Multidisciplinary |
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| · With or without you: does partner satisfaction and partner-directed violence influence the presence of a partner on women's Facebook cover profile photographs? Prokop, Pavol; Morvayová, Natalia; Fedor, Peter
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| · Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as predictor of ADHD: performance between SCT rates and "Hyperactivity/Impulsivity" and "inattention" domains of ADHD in a clinical sample Fenollar-Cortés, Javier; Calvo-Fernández, Agustín; García-Sevilla, Julia; Cantó-Díez, Tomás J.
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| · An explanatory model of underwater adaptation Colodro, Joaquín; Garcés-de-los-Fayos, Enrique J.; López-García, Juan J.; Colodro-Conde, Lucía
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| · The physical education teachers' participative preferences in their professional activity Barriopedro, Maria I.; Ruiz-Pérez, Luis M.; Gómez-Ruano, Miguel A.; Rico, Isabel
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| · Fatalism, Attributions of Failure and Academic Performance in Mapuche and Non-Mapuche Chilean Students Otzen, Tamara; Betancourt, Héctor; González-Plitt, María-Elena; Martella, Diana
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| · Beliefs about obesity and their relationship with dietary restriction and body image perception Magallares, Alejandro; Carbonero-Carreño, Rocio; Ruiz-Prieto, Inmaculada; Jauregui-Lobera, Ignacio
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| · Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) in older people Rubio, Laura; Dumitrache, Cristina G.; Cordón-Pozo, Eulogio; Rubio-Herrera, Ramona
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| · Training to improve attentional dysfunction in children and adolescents with Asperger Syndrome through direct cognitive stimulation Bravo-Álvarez, María-Ángeles; Frontera-Sancho, María
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| · Mental health in prisoners: pre-post analysis of psychosocial intervention with control group of comparison Bascón Díaz, Miguel Jesús; Vargas Girón, Virginia
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| · Psychometric properties of Huebnefs Satisfaction with Life in Students Scale (SLSS) in Chilean boys and girls between 10 and 12 years old Alfaro, Jaime; Guzmán, Javier; Sirlopú, David; García, Catalina; Reyes, Fernando; Gaudlitz, Lorraine
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Clinical and Health Psychology |
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| · Implications of age and country of membership in the relationship between perceived emotional support and depression: a cross-cultural study Riquelme, Antonio; Martín Carbonell, Marta; Ortigosa Quiles, Juan-Manuel; Meda Lara, Rosa-Martha; Pérez Díaz, Raquel; López Navas, Ana I.
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| · Muscle Dysmorphia Diagnostic evaluation: a systematic review Lopez-Cuautle, Camilo; Vazquez-Arevalo, Rosalia; Mancilla-Diaz, Juan Manuel
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| · Relationship between parenting styles, psychopathological intensity and type of symptoms in a adolescents clinical sample Antón-San Martín, José M.; Seguí-Durán, David; Antón-Torre, Laura; Barrera-Palacios, Ana
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| · Multicomponent cognitive-behavioral therapy for intermittent explosive disorder by videoconferencing: a case study Osma, Jorge; Crespo, Elena; Castellano, Cristian
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| · Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for girls victims of sexual violence in Brazil: Are there differences in effectiveness when applied by different groups of psychologists?: effectiveness of group therapy for girls victims of sexual violence Habigzang, Luisa Fernanda; Pinto Pizarro de Freitas, Clarissa; Von Hohendorff, Jean; Koller, Silvia Helena
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| · The role of psychological inflexibility in Beck's cognitive model of depression in a sample of undergraduates Ruiz, Francisco J.; Odriozola-González, Paula
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| · A review of the dissociative disorders: from multiple personality disorder to the posttraumatic stress Romero-López, Modesto J.
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Developmental and Educational Psychology |
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| · Action-Emotion Style, Learning Approach and Coping Strategies, in Undergraduate University Students Fuente, Jesús de la; Martínez-Vicente, José Manuel; Salmerón, José Luis; Vera, Manuel M.; Cardelle-Elawar, María
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| · Motivation and written language in Spanish adolescents González-Valenzuela, María-José; Martín-Ruíz, Isaías
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| · Metacognition and executive functioning in Elementary School García, Trinidad; Rodríguez, Celestino; González-Castro, Paloma; Álvarez-García, David; González-Pienda, Julio-Antonio
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| · Learning to perform research in the degree of medicine: analysis and evaluation of the student ratings of the final degree dissertation González-de Paz, Luis; Elorduy-Vaquero, Marta; Virumbrales, Montserrat; Real, Jordi; Sureda, Xisca; Borrás-Santos, Alicia; Martínez-Sánchez, José M.ª
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| · The emergence and evolution of optimistic expectations in schoolchildren Falcón, Carolina; Orejudo, Santos; Fernández Turrado, Teresa; Zarza, Francisco Javier
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Social Psychology |
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| · A Multidimensional Approach to Social Support: the Questionnaire on the Frequency of and Satisfaction with Social Support (QFSSS) García-Martín, Miguel A.; Hombrados-Mendieta, Isabel; Gómez-Jacinto, Luis
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| · Towards a psychosocial and cultural definition of Mexican homeless girls: a qualitative approach Castaños-Cervantes, Susana; Sánchez-Sosa, Juan J.
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| · Investigating the Mediator role of Social Safeness on the Relationship between Forgiveness and Life Satisfaction Akin, Umran; Akin, Ahmet
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| · The minority's perspective: stereotypes and emotions between immigrant groups Cuadrado, Isabel; López-Rodríguez, Lucía; Navas, Marisol
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| · Development and validation of the Adolescent Future Expectations Scale Sánchez-Sandoval, Yolanda; Verdugo, Laura
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| · Influence of information about trip time variability, personal benefits, and environmental harm from cars versus public transportation on the choice of transportation mode López-Sáez, Mercedes; Lois, David; Morales, José Francisco
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| · Individual and group antecedents of job satisfaction: a one-lab multilevel study Martínez, Isabel M.; Cifre, Eva
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| · Adaptación al español de una escala de motivación emprendedora Boada-Grau, Joan; Sánchez-García, José Carlos; Viardot, Eric; Boada-Cuerva, María; Vigil-Colet, Andreu
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Methodology |
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| · Locus of Control revisited: development of a new bi-dimensional measure Suárez-Álvarez, Javier; Pedrosa, Ignacio; García-Cueto, Eduardo; Muñiz, José
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| · Differences between Cronbach's alpha coefficients, with small samples and parts: a VB program Merino-Soto, César
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| · Ad hoc procedure for optimising agreement between observational records Arana, Javier; Lapresa, Daniel; Anguera, M. Teresa; Garzón, Belén
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| · Multiple Imputation of missing values in exploratory factor analysis of multidimensional scales: estimating latent trait scores Lorenzo-Seva, Urbano; Van Ginkel, Joost R.
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Psychology and Professional Practice |
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| · Relationship of the prosocial behaviour, the problem-solving skills and the use of drugs amongst adolescents Hernández-Serrano, Olga; Espada, José P.; Guillén-Riquelme, Alejandro
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