| Table of contents Anal. Psicol. vol.33 n.3 Murcia Oct. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Monographic theme: Observational data analysis | | | | · Introduction to Monograph on Observational Data Analysis Anguera, M. Teresa
| | | | · Automated observation: heart rate variability and its relationship with performance-related psychological variables in young swimmers Ortigosa-Márquez, Jesús M.; Reigal, Rafael E.; Portell, Mariona; Morales-Sánchez, Verónica; Hernández-Mendo, Antonio
| | | | · How to merge observational and physiological data?: a case study of motor skills patterns and heart rate in exercise programs for adult women Castañer, Marta; Puigarnau, Sílvia; Benitez, Raúl; Zurloni, Valentino; Camerino, Oleguer
| | | | · Observational data models: analysis using generalizability theory and general and mixed linear an empirical study of infant learning and development Blanco-Villaseñor, Angel; Escolano-Pérez, Elena
| | | | · Multivariate analysis of indirect free kick in the FIFA World Cup 2014 Maneiro Dios, Rubén; Losada López, José Luis; Casal Sanjurjo, Claudio Alberto; Ardá Suárez, Antonio
| | | | · Analysis of diachronic relationships in successful and unsuccessful behaviors by world fencing champions using three complementary techniques Tarragó, Rafael; Iglesias, Xavier; Lapresa, Daniel; Anguera, M. Teresa; Ruiz-Sanchis, Laura; Arana, Javier
| | | | · Influence of pitch length on inter- and intra-team behaviors in youth soccer Castellano, Julen; Fernández, Eneko; Echeazarra, Ibon; Barreira, Daniel; Garganta, Julio
| | | | · Observational Analysis of the Organization of On-Task Behavior in the Classroom Using Complementary Data Analysis Santoyo, Carlos; Jonsson, Gudberg K.; Anguera, M. Teresa; López-López, José Antonio
| | | | · Analyzing the influence of playing time and partial score on the tactical behavior in the duel 2 vs 2 in the offensive process in handball, using the polar coordinates technique Prudente, João; Sousa, Duarte; Sequeira, Pedro; López-López, José Antonio; Hernández-Mendo, Antonio
| | | Multidisciplinary | | | | · An investigation of enhancement of ability evaluation by using a nested logit model for multiple-choice items Tour, Liu; Mengcheng, Wang; Tao, Xin
| | | | · Emotional experience in individual and cooperative traditional games: a gender perspective Lavega, Pere; Saez de Ocáriz, Unai; Lagardera, Francisco; March, Jaume; Puig, Nuria
| | | Methodology | | | | · Exploring the dimensionality and the psychometric properties of the TRIM-18 in the Spanish context Fernández-Capo, Maria; Recoder, Silvia; Gómez-Benito, Juana; Gámiz, María; Gual-García, Pilar; Díez, Patricia; Worthington, Jr., Everett
| | | Clinical and Health Psychology | | | | · Measures for the assessment of stressful life events in the Spanish adult population: a systematic review Motrico, Emma; Rodero-Cosano, María L.; Álvarez-Gálvez, Javier; Salinas-Pérez, Jose A.; Moreno-Peral, Patricia
| | | | · Hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in old age through positive psychology studies: a scoping review Araújo, Lia; Ribeiro, Oscar; Paúl, Constança
| | | | · Effect of treatment on sex offenders' recidivism: a meta-analysis Soldino, Virginia; Carbonell-Vayá, Enrique J.
| | | | · How response biases affect the factor structure of Big Five personality questionnaires Morales-Vives, Fabia; Lorenzo-Seva, Urbano; Vigil-Colet, Andreu
| | | | · Analysis of the familiar psychopathology as a therapeutic tool Gómez-Castillo, Maria-Dolores; Torres-Ortuño, Ana; Galindo-Piñana, Pilar; López-Durán, Alicia
| | | | · The effects of anticipatory fatigue and emotional symptomatology on perceived physical and cognitive fatigue Fuentes-Márquez, Sandra; Senín-Calderón, Cristina; Rodríguez-Testal, Juan F.; Carrasco, Miguel A.
| | | | · Multiple Mediation of Loneliness and Negative Affects in the Relationship between Adolescents' Social Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Baytemir, Kemal; Ali Yıldız, Mehmet
| | | | · Psychometric properties of Liverpool Stoicism Scale (LSS) in a cohort of patients with resected cancer in adjuvant treatment Calderón, Caterina; Ferrando, Pere J.; Lorenzo-Seva, Urbano; Carmona-Bayonas, Alberto; Jara, Carlos; Ayala de la Peña, Francisco; Beato, Carmen; Ramchandani, Avinash; García, Teresa; Mangas-Izquierdo, Montserrat; Castelo, Beatriz; Donnay, Olga; Muñoz, María del Mar; Martínez de Castro, Eva; García, Sara; Ghanem, Ismael; Mellen, Teo; Jiménez-Fonseca, Paula
| | | Developmental and Educational Psychology | | | | · Facing death: student's thoughts towards the feeling of their own death Martí-García, Celia; Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel; Ruiz-Martín, Laura; Montoya-Juárez, Rafael; Hueso-Montoro, Cesar; García-Caro, M. Paz
| | | | · How to implement the family-centered model in early intervention Dalmau, Mariona; Balcells-Balcells, Anna; Giné, Climent; Cañadas, Margarita; Casas, Olga; Salat, Yolanda; Farré, Verònica; Calaf, Núria
| | | | · Parental control in interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory: a study with a Spanish sample using Parents' Version of Parental Acceptation-Rejection/Control Questionnaire Fernández-García, Carmen-María; Rodríguez-Menéndez, Carmen; Peña-Calvo, José-Vicente
| | | | · Reading Profiles in Adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome Puente, Aníbal; Alvarado, Jesús M.; Jiménez, Virginia; Martínez, Lourdes
| | | | · Academic motivation scale revised: inclusion of integrated regulation to measure motivation in initial teacher education Burgueño, Rafael; Sicilia, Álvaro; Medina-Casaubón, Jesús; Alcaraz-Ibáñez, Manuel; Lirola, María-Jesús
| | | | · Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess cooperative learning in educational contexts Fernández-Rio, Javier; Cecchini, José A.; Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Méndez-Alonso, David; Prieto, José A.
| | | | · Brief questionnaire of parental response to disruptive behavior (PRDB-Q): parental perspective Cantero-García, María; Alonso-Tapia, Jesús
| | | Social and Organizational Psychology | | | | · The influence factors of job satisfaction and its relationship with turnover intention: taking early-career employees as an example Lee, Xianyin; Yang, Boxu; Li, Wendong
| | | | · Work engagement and job performance: the moderating role of perceived organizational support Yongxing, Guo; Hongfei, Du; Baoguo, Xie; Lei, Mo
| | | | · Measurement of Psychological Capital in Spanish workers: OREA questionnaire Meseguer-de Pedro, Mariano; Soler-Sánchez, María Isabel; Fernández-Valera, María-Magdalena; García-Izquierdo, Mariano
| | | | · Coping with burnout: analysis of linear, non-linear and interaction relationships García-Arroyo, José A.; Osca, Amparo
| | | | · Sexual satisfaction among young women: the frequency of sexual activities as a mediator Ogallar Blanco, Adelaida I.; Godoy Izquierdo, Débora; Vázquez Pérez, Mª Luisa; Godoy, Juan F.
| | | Sport Psychology | | | | · Resilience in Adapted Paddle coaches Ruiz-Barquín, Roberto; Vega-Marcos, Ricardo de la; Rocha, María de la; Ortín-Montero, Francisco José
| | | Methodology | | | | · A journey around alpha and omega to estimate internal consistency reliability Viladrich, Carme; Angulo-Brunet, Ariadna; Doval, Eduardo
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