| Table of contents Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol vol.81 n.12 Dec. 2006 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · New drugs in the treatmenet of noninfectious uveitis Cano-Parra, J.; Díaz-LLopis, M.
| | | | · Intravitreal bioerudivel sustained-release triamcinolone microspheres system (RETAAC): Preliminary report of its potential usefulnes for the treatment of diabetic macular edema Cardillo, J.A.; Souza-Filho, A.A.; Oliveira, A.G.
| | | Carta al Director | | | | · Mitomycin C versus 5-FU in failing blebs needling Cabarga del Nozal, C.
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Submacular hemorrhage following photodynamic therapy in the treatment of choroidal neovascularization Díaz-de-Durana-Santa-Coloma, E.; Fernández-Ares, M.L.; Iturralde-Errea, D.; Salazar-Díez, J.L.; Vázquez-Cruchaga, E.; López-Garrido, J.A.
| | | | · Diagnostic usefulness of optical coherence tomography (oct), scanning laser tomography (hrt-ii) and laser polarimetry (gdx) in open-angle glaucoma Pueyo, V.L.; Polo, V.; Larrosa, J.M.; Ferreras, A.; Martínez-de-la-Casa, J.M.; Honrubia, F.M.
| | | | · Results of an outpatient major surgery program in ophthalmology Cortiñas, M.; Martínez, L.L.; Granados, J.M.; Puerto, N.; Méndez, M.; Lizán-García, M.; López-Moya, J.
| | | Comunicaciones Cortas | | | | · Ocular findings in Carney complex Chinchurreta-Capote, A.; Trueba, A.; Hernández, F.J.; Piñas, P.; López, S.; Tena, M.E.; Aznarez, N.; Portillo, E.; Castillón, L.
| | | | · Atypical macular coloboma: a case report López-García, J.C.; Buesa-Gómez, J.; Pardo-Saiz, A.; Callizo-Tomás, J.
| | | | · Serous macular detachment as an atypical sign in cat scratch disease Asensio-Sánchez, V.M.; Rodríguez-Delgado, B.; García-Herrero, E.; Cabo-Vaquera, V.; García-Loygorri, C.
| | | | · Malignant exophtalmos in hyperthyroidism with a hypothyroid crisis Campos-Pavón, J.; Mencía-Gutiérrez, E.; Gutiérrez-Díaz, E.
| | | Sección Histórica | | | | · Goethe y los colores Arruga, A.
| | | Sección Iconográfica | | | | · A Benjamin Franklin, padre de las lentes bifocales, en el tricentésimo aniversario de su nacimiento Noguera-Palau, J.J.
| | | Crítica de Libros y Medios Audiovisuales | | | | | | |