| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.27 n.2 Barcelona Mar./Apr. 2013 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · What do we learn from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases? Domínguez, Ángela
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Healthy and participative schools: evaluation of a public health strategy Ramos, Pilar; Pasarín, M. Isabel; Artazcoz, Lucía; Díez, Elia; Juárez, Olga; González, Inmaculada
| | | | · Discourse on violence against women in a virtual forum: the view from the gender framework Antunes Santiago, Marisa; Montalbán Peregrín, F. Manuel; Signorini Gonçalves, Hebe
| | | | · All-cause and cause-specific mortality in the immigrant and native-born populations in Andalusia (Spain) Ruiz-Ramos, Miguel; Juárez, Sol
| | | | · Factors associated with edentulousness in an elderly population in Valencia (Spain) Eustaquio-Raga, María Vicenta; Montiel-Company, José María; Almerich-Silla, José Manuel
| | | | · Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Chronic Care Models Nuño-Solinís, Roberto; Fernández-Cano, Paloma; Mira-Solves, José Joaquín; Toro-Polanco, Nuria; Contel, Joan Carlos; Guilabert Mora, Mercedes; Solas, Olga
| | | | · Inequality in analgesic prescription in Spain: a gender development issue Chilet-Rosell, Elisa; Ruiz-Cantero, M. Teresa; Fernández Sáez, José; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
| | | | · The spatial distribution of population exposure to outdoor air pollution in Valencia (Spain) and its association with a privation index Estarlich, Marisa; Iñiguez, Carmen; Esplugues, Ana; Mantilla, Enrique; Zurriaga, Òscar; Nolasco, Andreu; Ballester, Ferran
| | | | · Trend in lead exposure in the Spanish child population in the last 20 years: an unrecognized example of health in all policies? Llop, Sabrina; Porta, Miquel; Martinez, Maria Dolores; Aguinagalde, Xabier; Fernández, Mariana F.; Fernández-Somoano, Ana; Casas, Maribel; Vrijheid, Martine; Ayerdi, Mikel; Tardón, Adonina; Ballester, Ferran
| | | Brief Original Articles | | | | · Nitrate and trace elements in municipal and bottled water in Spain Espejo-Herrera, Nadia; Kogevinas, Manolis; Castaño-Vinyals, Gemma; Aragonés, Nuria; Boldo, Elena; Ardanaz, Eva; Azpiroz, Lourdes; Ulibarrena, Enrique; Tardón, Adonina; Molina, Antonio J.; López-Rojo, Concepción; Jiménez-Moleón, José J.; Capelo, Rocío; Gómez-Acebo, Inés; Ripoll, Mónica; Villanueva, Cristina M.; Multicase Control Study of Cancer (MCC). Spain Water Working Group
| | | | · Impact of the new smoke-free legislation (law 42/2010) on levels of second-hand smoke in hospitality venues Córdoba, Rodrigo; Nerín, Isabel; Galindo, Virginia; Alayeto, Carmen; Villaverde-Royo, M.ª Victoria; Sanz, Concepción
| | | | · HIV/AIDS screening program in community pharmacies in the Basque Country (Spain) Gorostiza, Iñigo; Elizondo López de Landache, Isabel; Braceras Izagirre, Leire
| | | | · Self-reported cases of influenza among Spanish healthcare workers during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic Olalla, Julián; Ory, Fernando de; Casas, Inmaculada; García-Alegría, Javier; Rivas-Ruiz, Francisco; Grupo de Trabajo para el Estudio MARBEGRIP
| | | | · Registered prevalence of borderline personality disorder in primary care databases Aragonès, Enric; Salvador-Carulla, Luis; López-Muntaner, Judit; Ferrer, Marc; Piñol, Josep Lluís
| | | Special Article | | | | · Disinvestment in health: fundamentals, clarifications, experiences and perspectives Campillo-Artero, Carlos; Bernal-Delgado, Enrique
| | | Methodological Note | | | | · Methodology for health assets mapping in a community Botello, Blanca; Palacio, Sergio; García, Mercedes; Margolles, Mario; Fernández, Federico; Hernán, Mariano; Nieto, Javier; Cofiño, Rafael
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Health promotion in minority groups: a review of interventions and recommendations Boggio Nieto, Óscar R.; Márquez-Calderón, Soledad; Muñoz-Bellerín, Jesús
| | | | · User satisfaction with hospital emergency services Burillo-Putze, Guillermo; Expósito-Rodríguez, Marcos; Cinesi-Gómez, César; Piñera-Salmerón, Pascual
| | | | · Response to: User satisfaction with hospital emergency services Parra Hidalgo, Pedro; Bermejo Alegría, Rosa Mª; Más Castillo, Adelia; Hidalgo Montesinos, Mª Dolores; Gouis Cabrián, Rafael; Calle Uría, José Eduardo
| | | | · Tuberculosis and immigration: a remaining challenge for public health Molina Rueda, María José; Martín-Vivaldi Jiménez, Andrés; Molina Rueda, Francisco
| | | | · Are prevention plans in response to heat wave alerts effective? Linares, Cristina; Tobías, Aurelio; Díaz, Julio
| | | | · Test-retest reliability of questionnaire on the mode of commuting to and from school among children Hermoso, Sara; Pérez-García, Manuel; Chillón, Palma; Ruiz, Jonatan R.
| | | Recensión Bibliográfica | | | | · Incentivos a la I+D+i de medicamentos Catalá-López, Ferrán
| | | Erratum | | | | · Erratum to: Spanish public health professionals and the General Law of Public Health Hernández-Aguado, Ildefonso; Benavides, Fernando G.; Porta, Miquel
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