| Table of contents Oncología (Barc.) vol.30 n.2 2007 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Adyuvant treatment of rectal cancer: one can`t see the wood for the trees Sastre, Javier
| | | Reviews | | | | · Cervix uteri cancer: Present state of vaccines for human papilloma virus (HPV) Diestro Tejeda, M. D.; Serrano Velasco, M.; Gómez-Pastrana Nieto, F.
| | | Originals | | | | · Retrospective study of patients diagnosed of advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer treated by the combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine: valuation of the therapeutic efficacy and prognostic factors Luque, M.; Esteban, E.; Villanueva, N.; Corral, N.; Jiménez, P.; Capelán, M.; Llorente, B.; Crespo, G.; Berros, J. P.; Lacave, A. J.
| | | Clinical Notes | | | | · Goblet Cell Carcinoid of the appendix: a 52 years old male with acute appendicitis Trujillo Vilchez, R.; Pérez Martín, D.; Quero Blanco, C.; Márquez Aragonés, A.; Funez Liebana, R.; Moya Donoso, F. J.; Alba Conejo, E.
| | | | · A case of hypercalcemic small cell ovary cancer in a young woman Corcuera Frutos, I. Díaz de; Elez Fernández, E.; Barretina Gisnesta, P.; Jiménez Colomo, L.; Montes Borinaga, A.; Germá Lluch, J. R.
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · A note about the interpretation of breast PAAF diagnosis Torres Gómez, F. J.; Díaz Delgado, M.; Torres Olivera, F. J.
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