| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.31 n.6 Barcelona Nov./Dec. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Rethinking the Ottawa Charter 30 years later López-Fernández, Luis Andrés; Solar Hormazábal, Orielle
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Purchase of local foods for school meals in Andalusia, the Canary Islands and the Principality of Asturias (Spain) Soares, Panmela; Caballero, Pablo; Davó-Blanes, Mari Carmen
| | | | · Performance and optimisation of a trigger tool for the detection of adverse events in hospitalised adult patients Guzmán Ruiz, Óscar; Pérez Lázaro, Juan José; Ruiz López, Pedro
| | | | · Working conditions in outpatient clinics adjacent to private pharmacies in Mexico City: perspective of physicians Díaz-Portillo, Sandra P; Reyes-Morales, Hortensia; Cuadra-Hernández, Silvia Magali; Idrovo, Álvaro J; Nigenda, Gustavo; Dreser, Anahí
| | | | · Local food production for school feeding programmes in Spain Soares, Panmela; Martínez-Mián, Maria Asunción; Caballero, Pablo; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Davó-Blanes, Mari Carmen
| | | | · Working conditions in outpatient clinics adjacent to private pharmacies in Mexico City: perspective of physicians Díaz-Portillo, Sandra P; Reyes-Morales, Hortensia; Cuadra-Hernández, Silvia Magali; Idrovo, Álvaro J; Nigenda, Gustavo; Dreser, Anahí
| | | | · Survey adaptation for bio-behavioural surveillance of HIV in Chilean female sex workers Carvajal, Bielka; Stuardo, Valeria; Manríquez, José Manuel; Belmar, Julieta; Folch, Cinta
| | | | · Patterns of physical activity and associated factors among teenagers from Barcelona (Spain) in 2012 Ruiz-Trasserra, Alicia; Pérez, Anna; Continente, Xavier; O'Brien, Kerry; Bartroli, Montse; Teixidó-Compaño, Ester; Espelt, Albert
| | | | · Development and pilot study of a questionnaire to assess child and teenager satisfaction with their stay in hospital Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, Montserrat; Lozano Oyola, José Francisco; Avilés Carvajal, Isabel; Martínez Cervantes, Rafael Jesús
| | | | · Relationship between caries, body mass index and social class in Spanish children Almerich-Torres, Teresa; Montiel-Company, José María; Bellot-Arcís, Carlos; Almerich-Silla, José Manuel
| | | | · Incidence of accidental exposure to blood and body fluids among healthcare professionals in a community hospital Pérez Ruiz, Cristina; Torres Salinas, Miquel; Red Bellvis, Gloria de la; Msabri, Nada; Niño Aragón, Esther; Sobrino Martínez, Javier
| | | | · MESGI50 study: description of a cohort on maturity and satisfactory ageing Corominas Barnadas, Josep María; López-Pousa, Secundino; Vilalta-Franch, Joan; Calvó-Perxas, Laia; Juvinyà Canal, Dolors; Garre-Olmo, Josep
| | | | · Application of the Balance of Care model in decision-making regarding the best care for patients with dementia Risco, Ester; Zabalegui, Adelaida; Miguel, Susana; Farré, Marta; Alvira, Carme; Cabrera, Esther
| | | | · Care costs and activity in the last three months of life of cancer patients who died in the Basque Country (Spain) Nuño-Solinís, Roberto; Herrera Molina, Emilio; Librada Flores, Silvia; Orueta Mendía, Juan F; Cabrera-León, Andrés
| | | Field Note | | | | · Hotline for Zika virus: experience of a tropical and travel medicine unit Díaz-Menéndez, Marta; Calle-Prieto, Fernando de la; Arsuaga, Marta; Trigo, Elena; Ladrón de Guevara, Concepción; Barreiro, Pablo; Crespillo, Clara; Lago, Mar
| | | Debates | | | | · Against so-called surrogacy. Human rights and global justice against neoliberal bioethics Guerra-Palmero, María José
| | | | · Arguments for the need to regulate surrogacy Lamm, Eleonora
| | | Letter to the Editor | | | | · Undergraduate research funding in Peruvian medical schools Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos J; Arce-Villalobos, Laura R; Gonzales-Martínez, Jorge; Melgarejo-Castillo, Alejandro; Taype-Rondán, Álvaro
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