| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.33 n.5 Barcelona Sep./Oct. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Original Articles | | | | · Autonomy and heteronomy, a necessary alliance to address smoking cessation. Views of professionals and patients Muñoz-Cifuentes, Pablo; Córdoba, Rodrigo; Altisent, Rogelio; Delgado-Marroquín, María Teresa
| | | | · Prioritising measures for consolidating shared decision-making in the services rendered by the Spanish National Health System García-Altés, Anna; Peiró, Manel; Artells, Joan Josep
| | | | · Validation study of a Spanish version of the modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (STICS-m) Muñoz-García, Mariana; Cervantes, Sebastián; Razquin, Cristina; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Toledo, Juan B.; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Toledo, Estefanía
| | | | · Diagnostic accuracy of STOP-Bang questionnaire on moderate sleep apnoea in primary care Cruces-Artero, Concepción; Hervés-Beloso, Cristina; Martín-Miguel, Victoria; Hernáiz-Valero, Susana; Lago-Deibe, Fernando Isidro; Montero-Gumucio, Martín; Orge-Amoedo, Mar; Roca-Pardiñas, Javier; Clavería, Ana
| | | | · Universalization, parity and evolution of the demand of epidural analgesia in labor in Andalusia (Spain) García-de-Diego, José María; Serrano-del-Rosal, Rafael
| | | | · Social and clinical determinants of the use of health services in women with breast cancer (Cohort DAMA) Puigpinós-Riera, Rosa; Gómez, Adán Castillo; Morales, Anabel Romero; Aller, Marta; Castells, Xavier; Sala, María; Grupo Cohort Dama
| | | | · What does the decision to opt for private health insurance reveal about public provision? Epstein, David; Jiménez-Rubio, Dolores
| | | | · Study on press coverage about the exodus of Spanish nurses to the United Kingdom Rodríguez-Arrastia, Miguel; Moreno-Castro, Carolina; Ropero-Padilla, Carmen
| | | | · Occupational risk during pregnancy and sick leave in a cohort of workers from Parc de Salut Mar (Barcelona, Spain) Villar, Rocío; Benavides, Fernando G.; Serra, Laura; Serra, Consol
| | | | · Optimization of the prediction of financial problems in Spanish private health companies using genetic algorithms González-Martín, Jesús María; Sánchez-Medina, Agustín J.; Alonso, Jesús B.
| | | Brief Article | | | | · Participation of the immigrant population in breast cancer screening in Tarragona, Spain Laroussy, Lamiaa; Ameijide, Alberto; Saladié, Francina; Espinàs, Josep Alfons; Borràs, Josep Maria; Galceran, Jaume
| | | Opinion Article | | | | · The extent of the implementation of reproductive health strategies in Catalonia (Spain) (2008-2017) Benet, Marta; Escuriet, Ramon; Alcaraz-Quevedo, Manuela; Ezquerra, Sandra; Pla, Margarida
| | | Special Article | | | | · The battle in Madrid over poliomyelitis vaccines (1963): science, ideology and power in the first mass immunization campaign in Spain Tuells, José
| | | | · Gender agenda in health sciences education: international experiences to reduce time in Spain Ruiz-Cantero, María Teresa; Tomás-Aznar, Concepción; Rodríguez-Jaume, María José; Pérez-Sedeño, Eulalia; Gasch-Gallén, Ángel
| | | Field Note | | | | · Effective implementation of the Quadruple Helix-Based Innovation Model for active ageing Padial, Mónica; Pinzón, Sandra; Navarro, Bibiana; Juan, Pilar San; Ruiz, Josefa; Espinosa, Juan Manuel
| | | Letter to the Editor | | | | · Conversion therapies in Spain: between LGBT-phobia and iatrogenesis Gil-Borrelli, Christian Carlo; Obón, Blanca; Velasco, César; Beltrán, Paula de; Ruiz-Álvarez, Miguel; Iniesta, Carlos; Curto, Javier; Sánchez, Héctor; Latasa, Pello
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