| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.24 n.5 Barcelona Sep. 2010 Press Release | | | |
Editorial Note | | | | · Toward a new phase in Gaceta Sanitaria Borrell, Carme; Domínguez-Berjón, María Felicitas
| | | | · Out of Gaceta Sanitaria Fernández, Esteve
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Risky alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among Spanish University students: a two-year follow-up Mota, Nayara; Álvarez-Gil, Rosa; Corral, Montserrat; Rodríguez Holguín, Socorro; Parada, María; Crego, Alberto; Caamaño-Isorna, Francisco; Cadaveira, Fernando
| | | | · Indicators for the management of public health services Villalbí, Joan R.; Casas, Conrad; Bartoll, Xavier; Artazcoz, Lucía; Ballestín, Manuela; Borrell, Carme; Camprubí, Esteve; Durán, Julia; García, Riánsares; Rodríguez, Pau; Salamero, Marta
| | | | · Incidence of permanent disability in a cohort of social security-affiliated workers (2004-2007) Benavides, Fernando G.; Durán, Xavier; Martínez, José Miguel; Jódar, Pere; Boix, Pere; Amable, Marcelo
| | | | · Pharmaceutical expenditure among primary care physicians in the province of Cuenca (Spain) Segura Benito, María Jesús; Moya Martínez, Pablo; Escribano Sotos, Francisco
| | | | · Variations in antihypertensive drug utilization among primary care areas in the autonomous region of Valencia (Spain) Sanfélix-Gimeno, Gabriel; Peiró, Salvador; Librero, Julián
| | | | · Factors associated with self-reported use of emergency contraception among the school population aged 14-18 years López-Amorós, Matilde; Schiaffino, Anna; Moncada, Albert; Pérez, Gloria
| | | | · Determinants of health care utilization in Costa Rica Morera Salas, Melvin; Aparicio Llanos, Amada
| | | | · Prioritization of chemotherapy drugs in the Catalan hospital system: a qualitative case study Prades, Joan; Borràs, Josep M.
| | | Brief Originals | | | | · Road-rage in the general population Fierro, Inmaculada; Gómez-Talegón, Trinidad; Javier Álvarez, Francisco
| | | | · Public financing of pharmaceuticals to quit smoking: utilisation and cost in Navarra, Spain (1995-2007) Azagra, María Jesús; Echauri, Margarita; Pérez-Jarauta, María José; Marín, Pilar
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Cultural competence as a tool for the healthcare of the immigrant population García Espinosa, Victoria; Prieto Checa, Isabel
| | | | · If health has a price: The public health role in financial assessments Sordo del Castillo, Luis; Pérez Ruiz, Isabel; Olry de Labry Lima, Antonio
| | | Collective Imaginary | | | | · Imaginaries: theories
| | | Erratum | | | | · Fe de errores de: "En respuesta a la carta de Gispert y Bosser" Pérez, Glòria; Font-Ribera, Laia; Espelt, Albert; Salvador, Joaquín; Borrell, Carme
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