| Table of contents Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol vol.83 n.2 Feb. 2008 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · A new phase a new challenge García-Feijoó, J.
| | | | · Drug-loaded soft contact lenses Álvarez-Lorenzo, C.; Concheiro-Nine, A.
| | | Carta al Director | | | | · Glaucoma and perimetry Benjumeda-Salinas, A.
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Enzymatic vitrectomy by intravitreal autologous plasmin injection, as initial treatment for diffuse diabetic macular edema Díaz-LLopis, M.; Udaondo, P.; García-Delpech, S.; Cervera, E.; Salom, D.; Quijada, A.
| | | | · Microalbuminuria and diabetic retinopathy Asensio-Sánchez, V.M.; Rodríguez-Delgado, B.; García-Herrero, E.; Cabo-Vaquera, V.; García-Loygorri, C.
| | | | · Use of optical coherence tomography to measure prevalence of epiretinal membranes in patients referred for cataract surgery Contreras, I.; Noval, S.; Tejedor, J.
| | | | · Orbital lymphomas: Presentation of nine cases Rey-Porca, C.; Pérez-Encinas, M.; González, F.
| | | | · Biochemical characterization of the optic nerve in mice overexpressing the P53 gen: Oxidative stress assays Gallego-Pinazo, R.; Zanón-Moreno, V.; Sanz, S.; Andrés, V.; Serrano, M.; García-Cao, I.; Pinazo-Durán, M.D.
| | | | · Surgical treatment of duane's syndrome type I by recession of the medial rectus of the afected eye and faden operation of the contralateral medial rectus Puerto-Hernández, B.; López-Caballero, C.; Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.M.; González-Manrique, M.; Contreras, I.
| | | Comunicaciones Cortas | | | | · Coats disease of adult onset Andonegui, J.; Aranguren, M.; Berástegui, L.
| | | | · Retinal angiomatous proliferation not associated with age-related macular degeneration: Favourable outcome after photodynamic therapy Torrón-Fernández-Blanco, C.; Ferrer-Novella, E.; Ruiz-Moreno, O.; Pablo-Júlvez, L.E.; Honrubia-López, F.M.
| | | | · Sinus syndrome, an uncommon cause of enophthalmos Sánchez-Dalmau, B.F.; Pascual, L.; Lao, X.; Maiz, J.
| | | | · Horner's Syndrome after tonsillectomy Blanco, C.I.; Buznego, L.; Méndez, M.
| | | | · Night blindness and xerophthalmia after surgery for morbid obesity López-Rodríguez, N.; Faus, F.; Sierra, J.; Ballarín, T.; Pueyo, M.; Albalad, E.
| | | Sección Histórica | | | | · Cuestiones oftalmológicas en la obra de Feijoo (II) Sampedro, A.; Barbón-García, J.J.
| | | Sección Iconográfica | | | | · Johann Andreas Eisenbareth, Doktor Eisenbareth Noguera-Palau, J.J.
| | | | · Ptosis palpebral: Tipos, exploración y tratamiento quirúrgico Castroviejo-Bolívar, María
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