Clinical and Health Psychology |
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| · Clients in psychotherapy: contribution to therapeutic outcome Rodríguez-Morejón, Alberto
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| · Ex post-facto study of long term stress in a sample of adoptees Díaz, Amelia; Infanzón, Eugenia; Beleña, Ángela
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| · How to live with COPD: patient's perception Muñoz-Cobos, Francisca; Acero-Guasch, Nieves; Cuenca-del-Moral, Rebeca; Barnestein-Fonseca, Pilar; Leiva-Fernández, Francisca; García-Ruiz, Antonio
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| · Attachment and wellbeing in women undergoing breast cancer treatment Alonso, Yolanda; Fontanil, Yolanda; Ezama, Esteban
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| · Assessment of an intervention to reduce the impact of stigma on people with HIV, enabling them to cope with it Fuster-Ruiz de Apodaca, María J.; Molero, Fernando; Ubillos, Silvia
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| · Creation of the communication skills scale in health professionals, CSS-HP Leal-Costa, César; Tirado-González, Sonia; van-der Hofstadt Román, Carlos J.; Rodríguez-Marín, Jesús
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Developmental and Educational Psychology |
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| · Effects of morphological awareness training on reading, writing and comprehension: meta-analysis Rueda-Sánchez, Mercedes I.; López-Bastida, Patricia
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| · Phonological suprasegmental skills and reading development in primary school children Calet, Nuria; Flores, María; Jiménez-Fernández, Gracia; Defior, Sylvia
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| · Relevance of cooperative learning about the different profiles of the bullying dynamic: an analysis by testing the effect size León del Barco, Benito; Polo del Río, María-Isabel; Gozalo Delgado, Margarita; Mendo Lázaro, Santiago
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| · Are really digital natives so good?: relationship between digital skills and digital reading Fajardo, Inmaculada; Villalta, Ester; Salmerón, Ladislao
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| · Hipatia: a hypermedia learning environment in mathematics Cueli, Marisol; González-Castro, Paloma; Krawec, Jennifer; Núñez, José Carlos; González-Pienda, Julio Antonio
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| · MeL: a dynamic adaptive model of the learning process in eLearning Sánchez-Santillán, Miguel; Paule-Ruiz, M. Puerto; Cerezo, Rebeca; Álvarez-García, Víctor
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| · Cognitive mechanisms underlying Armoni: a computer-assisted cognitive training programme for individuals with intellectual disabilities Peñaloza, Claudia; Gutiérrez-Maldonado, José; Ferrer-García, Marta; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Reverter-Guimeso, Antonio; Macías-Cajal, Yolanda; Amela-Huemes, David; Perales-Josa, Sandra
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| · Math anxiety and its relationship to inhibitory abilities and perceived emotional intelligence Justicia-Galiano, Maria-José; Pelegrina, Santiago; Lechuga, María-Teresa; Gutiérrez-Palma, Nicolás; Martín-Puga, Eva-María; Lendínez, Cristina
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| · Attitudes towards violence, impulsivity, parenting styles and externalized behavior in adolescents: comparison between a general and a clinical samples Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio; Ruiz-Hernández, José Antonio; Velandrino-Nicolás, Antonio Pablo; Llor-Zaragoza, Laura
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| · Self-talk and academic performance in undergraduate students Sánchez, Flor; Carvajal, Fernando; Saggiomo, Carolina
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| · Styles Questionnaire of Interaction between Parents and Practitioners in Early Intervention: content validity Escorcia-Mora, Claudia Tatiana; García-Sánchez, Francisco Alberto; Sánchez-López, María Cristina; Hernández-Pérez, Encarnación
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| · Adapting the Cognitive Triad Inventory for Children Spanish population Lozano, Luis M.; Valor-Segura, Inmaculada; Pedrosa, Ignacio; Suárez-Álvarez, Javier; García-Cueto, Eduardo; Lozano, Luis
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Social Psychology |
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| · Eating concerns, body dissatisfaction, thinness internalization and antifat attitudes and their relationship with gender ideology in a sample of men Magallares, Alejandro
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| · Ego, Alter and Object: explaining Personal Involvement with a Social Object Based on Perceived Collective Involvement and Group Identification Wachelke, Joao; Natividade, Jean; Andrade, Alexsandro De; Wolter, Rafael
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| · Assessment and promotion policies of entrepreneurship in students Oliver, Amparo; Galiana, Laura; Gutiérrez-Benet, Marta
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| · Essentialización processes in men and women: a Brazil-Spain comparative study Pereira, Marcos-Emanoel; Álvaro, José-Luis; Garrido, Alicia
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| · The structure of the Social Self-Concept (SSC) Questionnaire Fernández-Zabala, Arantza; Rodríguez-Fernández, Arantzazu; Goñi, Alfredo
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| · The Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale: norms for the Spanish general population and development of a short version Gutiérrez, Sara; Sanz, Jesús; Espinosa, Regina; Gesteira, Clara; García-Vera, María Paz
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Psychology of the Elderly |
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| · Cognitive Reserve Scale and ageing León, Irene; García-García, Juan; Roldán-Tapia, Lola
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| · Elder's Family Caregiver Abnegation Scale Domínguez-Guedea, Miriam Teresa; Diaz-Loving, Rolando
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| · Mild cognitive impairment in elderly users of municipal centers of the Region of Murcia (Spain) Escarbajal de Haro, Andrés; Martínez de Miguel López, Silvia; Romero Sánchez, José
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Basic Psychology |
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| · Judge me, judge me not: The role of eye size and observer gender on acquaintance rape Ferrão, María Clara; Gonçalves, Gabriela; Giger, Jean Christophe; Parreira, Tiago
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| · Entrenamiento de discriminación simple y respuesta de discriminación condicional Pérez, Vicente; Polín, Eduardo
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| · Underlying processes behind false perspective production Manzanero, Antonio L.; López, Beatriz; Aróztegui, Javier
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Psychobiology |
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| · The neurological study of the conscience: a critical assessment Zumalabe-Makirriain, José M.
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| · Violent and/or delinquent women: a vision from the biopsychosocial perspective Soldino, Virginia; Romero-Martínez, Ángel; Moya-Albiol, Luis
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Methodology |
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| · Application of logistic regression models in observational methodology: game formats in grassroots football in initiation into football Lapresa, Daniel; Arana, Javier; Anguera, M. Teresa; Pérez-Castellaños, J. Ignacio; Amatria, Mario
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Psychology and Professional Practice |
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| · Risk factors associated with the violence against women in couples: a review of meta-analyzes and recent studies Puente-Martínez, Alicia; Ubillos-Landa, Silvia; Echeburúa, Enrique; Páez-Rovira, Darío
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