| Table of contents Gac Sanit vol.37 Barcelona 2023 Press Release | | | |
Editorials | | | | · The Spanish System for autonomy and dependency care: first 15 years and a look ahead Oliva, Juan; Sancho-Castiello, Mayte; del Pozo-Rubio, Raúl
| | | | · The climate crisis. What about the public health? Antó, Josep M
| | | | · Community or barbarism. Community orientation of primary health care at three levels Cofiño, Rafael; Prieto, Miguel; Hernán-García, Mariano
| | | | · Public health law: towards a regulation for pandemics? Del Llano-Núñez-Cortés, Alicia
| | | | · The value of the “ultra-processed food” concept in public health Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Ángel; Bes-Rastrollo, Maira
| | | | · Armed conflicts and crimes against humanity. Why do they persist? Alguacil, Juan; Negrín-Hernández, Miguel; Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; Cantarero, David; Carrasco-Portiño, Mercedes; Casino, Gonzalo; García-Calvente, Mar; Hernán, Mariano; Posenato-García, Leila; Ruíz-Cantero, María Teresa; Segura, Andreu; Gullón, Pedro; Juárez, Lucero; Errea, María; March, Joan Carles; Marcos-Marcos, Jorge; Mar, Javier; Peiró, Rosanna; Peiró, Salvador; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
| | | | · Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency Abbasi, Kamran; Ali, Parveen; Barbour, Virginia; Benfield, Thomas; Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten; Hancocks, Stephen; Horton, Richard; Laybourn-Langton, Laurie; Mash, Robert; Sahni, Peush; Mohammad-Sharief, Wadeia; Yonga, Paul; Zielinski, Chris
| | | Editorial Notes | | | | · Health inequalities in Gaceta Sanitaria, from 1988 to 2022 Borrell, Carme
| | | | · Gaceta Sanitaria in 2022. Maximum historical impact factor and suitability for continuous publication Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; Negrín-Hernández, Miguel; Alguacil, Juan; Cantarero, David; Carrasco-Portiño, Mercedes; Casino, Gonzalo; Calvente, Mar García; Hernán, Mariano; Posenato-Garcia, Leila; Ruiz-Cantero, María Teresa; Segura, Andreu; García-Amez, Javier; Juárez, Lucero; Miranda, Juan Jaime; March, Joan Carles; Marcos-Marcos, Jorge; Mar, Javier; Peiró, Rosana; Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos
| | | | · Drop in the impact factor of GACETA SANITARIA in 2022: reasons and projection Negrín-Hernández, Miguel
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Quality of records in clinical forms of childbirth in the Maternity Hospital of Lubango, Angola Hambili-Sanjuluca, Tomas; Almeida, Anabela; Correia, Ricardo; Costas, Tiago
| | | | · Sexism and intimate partner violence in adolescents Madrona-Bonastre, Raquel; Sanz-Barbero, Belén; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Abiétar, Daniel G; Sánchez-Martínez, Francesca; Forcadell-Díez, Lluís; Pérez, Glòria; Vives-Cases, Carmen
| | | | · Experiences and impact on the quality of life of people with long COVID Tíscar-González, Verónica; Sánchez-Gómez, Sheila; Lafuente-Martínez, Ana; Peña-Serrano, Ana; Twose-López, Marta; Díaz-Alonso, Sofía; Bartolomé-Rupérez, Marta; Portuondo-Jiménez, Janire; Zorrilla-Martínez, Iñaki
| | | | · Evaluation of food intake through residual analysis in 90 Basque school canteens Egaña-Txurruka, Iosune; Valcárcel-Alonso, Santiago; Macazaga-Perea, Nerea; Oria-Eraso, Carmen; García-Baquero-Moneo, Gonzalo
| | | | · Analysis of community agendas in primary care and factors associated with their implementation Domínguez-García, Marta; Pola-García, Marina; Oliván-Blázquez, Bárbara; Lahoz-Bernad, Isabel; Lou-Alcaine, María Luz; Benedé-Azagra, Carmen Belén
| | | | · Proposals for the community orientation of primary health care: to identify key agents for training Cardo-Miota, Adrián; Valls-Pérez, Blanca; Gil-García, Eugenia; Hernán-García, Mariano
| | | | · Perceptions and external factors of physical activity in adolescents using mixed methods Roselló-Novella, Alba; Lumillo-Gutiérrez, Iris; Pla-Consuegra, Margarida; Rosa-Castillo, Antonio; Villa-Garcia, Lorena; Morin-Fraile, Victoria
| | | | · Care complexity and place of death in palliative home care Busquet-Duran, Xavier; Manresa-Domínguez, Josep María; Llobera-Estrany, Joana; López-García, Ana Isabel; Moreno-Gabriel, Eduard; Torán-Monserrat, Pere
| | | | · Diagnostic delay in rare diseases: between fear and resilience Páramo-Rodríguez, Lucía; Cavero-Carbonell, Clara; Guardiola-Vilarroig, Sandra; López-Maside, Aurora; González-Sanjuán, M Eugenia; Zurriaga, Óscar
| | | | · Approximation to the budgetary cost of universalizing oral health in Spain Montero-Soler, Alberto; Sánchez-Martínez, Fernando Ignacio
| | | | · Epidemiology of leptospirosis in the wetlands of Southern Spain Gómez-Martín, María Carmen; Rodríguez-Benjumeda, Luis Miguel; de Eguilior-Mestre, María Carmen; Lozano-Domínguez, María Carmen; Luque-Márquez, Rafael; Jódar-Sánchez, Francisco; Aznar-Martín, Javier; Donaire-Granado, José Augusto; Luque-Romero, Luis Gabriel
| | | | · Analysis of the legal framework on food supplements for menopause in Spanish community pharmacies Rubio-Rubio, Francisco Ignacio; Cabezas-López, María Dolores; Valverde-Merino, María Isabel; Martínez-Martínez, Fernando; Zarzuelo-Romero, María José
| | | | · The impact of a full implementation of the Action Plan on Dependency 2021-2023 on the Spanish economy Ramírez-Pérez, Cruz; Cámara, Ángeles
| | | | · Cost-effectiveness of universal childhood vaccination against hepatitis A in Spain: a dynamic approach Valcárcel-Nazco, Cristina; Sanromá-Ramos, Esther; García-Pérez, Lidia; Villanueva-Micó, Rafael Jacinto; Burgos-Simón, Clara; Mar, Javier
| | | | · Narratives on changes in health-related behaviours during lockdown in Spain according to gender Jacques-Aviñó, Constanza; Medina-Perucha, Laura; Young-Silva, Yudy; Granés, Laura; Lòpez-Jiménez, Tomás; Berenguera, Anna
| | | | · Attributable mortality to tobacco consumption in Brazil, 1996-2019 Wanderley-Flores, Bibiana; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica; Montes, Agustín; Santiago-Pérez, María Isolina; Varela-Lema, Leonor; Candal-Pedreira, Cristina; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Martín-Gisbert, Lucía; Rey-Brandariz, Julia
| | | | · Sleep patterns in childhood: a longitudinal assessment from the generation XXI birth cohort Gonçalves, Marta; Rute-Costa, Ana; Severo, Milton; Henriques, Ana; Barros, Henrique
| | | | · Influence of the social deprivation index on outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic Portuondo-Jiménez, Janire; Gascón, María; García, Julia; Legarreta, María-José; Villanueva, Ane; Larrea, Nere; García-Gutiérrez, Susana; Munitiz, Endika; Quintana, José M; COVID-Health Basque Country Research Group⃟
| | | | · Health policy priorities. SESPAS meeting at the XXXIII School of Public Health of Menorca Peiró, Salvador; Meneu, Ricard; Hernández, Ildefonso
| | | | · Physical activity in the regional health plans in Spain: a review of proposals Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica; Varela-Lema, Leonor; Rey-Brandariz, Julia; Candal-Pedreira, Cristina; Mourino, Nerea; Vila-Farinas, Andrea; López-Pardo, Estrella; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto
| | | | · Association between oral health and cognitive decline in older Chileans Nazar, Gabriela; Díaz-Toro, Felipe; Roa, Pablo; Petermann-Rocha, Fanny; Troncoso-Pantoja, Claudia; Leiva-Ordóñez, Ana María; Cigarroa, Igor; Celis-Morales, Carlos
| | | | · Validation of a gender awareness scale in health sciences students Bartual-Figueras, María Teresa; Donoso-Vázquez, Trinidad; Sierra-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Turmo-Garuz, Joaquín
| | | | · Administrative burden, motivation and well-being among primary care physicians: comparison of management models Ballart, Xavier; Ferraioli, Francisco; Iruela, Antoni
| | | | · Health impact of the community intervention programme “Health education in adolescence” Pérez-Rubio, Laura; Marugán-De Miguelsanz, José Manuel; Rosario-Bachiller-Luque, María; Casado-Vicente, Verónica
| | | | · Opinion on the benefits of nurse prescribing in Catalonia. Consensus of health professionals and managers Jodar-Solà, Glòria; Brugués-Brugués, Alba; Serra-Sutton, Vicky; Espallargues-Carreras, Mireia; Trejo-Omeñaca, Alex; Monguet-Fierro, Josep M
| | | | · Prevalence of adverse and victimization experiences in adult people with severe mental illness in Barcelona Bartolomé-Valenzuela, Marina; Pereda, Noemí; Guilera, Georgina
| | | | · Discourses on violence against women by young people and professionals in Spain: PositivMasc Project Ríos-Albert, Esther; Vives-Cases, Carmen
| | | | · Fidelity of implementation of Reptes, an alcohol and cannabis selective prevention program for youngsters Vázquez, Noelia; Continente, Xavier; Bartroli, Montse; Juárez, Olga; Muñoz, Laura; Sánchez-Martínez, Francesca; Pérez, Anna; Ariza, Carles; Reptes Project Investigators
| | | | · Health-related quality of life in Chileans from vulnerable communes Rada, Isabel; Ortiz, Manuel S; Cabieses, Baltica
| | | | · Analysis of the internal coherence of the Mental Health and Addictions Program of Mexico 2020-2024 Vargas-Riaño, Emily María; Becerril-Montekio, Víctor; Agudelo-Botero, Marcela
| | | | · Validation of the questionnaire on vaccines and hesitancy to be vaccinated in the Spanish Society of Epidemiology Caballero, Pablo; Astray, Jenaro; Domínguez, Ángela; Godoy, Pere; Barrabeig, Irene; Castilla, Jesús; Tuells, José
| | | | · Community health. Innovating in the training of family and community medicine residentes Cardo-Miota, Adrián; Valls-Pérez, Blanca; Lineros-González, Carmen; Hernán-García, Mariano
| | | | · Morbidity due to chronic diseases and their health care in Asturias: a gender analysis Suárez-Álvarez, Óscar; Ruiz-Cantero, María Teresa
| | | | · Barriers and proposals for a health care approach to trafficking for sexual exploitation Pastor-Moreno, Guadalupe; Ruiz-Pérez, Isabel; Sordo, Luis
| | | | · Dealing with the unknown: perceptions, fears and worries of SARS-CoV-2 infection among hospital workers Utzet, Mireia; Villar, Rocío; Díaz, Pilar; Rodríguez-Arjona, Maria Dolors; Ramada, José María; Serra, Consol; Benavides, Fernando G
| | | | · An evaluation of teacher training to promote healthy and equitable relationships: transforming or reproducing? Forcadell-Díez, Lluís; Bosch-Arís, Mar; Espinel-Flores, Verónica; Abiétar, Daniel G; Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa; Juárez-Martínez, Olga; Pérez, Glòria
| | | | · Influence of leadership style on knowledge management and hospital efficiency Moreno-Domínguez, M Jesús; Escobar-Rodríguez, Tomás; Pelayo-Díaz, Yolanda M
| | | | · Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women and their babies: clinical and epidemiological features Vidal, María José; Martínez-Solanas, Èrica; Mendoza, Sergi; Sala, Núria; Jané, Mireia; Mendioroz, Jacobo; Ciruela, Pilar
| | | | · The role of the nurse in the field of public health Samper-Amargós, Mar; González-Viana, Angelina; Vergara-Duarte, Montserrat; Pasarín-Rua, M Isabel
| | | | · Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological well-being of adolescents by gender identity Folch, Cinta; Ganem, Fabiana; Colom-Cadena, Andreu; Martínez, Isabel; Cabezas, Carmen; Casabona, Jordi
| | | | · Cross-cultural adaptation of the Moroccan Arabic dialect version of the Primary Care Assessment Tool El-Mouaddib, Hicham; Sebbani, Majda; Mansouri, Adil; Adarmouch, Latifa; Amine, Mohamed
| | | | · Alcohol drinking, smoking, and cutaneous melanoma risk: Mendelian randomization analysis Xu, Jiaxiang; Liu, Wenhui; Liu, Xuanjun; Zhou, Xinlong; Li, Guangshuai
| | | | · Sedentary behavior and physical inactivity from a comprehensive perspective Rey-Brandariz, Julia; Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Varela-Lema, Leonor; Santiago-Pérez, María Isolina; Candal-Pedreira, Cristina; Guerra-Tort, Carla; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica
| | | Special Articles | | | | · Epidemics and epidemiology: back to the future Segura, Andreu
| | | | · Strategy for the promotion of equitable and healthy relationships in educational centers in Barcelona Pérez, Gloria; Bartroli, Montserrat; Pasarín, Maria Isabel; Artazcoz, Lucía; Juárez, Olga
| | | Brief Original Articles | | | | · Addictions to information and communication technologies in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain), 2018-2020 Cuquerella-Gilabert, Marina; García, Ana M
| | | | · Quality of food products announced on television before and after the plan to improve their composition, 2017-2020 López-Cantos, Ana; Ordaz, Elena; Moya-Geromini, María Ángeles; Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Trends and inequalities in (healthy) life expectancy by neighbourhood during the COVID-19 epidemic in Barcelona Bartoll-Roca, Xavier; Palència, Laia; Calvo, María Jesús; Pérez, Katherine
| | | | · Off-label use of gabapentinoid drugs: is it necessary a deprescription strategy? Echeverría-Gorriti, Amaya; Alzueta-Istúriz, Natalia; García-González, Patricia; Fernández-González, Julen; Sanz-Álvarez, Lorea; Garjón-Parra, Javier
| | | | · Gender perspectives in mental health plans in Spain: a pending task? Campo-García, Alessandra; Bacigalupe, Amaia; Cabezas-Rodríguez, Andrea
| | | | · Seroprevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the Valencian Community (Spain) as of October 2022 García-Sempere, Aníbal; Giménez, Estela; Vanaclocha, Hermelinda; Limón, Ramón; Peiró, Salvador; Navarro, David
| | | | · Attend, consult, involve: do we need to redefine the concept of community engagement? Cassetti, Viola; López-Ruiz, María Victoria; Gallego-Royo, Alba; Egea-Ronda, Ana; Gea-Caballero, Vicente; Juan-Ulpiano, Dory Aviñó; Baraza-Cano, María Pilar; Romero-Rodríguez, Esperanza; EvaluA GPS Research Group
| | | Reviews | | | | · The urgency of strengthening health information to support public perception and involvement in the COVID-19 vaccine Utami, Tri Niswati; Gurning, Fitriani Pramita; Eliska, Eliska; Ayu-Arsip, Delfriana; Aidha, Zuhrina; Harahap, Reni Agustina
| | | | · Gini index decomposition by deprivation in multidimensional poverty: evidence from Chad Demsou, Themoi
| | | | · Social inequalities related to road traffic mortality Montenegro-Martínez, Gino; Arias-Castro, Carlos Esteban; Silva-Sánchez, Diana Carolina; Cardona-Arango, Doris; Segura-Cardona, Ángela; Muñoz-Rodríguez, Diana Isabel; Gutiérrez-Ossa, Jahir; Henao-Villegas, Santiago
| | | Field Notes | | | | · Coordination for an affective and sexual diversity approach to monkeypox Gil-Borrelli, Christian; Latasa, Pello; Obón-Azuara, Blanca; Rodríguez-Arenas, María Ángeles; Gasch-Gallén, Àngel; Blasco-Blasco, Mar
| | | | · Repercussions of COVID-19 in a participatory action-research process with adolescent Roma women Albar-Marín, María J; Gutiérrez-Martínez, Ana; García-Ramírez, Manuel
| | | | · "Carbon Net Zer0 2030" strategy of Canary Islands Health Service Domínguez, Conrado; Falcón, Raúl; García, Rubén
| | | | · Primary care pathways and locations during the pandemic in a rural area of Alicante Pérez-Fernández, Lucía; Escandell-Rico, Francisco Miguel; Ruiz-Cantero, María Teresa
| | | | · Short version of the Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire for general population: MLTPAQ 9+2 Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica; Santiago-Pérez, María Isolina; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto
| | | | · The need for university links for public health professionals Benavides, Fernando G; Borrell, Carme
| | | | · Food autonomy initiatives as scenarios for community action in health based on assets Guerra-Cordero, Angela María; Rodríguez-Puerto, Nora Edith; Virgüez-Ramos, Óscar Andrés
| | | Methodological Notes | | | | · Entornos de Vida tool: innovation in participatory health analysis with an equity approach Ocaña-Ortiz, Ana; Peiró-Pérez, Rosana; Gea-Caballero, Vicente; Pérez-Sanz, Elena; Paredes-Carbonell, Joan Josep
| | | | · Unknown mortality of the population in long-term care homes in Spain Zunzunegui, María Victoria; García-López, Fernando J; Rodríguez, Vicente
| | | | · Climate change and vector-borne diseases. From knowledge to action Bermúdez-Tamayo, Clara; García-Mochón, Leticia; Ruiz-Azarola, Ainhoa; Lacasaña, Marina
| | | | · Germina: tool for automatic detection of clusters of COVID-19 cases Forcadell-Díez, Lluís; Sánchez-Valdivia, Nacho; Piñero-Casas, Maria; Pila, Marc; Reyes-Segura, Alexia; Salobral, Raúl; Olivella-Cirici, Marc; Fernández-Barrés, Sílvia; Pérez, Glòria
| | | Protocols | | | | · CVS-Q teen©: computer vision syndrome in adolescents and its relationship with digital textbooks Seguí-Crespo, Mar; Cantó-Sancho, Natalia; Sánchez-Brau, Mar; Davó-Blanes, Mari Carmen; Martínez, José Miguel; Caballero, Pablo; Ronda-Pérez, Elena
| | | | · Development of vaccines for Chagas disease (CRUZIVAX): stakeholders’ preferences and potential impacts on healthcare Ramponi, Francesco; Aerts, Céline; Sartor, Paula; Pinazo, María Jesús; Freilij, Héctor; Guzmán, Carlos A; Malchiodi, Emilio; Sicuri, Elisa
| | | | · Trends and determinants of social inequities in cardiovascular risk factors in Spain: a mixed-methods study Díez, Julia; Taulet, Guillermo; Fontán-Vela, Mario; González-Rábago, Yolanda; Cereijo, Luis; Sandín-Vázquez, María; Rodríguez, Elena; Franco, Manuel; Borrell, Carme; Bilal, Usama; Gullón, Pedro
| | | | · ITC EUREST-PLUS Spain: protocol of a prospective longitudinal study of smokers in Spain Fu, Marcela; Castellano, Yolanda; Tigova, Olena; Driezen, Pete; Thompson, Mary E; Kaai, Susan C; Quah, Anne CK; Fong, Geoffrey T; Vardavas, Constantine I; Fernández, Esteve
| | | | · Monitoring health and health behaviors among adolescents in Central Catalonia: DESKcohort protocol Rogés, Judit; González-Casals, Helena; Bosque-Prous, Marina; Folch, Cinta; Colom, Joan; Casabona, Jordi; Drou-Roget, Gemma; Teixidó-Compañó, Ester; Fernández, Esteve; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Espelt, Albert
| | | | · Factors influencing dietary inequalities among adolescents in Madrid and Bilbao: a qualitative research project Rivera-Navarro, Jesús; González-Salgado, Ignacio de Loyola; Ramos-Truchero, Guadalupe; Gravina, Leyre; Díez, Julia; Caballero, Silvia; Franco, Manuel
| | | | · Urban and social determinants of alcohol and tobacco consumption among adolescents in Madrid Berasaluce, Maitane; Martín-Turrero, Irene; Valiente, Roberto; Martínez-Manrique, Lucía; Sandín-Vázquez, María; Sureda, Xisca
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Future pandemics causes of the causes: challenges for a new public health Cofiño, Rafael
| | | | · Geographical variability of the number of euthanasias in Spain one year after its legalization Trejo-Gabriel-Galán, José María
| | | | · Deconstructing Balmis: a distorted story of enslaved orphans Tuells, Jose; Franco-Paredes, Carlos
| | | | · The upcoming public health, on the centenary of the ENS Jiménez-Pernett, Jaime; Ruiz-Azarola, Ainhoa; Marcos-Marcos, Jorge; Quesada-Cubo, Víctor; Hernán-García, Mariano
| | | | · For a moratorium of new licenses for tobacco points-of-sale Peruga, Armando; Sureda, Xisca; Valiente, Roberto; Fernández, Esteve
| | | | · Challenges and obstacles of artificial intelligence in health research León-Gómez, Brenda Biaani; Moreno-Gabriel, Eduard; Carrasco-Ribelles, Lucía A; Violán-Fors, Concepció; Liutsko, Liudmila
| | | | · Surrogate gestation: added twist toward gender inequality Obón-Azuara, Blanca; Gasch-Gallén, Ángel; Gutiérrez-Cía, Isabel
| | | | · Electronic cigarette use among high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic Peruga, Armando; Martínez, Cristina; Fu, Marcela; Ballbè, Montse; Tigova, Olena; Carnicer-Pont, Dolors; Fernández, Esteve
| | | | · Inequity in the National Health System's common portfolio of oral health services Cortés-Martinicorena, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Ruiz, José Ramón; Artazcoz-Osés, Joaquín
| | | | · Challenges for public health policies in the era of illiberalism Latasa, Pello; Gil-Borrelli, Christian; Reques, Laura; Bilal, Usama
| | | | · Misspecification and validation of a gender awareness scale in health sciences students Martínez, José A
| | | | · Gender inequality, also in single-parent families Obón-Azuara, Blanca; Gasch-Gallén, Ángel; Gutiérrez-Cía, Isabel
| | | | · Editorial biases in scientific publications and qualitative research: is there a place for positive discrimination? Nogueira-González, Pablo; Marcos-Marcos, Jorge
| | | | · How to study a doctorate abroad and not die trying Boonekamp, Gwendolijn MM; Pérez-Wilson, Patricia
| | | Bibliographic Information | | | | · Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Jordi Delclòs, Elena Ronda, Ana M. García, Fernando G. Benavides. Salud laboral: conceptos y técnicas para la prevención de riesgos laborales. 5.a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2022. 304 p. ISBN: 978-84-9113-659-0 Cortès-Franch, Imma
| | | | · Miquel Porta Serra. Epidemiología cercana. Madrid: Triacastela; 2022. 344 p. ISBN: 9788417252212 Abiétar, Daniel G
| | | | · Jaime Breilh. Critical epidemiology and the people’s health Otálvaro-Castro, Gabriel Jaime; Borrell, Carme
| | | | · Salvador Illa. El año de la pandemia. Del estado de alarma al inicio de la vacunación Benavides, Fernando G
| | | | · La menstruación. De la biología al símbolo García, Ana M
| | | | · Andalucía y la cartografía histórica de las pandemias Segura Benedicto, Andreu
| | |