| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.23 n.6 Barcelona Nov./Dec. 2009 Press Release | | | |
Original Articles | | | | · Comparison of non-fatal occupational injuries by autonomous communities in Spain (1994-2004) López-Ruiz, María; Martínez, José Miguel; Castejón, Emilio; Benavides, Fernando G.
| | | | · Descriptive study of the use of emergency contraception in Catalonia (Spain): Comparison between a rural and an urban area Ros, Clara; Miret, Marta; Rué, Montse
| | | | · Optimal cut-point of salivary cotinine concentration to discriminate smoking status in the adult population in Barcelona Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M.; Fu, Marcela; Ariza, Carles; López, María J.; Saltó, Esteve; Pascual, José A.; Schiaffino, Anna; Borràs, Josep M.; Peris, Mercè; Agudo, Antonio; Nebot, Manel; Fernández, Esteve
| | | | · Prevalence of neural tube defects in Asturias (Spain): impact of prenatal diagnosis García López, Enrique; Rodríguez Dehli, Cristina; Ariza Hevia, Fernando; Rodríguez Fernández, Adela; Fernández Toral, Joaquín; Riaño Galán, Isolina; Mosquera Tenreiro, Carmen
| | | | · Validity of four questionnaires to assess physical activity in Spanish adolescents Martínez-Gómez, David; Martínez-De-Haro, Vicente; Del-Campo, Juan; Zapatera, Belén; Welk, Gregory J.; Villagra, Ariel; Marcos, Ascensión; Veiga, Óscar L.
| | | | · Commentary. Physical activity in adolescents: a seed of our future health Elosua, Roberto
| | | | · Validity of the MONICA cardiovascular questionnaire compared with clinical records Baena-Díez, José M.; Alzamora-Sas, María T.; Grau, María; Subirana, Isaac; Vila, Joan; Torán, Pere; García-Navarro, Ylenia; Bermúdez-Chillida, Noemí; Alegre-Basagaña, Judit; Viozquez-Meia, María; Marrugat, Jaume
| | | | · Reference values of the Spanish version of the SF-12v2 for the diabetic population Monteagudo Piqueras, Olga; Hernando Arizaleta, Lauro; Palomar Rodríguez, Joaquín A.
| | | | · Knowledge of HIV and sexually-transmitted diseases in Latin American and Maghrebi immigrants in Catalonia (Spain) Ríos, Erika; Ferrer, Laia; Casabona, Jordi; Caylá, Joan; Avecilla, Àngels; Gómez I Prat, Jordi; Edison, Jesús; Pérez, Olga; García, Susana; Torán, Pere; Ruiz, Marta; Gros, Teresa; Rodríguez, Lourdes; Arribas, David; Folch, Cinta; Esteve, Anna
| | | | · Reasons for smoking cessation in Spain by gender and age Ramon Torrell, Josep Maria; Bruguera Cortada, Eugeni; Fernández Pinilla, Carmen; Sanz de Burgoa, Verónica; Ramírez Vázquez, Esther
| | | | · Economic evaluation and budget impact analysis of the Endeavor® drug-eluting stent in Spain Moreu, José; Cequier, Ángel; Brosa, Max; Rodríguez, José M.; Crespo, Carlos; Hernández, José M.; Vázquez, Nicolás; Fernández, Felipe; Ruiz-Nodar, Juan M.; Brasseur, Pascal
| | | Brief report | | | | · Prevalence of diagnosed chronic disorders in the inmigrant and native population Esteban-Vasallo, María D.; Domínguez-Berjón, M. Felicitas; Astray-Mochales, Jenaro; Gènova-Maleras, Ricard; Pérez-Sania, Aurelio; Sánchez-Perruca, Luis; Aguilera-Guzmán, Marta; González-Sanz, Francisco J.
| | | Review | | | | · Evidence-based effectiveness of road safety interventions: a literature review Novoa, Ana M.; Pérez, Katherine; Borrell, Carme
| | | Methodological Note | | | | · "That deadly and pink corporeity": Analysis of disease-free survival analysis in breast cancer in Gipuzkoa (Spain) in the presence of competing risks Martínez-Camblor, Pablo; Larrañaga, Nerea; Sarasqueta, Cristina; Mitxelena, María José; Basterretxea, Mikel
| | | Field Notes | | | | · Description of registration of episodes of gender violence in medical records in the Principality of Asturias, Spain Muslera-Canclini, Elvira; Natal, Carmen; García, Vicente; Fernández-Muñoz, Paloma
| | | | · Three outbreaks of brucellosis in a one-year period investigated by the occupational health service in Ciudad Real (Spain) Castell Monsalve, Juan; Gutiérrez Ávila, Gonzalo; Ruiz Valdepeñas, María Asunción
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · On the comparability of population-based and hospital-based case-control studies Lunet, Nuno; Azevedo, Ana
| | | | · Population versus hospital controls and the lost opportunities Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica; Barros-Dios, Juan M.
| | | | · Analysis of gender (in)equalities in health and quality of life in informal caregivers Pino Casado, Rafael del; Frías Osuna, Antonio; Palomino Moral, Pedro A.
| | | | · Specific comments on gender inequalities in health and quality of life in the informal caregiver Larrañaga, Isabel; Martín, Unai; Bacigalupe, Amaia; Begiristain, José María; Valderrama, María José; Arregi, Begoña
| | | Collective Imaginary | | | | · Partisan versions, facts and truth Pérez Oliva, Milagros
| | | Bibliographic Information | | | | | | |