexandra R.; García-Señorán, Mar; Conde, Ángeles; Araujo, Alexandra M.; Iglesias-Sarmiento, Valentín; Gonçalves, Paula; Tellado, Fernando
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| · Adaptation and psychometric properties of the SBI-U scale for Academic Burnout in university students Boada-Grau, Joan; Merino-Tejedor, Enrique; Sánchez-García, José-Carlos; Prizmic-Kuzmica, Aldo-Javier; Vigil-Colet, Andreu
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Neuropsychology |
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| · Updating executive function and performance in reading comprehension and problem solving Iglesias-Sarmiento, Valentín; Carriedo López, Nuria; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Juan L.
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| · Compensation strategies in older adults: sociodemographic and cognitive reserve differences Mayordomo, Teresa; Sales, Alicia; Meléndez, Juan C.
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| · Effects of assisted training with neurofeedback on EEG measures, executive function and mood in a healthy sample Vasquez, Milena; Gadea, Marien; Garijo, Evelio; Aliño, Marta; Salvador, Alicia
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Basic Psychology |
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| · A bibliometric study of the scientific publications that use facial emotion recognition tests Jeanneret, Graciela; Oña, Astrid; Rego, Pamela; Vaiman, Marcelo; Pereno, Germán
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| · Evaluating the Credibility of Statements Given by Persons with Intellectual Disability Manzanero, Antonio L.; Alemany, Alberto; Recio, María; Vallet, Rocío; Aróztegui, Javier
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| · Competition and cooperation between intrinsic and extrinsic perceptual grouping principles in vision Montoro, Pedro R.; Luna, Dolores
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Sport Psychology |
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| · A Bayesian Analysis of the motivation, motivational climate and anxiety in young competitive team players Garcia-Mas, Alexandre; Fuster-Parra, Pilar; Ponseti, Francisco Javier; Palou, Pere; Olmedilla, Aurelio; Cruz, Jaume
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Psychology and Professional Practice |
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| · The influence of differences between father and mother on adolescent adjustment Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia; Moreno, Carmen
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