| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.34 n.5 Barcelona Sep./Oct. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Editorials | | | | · COVID-19 from a gender perspective Castellanos-Torres, Esther; Mateos, José Tomás; Chilet-Rosell, Elisa
| | | | · Taxes as an instrument of public health. On the subject of sugary drinks Ortún, Vicente
| | | Editorial Notes | | | | · Gaceta Sanitaria’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rapid management and transfer Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; Negrín Hernández, Miguel; Ruiz Cantero, María Teresa; March, Joan Carles; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
| | | | · Videos as tools for scientific dissemination and knowledge transfer Gómez-Domínguez, David; Hernán, Mariano; Negrín-Hernández, Miguel Ángel; Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Retraction of publications: a study of biomedical journals retracting publications based on impact factor and journal category Campos-Varela, Isabel; Villaverde-Castañeda, Ramón; Ruano-Raviña, Alberto
| | | | · Validation of the Short Assessment of Health Literacy in Portuguese-speaking Adults in Portugal Paiva, Dagmara; Silva, Susana; Severo, Milton; Moura-Ferreira, Pedro; Lunet, Nuno; Azevedo, Ana
| | | | · Gender differences in the mortality of people with type 2 diabetes: Asturias Study 2018 Ares Blanco, Jessica; Valdés Hernández, Sergio; Botas, Patricia; Rodríguez-Rodero, Sandra; Morales Sánchez, Paula; Díaz Naya, Lucía; Menéndez-Torre, Edelmiro; Delgado, Elías
| | | | · Health advice on alcohol consumption in pregnant women in Seville (Spain) Mendoza, Ramón; Morales-Marente, Elena; Palacios, M. Soledad; Rodríguez-Reinado, Carmen; Corrales-Gutiérrez, Isabel; García-Algar, Óscar
| | | | · Healthcare professionals' opinions, barriers and facilitators towards low-value clinical practices in the hospital setting Osorio, Dimelza; Ribera, Aida; Solans-Domènech, Maite; Arroyo-Moliner, Liliana; Ballesteros, Mónica; Romea-Lecumberri, Soledad
| | | | · Social integration and gynecologic cancer screening of immigrant women in Spain Barrera-Castillo, María; Fernández-Peña, Rosario; Valle-Gómez, María del Olivo del; Fernández-Feito, Ana; Lana, Alberto
| | | | · Usefulness of the microbiological surveillance of respiratory syncytial virus in Galicia (Spain): 2008-2017 Servia-Dopazo, Miguel; Purriños-Hermida, María Jesús; Pérez, Sonia; García, Juan; Malvar-Pintos, Alberto
| | | | · Effect of the population in collective dwellings on small-area mortality risk estimation in the Basque Country region (Spain) Montoya, Imanol; Aldasoro, Elena; Calvo, Montserrat; Audicana, Covadonga; Esnaola, Santiago; Gandarillas Grande, Ana María
| | | | · Decriminalization of abortion in Chile: a mixed method approach based on perception of abortion in the community population Pérez, Beatriz; Sagner-Tapia, Johanna; Elgueta, Herman E.
| | | | · Justifying abuse of women migrant domestic workers in Lebanon: the opinion of recruitment agencies Ghaddar, Ali; Khandaqji, Sanaa; Ghattas, Jinane
| | | | · Analysis of the patient safety culture in a university hospital Mella Laborde, Mario; Gea Velázquez, M. Teresa; Aranaz Andrés, Jesús M.; Ramos Forner, Gemma; Compañ Rosique, Antonio F.
| | | Brief Article | | | | · Frequency of medical visits due to osteoarticular problems of the adult general population in Spain. EPISER2016 Study Seoane-Mato, Daniel; Martínez Dubois, Cristina; Moreno Martínez, María José; Sánchez-Piedra, Carlos; Bustabad-Reyes, Sagrario
| | | Methodological Note | | | | · Online surveys and the false illusion of the large n. On a survey on euthanasia among medical practitioners Utzet, Mireia; Martin, Unai
| | | Field Notes | | | | · Impact assessment on data protection in research projects García-León, Francisco Javier; Villegas-Portero, Román; Goicoechea-Salazar, Juan Antonio; Muñoyerro-Muñiz, Dolores; Dopazo, Joaquín
| | | | · Overcoming the difficulty of recruiting young people. Keys to obtaining qualitative data in a study of sexualities Forcadell-Díez, Lluís; Baroja, Jordi; Pérez, Glòria
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Preventive medicine and public health specialists' opinion about recommendations of low-value practices: a pilot survey Requeijo, Carolina; Salas-Gama, Karla; Merchán, Ángela; Pijoan, José Ignacio; Nieves Plana, María; Urreta, Iratxe; Quintana, María Jesús; Bonfill, Xavier
| | | | · Constitutional Court and sexual identity: “New flower of old romances” Obón-Azuara, Blanca; Gutiérrez-Cía, Isabel; Vergara Maldonado, Cynthia; Solano-Sainz, Víctor; Gasch-Gallén, Ángel
| | | | · Mortality related to sociodemographic characteristics and cultivated land of Andalusian municipalities Limón Mora, Juan
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